
Why are the themes of Prince Edward City Archaeological Site Park "Four Hours Bowl" and "Winter Olympic Peace"?

author:Beiqing Net
Why are the themes of Prince Edward City Archaeological Site Park "Four Hours Bowl" and "Winter Olympic Peace"?

Aerial photo of the ruins of Prince Edward City after the snow Yang Dongwu photographed

(Winter Olympics asked "Ji") Why is the theme of the Prince Edward City Archaeological Site Park "Four Hours Bowl" and "Winter Olympic Taihe"?

Shijiazhuang, February 12 (China News Network) As the "Chinese cultural business card" in the core area of the Zhangjiakou Winter Olympics of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, why is the theme of the Prince Edward City Archaeological Site Park "Four Hours Bowl" and "Winter Olympic Taihe"?

Why are the themes of Prince Edward City Archaeological Site Park "Four Hours Bowl" and "Winter Olympic Peace"?

Floor plan of the archaeological excavation of the Prince Edward City Ruins Courtesy of the Archaeological Team of the Prince City Ruins

According to Huang Xin, vice president of the Hebei Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, after excavation, the ruins of Prince City, located in the core area of the Winter Olympics in Zhangjiakou Competition Area, are the royal palaces of the middle and late Jin Dynasty, and are basically confirmed as the Taihe Palace of Jin Zhangzong Xia. In line with the concept of combining site culture, history and culture with Olympic culture, "Four Hours Bowl" and "Winter Olympic Taihe" have become the two major themes highlighted in the design language of Prince Edward City Archaeological Site Park.

Why are the themes of Prince Edward City Archaeological Site Park "Four Hours Bowl" and "Winter Olympic Peace"?

White glazed bowl of "Shang Food Bureau" excavated from the ruins of Prince Edward City The archaeological team of the Prince City ruins is provided

"捺钵" is a Khitan word meaning 凚孫,宻のト Khitan old customs, with the water and grass, cold and summer, back and forth nomadic fishing and hunting. The three generations of the Liaojin And Yuan Dynasties were all ethnic minority regimes, and after they entered the Central Plains, they all had the habit of holding bowls. The emperor went out hunting, the officials accompanied him, and the administrative affairs were handled in the process of making bowls. In the Liao Dynasty, it was called "Four Seasons Bowl", also known as "Four Seasons Bowl"; the Jin Dynasty Bowl was called "Spring Water Qiushan"; and the Yuan Dynasty Bowl was called "Both Cities Patrol Lucky". Unlike the Liao Dynasty and the Yuan Dynasty, which have clear records of the Bowl, there is little literature related to the Jin Dynasty Bowl. Archaeological excavations at the ruins of Prince Edward City have filled in the gaps.

Why are the themes of Prince Edward City Archaeological Site Park "Four Hours Bowl" and "Winter Olympic Peace"?

Prince City Ruins West Courtyard Exhibition Hall Photo by Yang Dongwu

The theme of "Winter Olympic Taihe" highlights the fusion of the site culture and the elements of the Winter Olympics: the outer wall of the exhibition hall of the West Courtyard uses the palace wall color found in the site- red, but not the dark red of ancient times, but represents the contemporary positive red, that is, "Chinese red"; in addition, in the olympic rings, red represents vitality. The upper part of the red wall is designed with a hexagonal pattern, which is the style of the ancient Chinese imperial palace pane, which is a royal symbol and a snowflake shape, creating the oriental charm of "snow falling palace wall".

Why are the themes of Prince Edward City Archaeological Site Park "Four Hours Bowl" and "Winter Olympic Peace"?

Copper sitting dragon excavated from the ruins of Prince Edward City The archaeological team of the prince city ruins is provided

Huang Xin said that the ruins of Prince Edward City injected the royal cultural heritage of 820 years ago into the Beijing Winter Olympics, and showed the world the breadth and depth of Chinese civilization and its long history. Olympic culture will also be more abundant, diverse, open and inclusive because of the integration of Chinese royal culture. (End)

Source: China News Network

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