
Can oryzanol and vitamin B1 be eaten for a long time? Is it true that the two are eaten quickly?

author:Dr. Yan Kop
Vitamins are a very large group, of which oryzanol and vitamin B1, both belong to one of the B vitamins, these two substances, can effectively treat neurological diseases, help promote the effect of sleep.

I believe that most people have heard of these two vitamins, but they are not very well understood for their therapeutic effects, and the following will be introduced in detail for everyone.

Can oryzanol and vitamin B1 be eaten for a long time? Is it true that the two are eaten quickly?

First, let's take a look at the role of oryzanol

1. Resist ulcers

Oryzanol, which has inhibited stomach acid. Effectively prevent the effect of excessive or too little secretion of gastrin secretion, etc., and oryzanol can also release methylephrine, which causes an increase in biological amines, which will produce an anti-ulcer effect on itself, which has a good effect on gastric ulcers and mouth ulcers.

2. Regulate nerves

Oryzanol not only has the effect of anti-ulcer, but also has the effect of regulating nerves, can treat some diseases caused by autonomic disorders and disorders, and effectively improve their own nerve function, but also can solve their own endocrine disorders.

Can oryzanol and vitamin B1 be eaten for a long time? Is it true that the two are eaten quickly?

3. Anti-inflammatory

Oryzanol contains an anti-inflammatory and vascular permeability effect, and can effectively solve the problem of edema and congestion caused by intestinal adhesions, and oryzanol contains a sterol substance.

4. Treatment of hyperlipidemia

For some patients with hyperlipidemia, their own blood lipids are difficult to treat diseases, and this disease is also a chronic disease, it is very difficult to treat, hyperlipidemia patients in the usual time, must follow the doctor's instructions to take oryzanol, can achieve the effect of reducing serum cholesterol.

Can oryzanol and vitamin B1 be eaten for a long time? Is it true that the two are eaten quickly?

Second, let's take a look at the role of vitamin B1

1. Maintain metabolic balance

Vitamin B1 has the effect of balancing metabolism, and vitamin B1, after entering the human body, can effectively merge with the metabolic process of the human body, such as the metabolism of some fat, and protein situation, if the lack of vitamin B1 phenomenon, it is easy to lead to protein, as well as fat substances can not be sufficient metabolism and decomposition accumulation, the more the body piles up more and more to trigger the status quo of endocrine imbalance.

2. Maintain immune function

Vitamin B1 has the effect and role of maintaining the body's function, because vitamin B1 can promote the division of the body's lymphocytes, promote the body to produce an antibody ability, and vitamins can effectively maintain their own immune function after entering the human body, in addition, vitamin B1, can occur in the nervous system to play a certain role, help balance brain cells to stabilize the activity and normal operation of nerves.

Can oryzanol and vitamin B1 be eaten for a long time? Is it true that the two are eaten quickly?

3. Maintain the health of the nervous system

Vitamin B1 has the effect and effect of maintaining the health of the nervous system, and in maintaining nerve health, there is a great effect and effect, because vitamin B1 is indispensable for body growth and cell growth, and for the increase in the level of anemia, cardiovascular disease and nervous system have a certain auxiliary therapeutic maintenance effect.

Can oryzanol and vitamin B1 be eaten for a long time?

I believe that everyone has such an idea, since the nutrients of oryzanol and vitamin B1, as well as the efficacy are so powerful, and have a good effect on the human body, then can you eat oryzanol and vitamin B1 for a long time? In response to this statement, we can understand it together.

According to studies, oryzanol can not be taken for a long time, and long-term eating, it is likely to play a kind of drug resistance in the body, both from supplementing nutrition at the same time, there may be a physical fatigue effect, but vitamin B1 can be taken for a long time, because vitamin B1 is a water-soluble vitamin.

Can oryzanol and vitamin B1 be eaten for a long time? Is it true that the two are eaten quickly?

If vitamin B1 is taken for a long time, it will not cause certain side effects and harm to the human body, nor will it produce uncomfortable situations, because water-soluble vitamins can be effectively decomposed and absorbed by the body, and the remaining part will be excreted from the body, which is very healthy.

Oryzanol is a binding lipid of ferulic acid and biological sterols, long-term use of oryzanol, there may be a side effect or adverse reaction, patients are prone to indigestion, the most common phenomenon is abdominal pain, bloating and diarrhea.

Will it be better to eat oryzanol and vitamin B1 together?

In response to this view, Chinese medicine certification believes that vitamin B1 and oryzanol tablets can be eaten together, and oryzanol is a good nutritional nerve effect, which can effectively improve the state of neurological dysfunction after entering the human body, regulate the disorder of endocrine balance, and have a strong regulatory effect and repair effect on debilitated patients.

At the same time, oryzanol mainly acts on the autonomic nervous system, the secretory system in the human body after entering the human body can improve its own autonomic nervous system disorders or imbalances, endocrine balance and disorders of nerve disorders and other symptoms, can play a very effective role in improving and helping.

Can oryzanol and vitamin B1 be eaten for a long time? Is it true that the two are eaten quickly?

Therefore, patients with some diseases, in addition to combining the methods of traditional Chinese medicine treatment, can also use oryzanol tablets and vitamin B6 tablets to carry out an adjuvant treatment effect, I believe that after a period of time there will be obvious improvement and ideal efficacy.

——Health Cold Knowledge——

Vitamin B1 is also a kind of nutrient nerve drug, for the treatment of beriberi, or the treatment of foot diseases, have a good effect, it is also a vitamin that the human body must need, once the body lacks the intake of vitamin B1, it will cause a variety of uncomfortable reactions and adverse symptoms.

Long-term use of vitamin B1 can effectively enhance their own immunity and resistance, and can also play a good therapeutic adjuvant effect for patients with athlete's foot. Patients can take some vitamin B1 appropriately in normal times, but they should also follow the doctor's instructions when taking it, and should not take too much every day.

Can oryzanol and vitamin B1 be eaten for a long time? Is it true that the two are eaten quickly?

And vitamin B1 can also regulate its own body sugar metabolism function, can also promote the peristalsis capacity of the stomach and intestines, help the decomposition and absorption of digestive function, especially for the digestion of a carbohydrate, and absorption. There are good effects and efficacy, to a certain extent can also enhance the patient's sense of appetite, women supplement some vitamins, B1 can improve their metabolic capacity, as well as the role of beauty and beauty.

【Conclusion】: Although vitamin B1 and oryzanol are very good drugs, and the efficacy is also very beneficial to the human body, everyone must understand a truth, "is the drug three points of poison", whether it is vitamin B1 or oryzanol, before taking it, you should consult a doctor, under the guidance of a doctor to take it healthily. #夏方养生指南 #