
Overcome difficulties together, hand in hand - China's epidemic prevention "answer sheet" injects "cardiotonic agent" into the development of the Olympic cause


Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, February 12 Title: Overcome Difficulties Together, Hand in Hand -- China's Epidemic Prevention "Answer Sheet" Injects "Cardiotonic Agent" into the Development of the Olympic Cause

Xinhua News Agency reporters Liu Yangtao, Yang Fan and Wu Shuguang

At the beginning of 2022, a new round of COVID-19 caused by the Olmikron strain continued to erupt around the world, casting a shadow over the upcoming Beijing Winter Olympics.

In the face of the "big test" of epidemic prevention and the question of "whether it can be held as scheduled", the Chinese government has faced challenges and overcome difficulties to ensure that the Beijing Winter Olympics will be held as scheduled and in an orderly manner. With the advancement of the event, more and more foreign athletes and international officials praised the efficient epidemic prevention measures and safe competition environment of the Winter Olympic Games, and China's excellent "answer sheet" for epidemic prevention undoubtedly injected a "heart-strengthening agent" into the development of the Olympic cause in the extraordinary period.

(Subtitle) Build a safety barrier to protect life

"If only one country can host the Winter Olympics (under the current circumstances), it must be China, and we should be glad that the Winter Olympics will be held here." Dutch speed skater Kroll said, "I feel safe and at ease here. ”

Kroll said how many people feel, "safety" and "rest assured" are the words that athletes mention the most when talking about the epidemic prevention situation of the Winter Olympics. This consensus comes from what they have seen and heard in the arena and the Winter Olympic Village, and from the accuracy and effectiveness of China's epidemic prevention policies and measures.

As early as October and December 2021, the International Olympic Committee, the International Paralympic Committee and the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee have issued two editions of the "Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Winter Olympic and Paralympic Epidemic Prevention Manual", which have formulated detailed regulations on vaccination, customs entry, Winter Olympic games, closed-loop management, nucleic acid testing, and close management, so that relevant personnel have rules to follow.

As the events draw closer and the arrival of foreign Olympic-related personnel, the epidemic prevention mechanism has begun to operate, minimizing the risks that may occur. "The epidemic infection rate in most countries (regions) in the world today is higher than that of China, and for those involved in Austria who enter China, when they travel from areas with higher infection rates to areas with lower infection rates, from nucleic acid testing before coming from China, to nucleic acid testing at the Capital International Airport at the time of entry, and then to daily nucleic acid testing in the closed loop of the Winter Olympics, after layers of screening, the infection rate in the closed loop will gradually drop to the same low level as in Mainland China." On February 2, Brian McLoughski, head of the IOC's Medical Expert Group for the Beijing Winter Olympics, said so.

In addition to the efficient mechanism, scientific and technological empowerment is another highlight of the epidemic prevention work of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games. Recently, the smart restaurant in the main media center of the Winter Olympics has become a "net red place" for journalists from all over the world to compete for "punching cards". Every day, when it comes to dinner, the "robot chefs" here are busy, dumplings, wontons, burgers, fries... The finished food is automatically delivered to the corresponding table through the air cloud rail.

"I was so impressed by this restaurant, the robot stir-frying, serving is very efficient, the whole process does not need to be touched by hand, clean and hygienic." Martinus Gai, a support officer at the International Broadcasting Center, once said, "In the Winter Olympic Village, competition venues and main media centers, similar disinfection robots and AI attendants can be seen everywhere, and the application of artificial intelligence technology has built a scientific and technological barrier for people's health and safety." ”

On February 3, IOC President Bach praised the epidemic prevention policy of the Beijing Winter Olympics at a press conference in Beijing. "Beijing is ready, the venues are ready, the athletes are ready," he said. Despite the pandemic, we felt very safe within the closed loop of the Winter Olympics and worked very efficiently here. ”

(Subtitle) Light up the human feelings of overcoming difficulties together

"Although everyone wears a mask, it is still difficult to hide their touching smiles." This is the first impression of the Head Coach of the Kazakhstan Cross-Country Skiing National Team Ya Badjayjin on the Beijing Winter Olympics.

