
Owner complaint: The newly purchased Changan Star Card D201 National Six is a problem

City: Shenzhen Bao'an

Complaint time: 2022-02-01 22:07:18

Dealer Name:

Complaint about the model: quality problems

Complaint issue: Engine

Mileage traveled: 27600

Brand model: Changan Star Card D201

Content of the complaint

I am in Shenzhen Baoan shajing newly bought Changan star card country six, only two years, just bought a few months on the problem, to Bao'an Xixiang Chang'an Guoshun 4S store to change accessories, did not use a few months and then there was a problem, and finally changed the accessories, but did not change the tube for half a month, the fault lamp and there is a problem, I want to ask your company, this car is less than two years, can not move here and there is a problem. Please give me a reasonable solution, if the repair is not good, I ask for a change of car, if you do not give me a reasonable explanation, it is to fight a lawsuit to Beijing, I will fight with you, please show a reasonable solution as soon as possible, thank you.

Complaint progress

Submitted, in progress

Desired results

Owner complaint: The newly purchased Changan Star Card D201 National Six is a problem

The above content does not represent the view of the autonomous automobile network

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