
The Spring Race continues! IG Hi Ti opened the door, posture spit contestants: to do an intelligence check?

At the beginning of the new year, domestic e-sports games showed a super high topic degree, and the "League of Legends" 2022LPL Spring Game, which was broadcast exclusively by the Huya platform, continued to be fought, and many netizens were also very concerned about it. Netizens familiar with this game should know that League of Legends, as a MOBA type game, has not only attracted the pursuit of countless players in the more than ten years since its launch, but also made it a leader in the e-sports circle.

The Spring Race continues! IG Hi Ti opened the door, posture spit contestants: to do an intelligence check?

Just on February 10, the spring tournament ushered in the first day of the year, during which IG and RA, JDG and WE two games also attracted the attention of all players on the Network. Not only that, the former professional player posture and Letme also sat on the second road at the first time and brought a very funny interactive commentary of Lianmai, which also greatly met the needs of the majority of fans and sailors.

The Spring Race continues! IG Hi Ti opened the door, posture spit contestants: to do an intelligence check?

You should know that since the retirement of the posture can be described as a complete release of the self, excellent ability to work is to make it suck countless fans. Sure enough, in the first game of RA and LG, the posture spit on IG to select the card pair Victor and said: This game can be played if you choose the card first, others choose Victor later, but if others choose Victor first, you need to do an intelligence check.

The Spring Race continues! IG Hi Ti opened the door, posture spit contestants: to do an intelligence check?

However, the final result of the game seemed somewhat unexpected, and the IG team that played well easily won the game with a 2-0 result, and many netizens could not laugh when they saw it. Immediately after the match between the JDG and WE teams, the opening director gave the camera to the upward road, during which because the 369 pair of lines did not choose to take the initiative to paste, such a style change of behavior also made the posture immediately express: It feels like it is ordered!

The Spring Race continues! IG Hi Ti opened the door, posture spit contestants: to do an intelligence check?

In the end, the balance of victory in this game fell to the stable JGD team, and it was not surprising to face such a record posture. Netizens, what do you think about such a result? Feel free to leave a comment below.

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