
Goodbye Brazil: Sixteen years to wait for a star, four years to recognize a heart

author:Unbridled football
Goodbye Brazil: Sixteen years to wait for a star, four years to recognize a heart

I have to admit that Lady Luck, who was on duty last night, was a Belgian fan.

Goodbye Brazil: Sixteen years to wait for a star, four years to recognize a heart

I've tried countless times to calm down Brazil's defeat, and this time I finally did.

At the end of the half I brainwashed myself repeatedly, without that oolong ball everything would be different. But watching Asuka's frequent mistakes in the midfield, he circled around him like a tap dancer among a group of skilled samba dancers.

I also wanted to play the last game against Mexico, if the Fat Tigers hadn't been fouled in the 59th minute and received a yellow card, wouldn't this game have a different ending?

Fate, rather than predestination, is that you forget when you made your choice. There is no doubt that this is a game in which tactics prevail over technology, and consciousness wins operations.

Suspensions, oolongs, penalties have all become passing clouds, and we have lost convincingly.

Look at the rainbow of the sky from the haze of heavy rain, brilliant butterflies, from insects, inconspicuous pupae. Waiting is not painful, it is the glory of loving you. - "Pupae"

Goodbye Brazil: Sixteen years to wait for a star, four years to recognize a heart

What we're usually used to hearing is the inspirational story of a child born in a slum who eventually conquered the world, rather than the five World Cup games played as it is now, and some people don't yet know who Jesus is.

If Jesus shines every pass and shot in this game to help Brazil reach the final four, you will see inspirational headlines like the whitewasher four years ago and the new king of the ball four years later in the sports headlines this morning.

Goodbye Brazil: Sixteen years to wait for a star, four years to recognize a heart
Goodbye Brazil: Sixteen years to wait for a star, four years to recognize a heart

But reality can never be exactly synonymous with drama.

The World Cup is like a college entrance examination, which has made Mbappe a genius who can play perfectly in the exam, and it has also ruined Jesus, who is unfortunate to be an abnormal student with high expectations in the big exam.

20 years ago, the 22-year-old Ronaldo was lost at the Stade de France; 4 years ago, the 22-year-old Neymar fell at the Castro Stadium; last night, the 21-year-old Jesus' first World Cup came to an abrupt end at the Kazan Arena, he failed to achieve the lifting of his personal ability, he was killed in the summer of 2018.

Goodbye Brazil: Sixteen years to wait for a star, four years to recognize a heart

Four years ago I sighed about Neymar's injury retirement and finally looked forward to the World Cup in Russia. And today's Jesus, I am not willing to blame after all, I am willing to wait for the next reincarnation of Qatar.

Because, the good will always be remembered for a long time, I remember that the 22-year-old Ronaldo lost France, but the 26-year-old Ronaldo finally lifted the Hercules Cup in Yokohama.

Holding the bun, I suddenly understood that there were some things, no is no, no is not OK, no fish balls, no coarse noodles... Holding the bun, I suddenly thought, when I grow up, when I should face this hard and taut world, not necessarily dreamable, not necessarily so funny, what will I do? - McDougall

Goodbye Brazil: Sixteen years to wait for a star, four years to recognize a heart

If four years ago the young Neymar carried too much, then four years later Neymar should always carry something.

At present, if Neymar, who is the second-ranked team in FIFA and has the world's first value, can win a World Cup for himself in Russia, maybe he can really walk out of the halo of the Mero duo and stand in front of the world with a straight waist.

People always have to understand in hindsight that the chosen son often can't win the World Cup. Messi, Ronaldo, Neymar all do. I liked Neymar because I had seen Santos in the 2011-12 season, and I felt like I saw the low-end Luo.

Goodbye Brazil: Sixteen years to wait for a star, four years to recognize a heart

Barcelona showed me more possibilities in Neymar, and Greater Paris made me see the real Neymar effect.

He loves to show, he dives, he's pompous, he's cynical, and it's a typical Brazilian man whose personality traits are completely unified from the inside out. I love Neymar like this, but I must admit that Neymar, who did not retire from the World Cup, is not qualified to be the real leader of Brazil.

Individual heroism can achieve the glory of five-star Brazil, but also can create a 1-7 tragedy.

Goodbye Brazil: Sixteen years to wait for a star, four years to recognize a heart

It is clear that four years later, with the Samba Legion of Coutinho and Jesus, there are no personal heroes, and Neymar in 2014 is more like the spiritual pillar of Brazil.

People say that Brazil is still that Brazil, a pure South American technological stream. But the fundamental difference between Brazil and other teams is not the gorgeous footwork and wonderful coordination, but the wonderful chemical reaction after the individualism is carried out to the extreme. Brazil without heroes is doomed to be soulless, and I have always believed in it.

Goodbye Brazil: Sixteen years to wait for a star, four years to recognize a heart

The Merlots have been fighting for a Hercules Cup for more than a decade, and the Brazilian, who always carries expectations, should be more persistent than they are. In 2014, I read Neymar's tearful eyes and laughed at myself as "i can't escape this teenager", and in 2022 I hope that Neymar, who is thirty years old, will "return to be a teenager".

I didn't have time to be seriously young, and when I understood it, I could only choose to grow old seriously. - Sanmao

Goodbye Brazil: Sixteen years to wait for a star, four years to recognize a heart

Although there is a purpose, there is nowhere to follow, and what we call the road is nothing more than hesitation. Later, every time I saw my sister-in-law playing for my country, my mind was full of him who wore a hat and walked onto the court to comfort his teammates after the Mineiro massacre.

What Heaven does not give you, no matter how tightly your ten fingers are, you will still leak. This is the last World Cup for too many people, and perhaps it is Thiago Silva's, after all, the next World Cup sister-in-law is Ben Si's person.

Calm as he is, he has the reputation of the world's first center-back. Air defense or confrontation, he did a good job.

Goodbye Brazil: Sixteen years to wait for a star, four years to recognize a heart

This year marks the tenth year of Thiago Silva's national team career, and I can still think of the sister-in-law who scored wildly for Brazil in 2011-2013. A dirty centre-back is never a work that Brazilians are proud of, and they want to produce imaginative midfielders and world-class strikers. But the presence of the sister-in-law was at least secured by the team's defence when Brazil had neither an all-around midfielder nor a brilliant striker.

After the World Cup in Brazil, Neymar received sighs and sympathy, while his sister-in-law faced great pressure. He also experienced the exile before returning to the national team, and finally understood that there are always tears in life that cannot wash away the great sadness, but the really strong people are the more they cry, the louder they laugh, with pain and sadness, even so, they must take them and laugh forward.

Goodbye Brazil: Sixteen years to wait for a star, four years to recognize a heart

Bravery is not about not being afraid, but about being afraid and still moving forward.

Four years ago, they made it to the Final Four on their doorstep, but they faltered and eventually broke out into disaster. Four years later, they were the most champions, getting braver and braver, but they fell outside the final four.

The Brazilians in Russia did not get the script of revenge on the German chariot and the shame of the snow, let alone the script of the six crowns that made history. They just solved some problems in four years, and at the same time proved that they are still a first-class team, and they have always been.

The Brazilian team finally went home and never had to worry about it going home again. Happily, I finally saw samba's steps dreamy as yesterday, as if the spirit had been provided and the soul had been weighted.

Goodbye Brazil: Sixteen years to wait for a star, four years to recognize a heart

Text: Jiang Nuan

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