
What do I need to prepare for my first cat? Hand in hand to lead you into the pit

author:Sweet Pudding 3863

I believe that many small partners want to have a cute (ao) cute (jiao) cat star people! Just imagine coming home after a busy day, rubbing the cat while listening to the purr of TA satisfaction, and being cute and bloody, the whole heart melted, and what fatigue and troubles were simply swept away!

So, if I want to get a new cat, where do I start? The first thing to consider is what kind of cat you like and what kind of pets you already have in your home. If you've never had a cat before, you'll need to learn ahead about how to take care of your cat. After all, if you love ta, you should be fully prepared to meet him.

What do I need to prepare for my first cat? Hand in hand to lead you into the pit

Let me make you cute ~ source:

What kind of cat should I choose?

Age and variety

Do you want a kitten or an adult cat? Kittens are curious, mischievous and energetic. You can accompany him to grow up, and see your traces in his growth. Kittens are also more easily accepted by pets you already own. The adult cat's personality has been formed, and basically at a glance you can imagine what the ta will look like in your home. If you don't have a lot of time and energy to take care of your cat, an adult cat will be a better choice.

Purebred cats can be roughly predicted in size, appearance, and personality traits as adults, while mixed-breed kittens will give you unknown surprises.

What do I need to prepare for my first cat? Hand in hand to lead you into the pit

Like me? Take me home! source:

Health status

Unless you have enough time and energy to treat and maintain a good body for your cat, and you have a lot of experience in caring for a sick cat, it is best to choose a healthy cat. The following signals indicate that the cat is healthy:

  • Clear and bright eyes, no or only a few tears.
  • Clean nostrils without tears, sneezing or runny nose.
  • The inside of the ear is clean and free of ear droppings.
  • Pink mouth and gums, no ulcers and sores.
  • The fur is smooth and free of bald spots, dryness, dander, and any traces of external parasites.
  • The stomach will not be too thin or bulging.
  • Poop looks normal and in good shape.
  • Friendly, comfortable and energetic, able to respond to your calls.
What do I need to prepare for my first cat? Hand in hand to lead you into the pit

Come on~ source:

What groceries do I need to prepare for my cat?

Cat Sand Basin Japanese Cat Sand

Before you bring your new cat home, prepare your daily necessities! Cat litter boxes are a must, and most cats prefer simple uncovered cat litter boxes. Don't forget to prepare a litter box that is short enough for easy access to the kittens. The number of litter bins is recommended to be one more than the number of cats.

Most cats prefer no-smelling, well-textured cat litter. (Don't know how to choose cat litter?) See so many cat litter, what are the advantages and disadvantages of each? Be sure to keep the litter box and surroundings clean, and clean up and replace the cat litter frequently (2-3 times a day), otherwise the arrogant cat may refuse to use it!

What do I need to prepare for my first cat? Hand in hand to lead you into the pit

Uncle Ben doesn't like this, change it! source:

Food and containers

Start by understanding what your cat eats before they come to your house. If you want to change your diet, you should continue to feed them some foods that they used to eat regularly, and then gradually change them. It's okay to feed dry food or canned food, but be sure to make sure they're nutritious and preferably meet the cat food standards specified by the American Association of Feed Stewards (AAFCO). (If you still don't know how to choose cat food, you can refer to it.)

As a reliable owner, how to choose cat food?


Tips for newbies to cats: Nine questions about cat nutrition

oh! )

New cats need separate containers for food and water. Keep them away from the litter bins to prevent contamination. Remember to keep containers clean and change food and water frequently.

What do I need to prepare for my first cat? Hand in hand to lead you into the pit

Come and serve the meal ~ Source:

Cat scratch board

Scratching things is the instinct of cats, don't try to stop this behavior. However, in order to prevent the family from being scratched by the cat, the shoveler can put a cat scratch board in the place where the cat likes to scratch the most, and each time the cat scratches, he will be led here and give a small reward, and it will not be long before the cat will like the cat scratch board. The height of the grab plate needs to be suitable and needs to be very stable, so that the cat will like to use it!

What do I need to prepare for my first cat? Hand in hand to lead you into the pit

I catch, I catch ~ watch Uncle Ben conquer you! source:

Brushes and nail clippers

Grooming your cat regularly will keep your cat's fur clean and smooth. Floating hairs will not fly around the house after combing down, and it is not easy to accumulate in the cat's stomach to form hair balls, and it can also check the cat for external parasites or diseases. Prepare a good brush or steel comb and comb the cat from a young age, and the cat will gradually adapt and enjoy the process.

A set of easy-to-use nail clippers is also a must-have. Frequently trimmed nails are less damaging and less likely to grow into meat pads to cause infection.

What do I need to prepare for my first cat? Hand in hand to lead you into the pit

Strange Chicken ~ Source:

What veterinary care do new cats need?

Physical examination

The moment the owner picks up the cat, you should ask about the cat's health history such as vaccination, parasite control, nutrition, and grooming. The cat should be sent to a veterinarian for examination as soon as possible after retrieving it. If you don't know your health history and you have other cats in the house, don't let the new cat be with other cats until the veterinarian checks it out.

The first choice that veterinarians may examine are feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), as these two viruses weaken the cat's immune system and make the cat more susceptible to secondary infections and cancer. Veterinarians also check the cat for intestinal and external parasites.

What do I need to prepare for my first cat? Hand in hand to lead you into the pit

What are you going to do to You? source:


Vaccines prevent cats from developing lethal diseases, and both kittens and adult cats need to be vaccinated regularly. The most commonly used comprehensive vaccine is FVRCP, the first of which is usually given to cats at six to eight weeks. Repeat the inoculation every three to four weeks until the cat is sixteen weeks old. Booster vaccines are also required after one year, and then booster vaccines every three years.

Cats are also vaccinated against rabies at eight to twelve weeks (depending on the type of vaccine) and again after one year. After that, depending on the type of vaccine, cats need to be vaccinated against rabies every one to three years. (Poke How to give the cat vaccine to play the best protection?) , learn more about cat vaccines! )

What do I need to prepare for my first cat? Hand in hand to lead you into the pit

Rough to play ~ source:

Sterilization surgery

In addition to preventing too many cats, there are many benefits to neutering cats, for example, you don't have to endure the hoarse wailing of the female cat in heat, you don't have to worry about the sexually mature male cat leaving a room full of pungent urine, and you don't have to become a regular veterinarian because the cat is often injured in fights. Neutered cats are much less likely to develop various immune diseases and cancers. Sterilization is usually performed at six months or older in cats.

How do I know if my cat is sick in the future?

Even if the shovelers give the cat a balanced diet and full of love, the cat may still get sick. These signals can help you tell if your cat is sick or not:

  • The hair becomes dull and uneven
  • No appetite
  • Persistent severe vomiting and diarrhea
  • The eyes are red and there are secretions from the eyes, as well as the accompanying snot and sneezing
  • Persistently enlarged swelling of the skin or other parts
  • Urination requires force, or frequent urination and hematuria (need to see a veterinarian immediately!). )
What do I need to prepare for my first cat? Hand in hand to lead you into the pit

Please take good care of us~ source:

"Do cats have so many diseases?" I'm so worried I won't be able to raise ta! "Don't be nervous, just take good care of your cat, observe the health of your cat often, and consult a veterinarian immediately if you have any questions!" I believe that you will definitely become a qualified good shoveler!

Stay tuned for more awesome pet knowledge
