
Stein: The Lone Ranger GM says the lineup is fixed and may no longer focus on the buyout market

Stein: The Lone Ranger GM says the lineup is fixed and may no longer focus on the buyout market

Live Bar Feb. 11 – The Lone Ranger sent Porzingis + 1 round on the trade deadline, getting Bertans and Dinwiddie.

According to Fame Stein, Lone Ranger general manager Harris said he believes the team's current roster is "fixed", which indicates that they may not seek a supplement from the buyout market again.

After the trade, the Lone Ranger's roster changed a bit, changing expectations they had been pursuing Dragic.

According to Stein, Dragic's buyout may not happen anytime soon, and some teams are expected to offer him a bigger role.

(Bacchus, Dionysus)

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