
Orthopedics at the end of the slopes? Experts tell you how skiing can reduce injuries

Text/Yangcheng Evening News all-media reporter Chen Hui

Correspondent Li Mei

With the holding of the Winter Olympics, a wave of "ice and snow fever" has been set off across the country, but under the "ice and snow fever", the risk of ice and snow sports cannot be ignored.

In the past few days, the picture of Wu Dajing's foot deformation has become a hot search on the Internet, and the risk of injury can be imagined when Ski Xiaobai first learns this high-risk sport.

Skiing is risky and many parts are susceptible to injury

Recently, the saying "the end of the snow track is orthopedics" has been on weibo's hot search, triggering a heated discussion among many netizens.

Is the end of the slope orthopedic? Liu Chunxin, director of the Department of Joint orthopedics of Guangzhou Peace Orthopaedic Hospital, told reporters that skiing belongs to the sports projects with fast speed, large amplitude and easy to be impacted by strong external forces, bone fractures, fractures, and ligament injuries are relatively common sports injuries, and the most vulnerable parts are wrists, ankles, knees, lumbar vertebrae, cervical vertebrae, etc., especially the cruciate ligaments of the knee joint, the medial collateral ligaments, and the meniscus are all high-risk parts of damage.

It is understood that Liu Chunxin has worked in the Orthopedic Department of the Xinjiang Corps General Hospital for many years and will receive a large number of patients with ski injuries every winter.

Orthopedics at the end of the slopes? Experts tell you how skiing can reduce injuries

Beginners are more vulnerable to figure/visual China

Beginners are vulnerable and have tricks to fall

"Fall injuries are generally beginners who can't ski." Many beginners do not control the body and speed at first, easy to fall injuries, common is sprained knees and ankles, resulting in fractures, dislocations or ligament injuries, if you fall backwards, it will lead to tail vertebrae or sacral injuries, if you fall with your hands on the ground, it is easy to hurt the wrist.

Falling is skillful, and the correct fall posture can reduce the chance of injury. "If you feel like you're about to fall, you should quickly throw away your poles, wrap your hands around your chest, and fall to your sides with your hips on the ground. If you can't react quickly, it is recommended to touch the ground with your elbow when falling forward; when you fall backwards, extend your hands forward and the elbow joints backwards, while retracting your arms, curling your body and rolling to reduce the impact. Director Liu Chunxin said.

Correct post-injury treatment can avoid secondary injuries

Once skiing accidentally fell sprained, first determine that there is no need to immediately send to the hospital for serious injuries such as fractures or ligaments, such as local deformities, rapid swelling, severe restriction of joint movement, etc., if there is no such situation, you can stop the exercise rest, ice compresses on the injured part, reduce pain and swelling, after the ice compress, conditional elastic bandages can be bandaged to avoid re-injury of the injured part, raise the affected limb, and go to the nearby hospital for examination as soon as possible.

If the fracture is broken, the fracture site can be temporarily fixed with a splint or ski immediately, and the nearest call for help and seek professional assistance can be sought. However, if a head, neck and lumbar vertebrae fracture occurs, it is necessary to maintain the position of the injured person lying flat on the hard board, do not move at will, and patiently wait for professional rescue, so as not to cause the displacement of the fracture block to injure blood vessels, nerves, or cause spinal cord injury and paralysis.

Warm up and protect yourself before skiing

Any sport is risky, may wish to take the "end of the slope is orthopedics" as a good reminder in the context of the ice and snow sports fever; there is no need to exaggerate the relevant risks to the extent of deviating from common sense, more importantly, it is important to find a way to protect and reduce the risk in ice and snow sports.

Director Liu Chunxin reminded everyone that before skiing, we must fully warm up, wear helmets, back guards, waist protection and other protective gear to protect themselves, in order to enjoy the speed and passion of ice and snow sports with peace of mind. Beginners must go to a regular sports place, under the guidance of the coach, step by step, step by step, step by step, do not be strong to the difficulty of the snow, do not go to the "wild snow". (For more news, please pay attention to Yangcheng Pie

Source | Yangcheng Evening News Yangcheng Pie

Editor-in-charge | Xue Renzheng

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