
Mulberry Ping Town, Hancheng City: Gathering the Tide of Spring Training, Tightening the Strings of Discipline, And Gathering the Strength of Work

author:Huashan Net

(Reporter: Xianhui Correspondent: Han Haiming, Li Jing) Li Bing Ma Meng Chunri, sailed forward at this time. In order to make a good start for the "tiger energy" and overcome the "post-holiday syndrome" of party members and cadres in towns and villages (communities), Mulberry Ping Town in Hancheng City has focused on strengthening spring training and study, discipline rectification, and work coordination, formulated a "post-holiday holiday collection strategy" to promote "people on the job, the heart is in place, think of practical things, and do practical work."

Mulberry Ping Town, Hancheng City: Gathering the Tide of Spring Training, Tightening the Strings of Discipline, And Gathering the Strength of Work
Mulberry Ping Town, Hancheng City: Gathering the Tide of Spring Training, Tightening the Strings of Discipline, And Gathering the Strength of Work
Mulberry Ping Town, Hancheng City: Gathering the Tide of Spring Training, Tightening the Strings of Discipline, And Gathering the Strength of Work
Mulberry Ping Town, Hancheng City: Gathering the Tide of Spring Training, Tightening the Strings of Discipline, And Gathering the Strength of Work
Mulberry Ping Town, Hancheng City: Gathering the Tide of Spring Training, Tightening the Strings of Discipline, And Gathering the Strength of Work

The tide of spring training. Grasping the opportunity of spring training activities, the leading bodies of organs, station offices, and villages (communities) pay attention to both political quality and professional skills, and learn policy theories, party history, national history, and professional skills by combining "online + offline" methods such as centralized study, on-site teaching, cadre network academies, and "learning to strengthen the country", do a good job in "spring training articles", strengthen the ideals and beliefs of party members and cadres, and achieve the effect of "charging, strengthening the heart, and encouraging the strong".

Mulberry Ping Town, Hancheng City: Gathering the Tide of Spring Training, Tightening the Strings of Discipline, And Gathering the Strength of Work

Tighten the strings of discipline. The town discipline inspection commission gives play to the role of supervision and inspection, and reminds leading cadres of organs, principal village (community) cadres, and village-based work teams face-to-face or "does not say hello, randomly checks, and on-site inspections" to prevent missing posts or leaving posts after the holiday. Conscientiously implement the attendance system, strictly implement the system of asking for leave, and lead leading cadres to set an example by leading town and village cadres from the "holiday mode" to the "work mode", timely "return to their hearts" and find the "working state".

Mulberry Ping Town, Hancheng City: Gathering the Tide of Spring Training, Tightening the Strings of Discipline, And Gathering the Strength of Work
Mulberry Ping Town, Hancheng City: Gathering the Tide of Spring Training, Tightening the Strings of Discipline, And Gathering the Strength of Work
Mulberry Ping Town, Hancheng City: Gathering the Tide of Spring Training, Tightening the Strings of Discipline, And Gathering the Strength of Work
Mulberry Ping Town, Hancheng City: Gathering the Tide of Spring Training, Tightening the Strings of Discipline, And Gathering the Strength of Work
Mulberry Ping Town, Hancheng City: Gathering the Tide of Spring Training, Tightening the Strings of Discipline, And Gathering the Strength of Work
Mulberry Ping Town, Hancheng City: Gathering the Tide of Spring Training, Tightening the Strings of Discipline, And Gathering the Strength of Work

Gather the power of work. The leading cadres of the organs continue to make efforts to deeply cultivate the "responsibility field", organically connect the work of the year with the work of the year, focus on safe production, epidemic prevention and control, food safety, industrial development, etc., and enter the villages and households to solve difficult problems. Focusing on the needs, thoughts, and demands of the masses, work related to people's livelihood, such as pension insurance, unemployment registration, review of application materials for minimum guarantee, and annual review of preferential care targets, has been carried out in an orderly manner. Party members and cadres "do not wait and do not rely on it", and all work measures are started early, promoted early, and worked hard as early to lay a good foundation for the implementation of the work in the new year.

Work hard and do not slacken off. In the next step, Mulberry Ping Town will continue to strengthen the cultivation of the style of "diligence, strictness, refinement and honesty", combine the study of spring training with discussion and exchange, advanced models leading education, spring ploughing production, etc., comprehensively promote the normalization and long-term effectiveness of party history study and education, consolidate the results of doing things for the people, achieve "zero and turn the page to a new high", and greet the victory of the party's 20th National Congress with practical results.

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