"Every volunteer was friendly, they greeted me and welcomed me to China, which made me feel very warm." "I know Chinese has put a lot of effort into preparing for the Winter Olympics and thank all the Chinese people," he said. ”

The Beijing Winter Olympics is a special Olympic Games. Under the difficult conditions of the new crown virus raging around the world, the people of Chinese welcomed athletes from all countries and regions with extraordinary courage and enthusiasm, providing a rare exchange opportunity and platform for promoting the unity of the people of the world and overcoming difficulties together. As UN Secretary-General António Guterres said: "At present, the world needs a successful Winter Olympics, sending a clear message to the world that people of any country, nation or religion can transcend differences and achieve unity and cooperation." ”

In October 2021, a request from a fan of Japanese figure skater Yu Yu yu attracted the attention of netizens in China and Japan. Due to the impact of the epidemic and the inability to come to the scene to cheer for the idol, the Japanese netizen asked the Chinese audience on social media to cheer for Yusheng. Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying responded at the time, "Leave it to us!" Thanks for understanding China's COVID-19 measures! ”

In the men's singles competition in figure skating that ended on February 10, as Yu yu completed his last move, the audience applauded the athlete who missed the medal, and Yu Yu bowed to the audience for a long time. The Chinese audience lived up to their promises, and this scene was moving.

"Together to the future", this is the theme slogan of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games and the Winter Paralympic Games, and it is also an invitation issued by China to the world under the background of major changes unprecedented in a century. The Beijing Winter Olympics once again proved to people that when mankind faces the common challenges of the new crown epidemic, only by uniting and overcoming difficulties can we embrace a better tomorrow together.

China's Answers to the Wonderful Olympics

The Beijing Winter Olympic Games are in full swing, with wonderful events, orderly organization and heart-warming services, which have made athletes, officials and media from all over the world sincerely praise. How to present a wonderful Winter Olympics with strict implementation of epidemic prevention policies? China gave its own answer.

On the evening of February 4, as the Olympic flame slowly rose in the National Stadium, the eyes of the world focused on China, which was the first global comprehensive sports event held as scheduled since the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, and for the long-awaited global ice and snow sports enthusiasts, the "good drama" was officially staged. Thrilling short track speed skating, beautiful and elegant figure skating, downhill skiing that challenges the limits... While people feel the charm of ice and snow events, they also see the power of China's epidemic prevention and security.

"Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, Beijing has done all the organizational work efficiently. Whether from the aspects of sports, society or epidemic prevention, the organization of the Beijing Winter Olympics is at a high level. Ali Akhmedov, deputy prime minister of Azerbaijan and vice chairman of the ruling Azerbaijani party, said, "Following the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing will become another important milestone in the history of the Olympic movement." ”

"Even in the face of tremendous epidemic pressure and complex epidemic prevention work, China still adheres to the concept of green, shared, open and clean Olympic Games, highlighting the characteristics of science and technology, wisdom, green and frugality." Cheng Minduo, a professor at the School of Physical Education of Shanxi University, believes that "the experience of hosting the Beijing Winter Olympics will become a valuable legacy of the Olympic Games, which will set a new benchmark for the future Olympic Games and lead a new wave of Olympic games." ”

"The history of ice and snow sports in the world will be divided by the Beijing Winter Olympics." Bach has said that the successful hosting of the Beijing Winter Olympics will set a new standard for the hosting of the Winter Olympics and encourage more people to participate in ice and snow sports.

The Olympic fire is endless, dispelling the fog. The wonderful Olympic Games held by China under the severe epidemic situation have allowed the world to see the light of hope and contributed our answers to the development of the Olympic cause. (End)

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