
WBG Post-Match Group Interview – TheShy: That's a detail when I go into the grass

WBG Post-Match Group Interview – TheShy: That's a detail when I go into the grass

Q: The third wave of Kenan's third dragon in the third inning today was very exciting, saving the situation for the team, how did the team communicate at that time?

TheShy: When I went into the grass, it was a detail, and our communication at that time was to clear the opposite view and just hit it.

Q: Victor was selected in the third hand today against Clockwork, how the team communicated at that time

Angel: What else is there to communicate, it's a very conventional line-to-line, there's no special communication.

Q: The final wave of the third inning was crucial, how did you find the opportunity to communicate with your teammates?

ON: It was when they were under pressure that they gave too much of a chance, so I started the group.

Q: Today, the opponent selected kasha as the hero, how do you evaluate this hero?

Huanfeng: It feels like he chose Kasha because he plays well, and I personally feel that Kasha isn't very good at playing Kinks.

Q: How did the team communicate when the decision to play Dalong directly in the first game was made?

SofM: At that time, we felt that the group was very powerful, and then we wanted to pull the opposite group. I feel that the other side has not wanted to fight with us, do not want to pick up the group to fight the big dragon, at that time can only fight punishment, look at luck.

Q: Today,the second and third innings were more intense, where do you think the team can get better?

Coach: I feel that we gave too many opportunities in the early stage, did not do a good job in the early stage, and then lost two consecutive pioneers and dragons in the case of being able to play the vanguard, which is more critical.

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