
How long does it take for a Taurus to fall in love with someone?

How long does it take for a Taurus to fall in love with someone?

How long does it take for a Taurus to fall in love with someone

1, Taurus in the feelings do not mention how slow and hot, always say that the Buddhist system is not the state of the Buddhist system, it seems that they are always a slow look, the treatment of feelings is still slightly dull.

2, and very few Taurus are active personalities, most of them are passive and sullen, so if you want to wait for Taurus to confess to you, it can really choke you to death.

3, but it is the stable and slightly low personality of the Taurus that determines that they are very serious about a relationship from the beginning to the process, single-minded and obsessive.

4, especially the friends of the Taurus can hardly perceive whether they are caught in a love, because the Taurus love expression is quite low-key and calm, is the kind of stable sense of security, let people feel considerate and gentle, but unclear. And Taurus is difficult to move at first sight, and it is one of the most difficult to fall in love at first sight among the twelve zodiac signs.

5, because the Taurus this person, when the temper is good, can tolerate you like your mother, even if you break the TA hand TA is still worried about whether your hand hurts. But when there is a temper, it is simply a volcanic eruption: have I let you drink water? You just drank and drank and threw me up! Did I let you breathe? Don't breathe and choke to death! Just sauce, don't anger Taurus.

6, the Taurus in love never know how to protect themselves, it is difficult to fall in love with a person, once in love, it will always reserve a position for him in the heart. In the face of betrayal, after knowing that it is irreparable, the Taurus will disguise itself again, bandage the wound, change the infatuation of the past, say that it does not care to the lover, and then never contact, but when a person often recalls, a person shed tears.

7, Taurus is indeed very considerate of their loved ones, but also very easy to get hurt. However, even if you are serious about who you are playing with, Taurus is very clear. They may be stubborn and have a strong sense of self-control, so most of them will not argue too strongly with you on judgments that generally do not affect their values, and use their self-control to endure your unusual views.

8, Taurus women are quite practical. And she's also very romantic, but she doesn't like to let emotions interfere with reality. She really didn't like to lose what she had, even though she was sure that she would try to keep everything. She has quite a keen sense that real things attract her, and she has no interest in plastic flowers.

9, in love Taurus people are generally not acute, they slowly show their feelings to each other. These feelings are strong, deep, and long-lasting, and they are loyal friends and lovers. In love, Taurus has the courage to dedicate and be loyal to feelings. Once a relationship develops, they need a stable, lasting relationship.

10. Taurus is a pragmatic but actually possesses the qualities of Pisces' shallow fantasies. The boys of this zodiac sign are very reliable, and the girls are also very cute and can be trusted as lovers for life. They can live a plain and sweet life, and they know how to be romantic. Taurus people have the right sense of color, design and lifestyle. Taurus people are always more calm, in fact, they also have a crazy and lively side, both moving and quiet.

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