
Will Baby Jesus be cold on Christmas Eve? - Short film recommendation "Angela's Christmas"

author:Cultural pioneer
Will Baby Jesus be cold on Christmas Eve? - Short film recommendation "Angela's Christmas"

Directed by: Damien O'Connor

Writers: Will Collins / Damien O'Connor

Starring: Ruth Nega / Lucy O'Connell

Genre: Animation / Short Film / Adventure

Country/Region of Production: Ireland / Canada

Language: English

Release: 2017-12-08 (USA)

Runtime: 30 minutes

Also known as: Angela 'nin Noel'i

Will Baby Jesus be cold on Christmas Eve? - Short film recommendation "Angela's Christmas"

"Angela's Christmas", a warm Christmas anime, tells the story of a little girl named Angela, who sees the baby Jesus doll in the church manger without clothes, fears that he is cold, steals him, takes him home, sleeps with herself, and hopes to bring him warmth. But when her mother told her that baby Jesus also needed to be with her mother, Angela suddenly realized, so on Christmas Eve, escorted by her mother and siblings, she sent the baby Jesus doll back to church. The narrative of the film is simple, but the perspective is unique, the meaning is very beautiful, the most suitable for the whole family to watch on Christmas Eve, huddled together to keep warm, under the blessing of God, spend the cold and long night together.

--Zhu Dake

Will Baby Jesus be cold on Christmas Eve? - Short film recommendation "Angela's Christmas"

Angela's Christmas is an ordinary warm film. But in this ordinary, there is a flash of the most basic love and kindness between people. A girl who has no clothes to keep warm herself and needs to borrow her brother's coat for Christmas Eve is worried about the warmth and coldness of Jesus' baby in the manger. Human empathy led Angela to believe that a baby Jesus lying naked in a manger would feel as cold as she did. She secretly carried him home in order to give him a warm Christmas Eve.

The Jews had a traditional ritual in which the child was given a clean slate of stone on which the biblical proverbs were written with honey, and the child read the sentences on the slab and then slowly licked off the honey on it. This ritual, interpreted by some domestic media, was interpreted as a single emphasis on knowledge by the Jews. In fact, this ritual of deepening the importance of the Bible through taste stimulation is taught to children not only the thirst for knowledge, but also the yearning and pursuit of sweet things such as truth, goodness, and love. As we all know, the Bible is a book of love and goodness.

An open and innocent heart will be loving and kind to others, that is, if it is in a difficult situation, it will also give the world some honey of humanity within its reach. Angela is one such girl. The most interesting supporting characters in the short film are not the priests and believers in the church, but the patrol officer on duty on Christmas Eve. This is a loving policeman, who does not use the power of power to fake the tiger, but is full of compassion and kindness to the poor girl's family. Yes, the love and kindness between people is the eternal honey of the world. I hope that the honey of this world can finally sweeten you, me, and him.

- Ma Xiaoyan

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Will Baby Jesus be cold on Christmas Eve? - Short film recommendation "Angela's Christmas"

The first novella collections ,Character Creation," "Divine Mirror," and "Kirin" were released at the end of July

Will Baby Jesus be cold on Christmas Eve? - Short film recommendation "Angela's Christmas"

The first novel, "Changshengyi", was released at the end of May

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