
Premier League net transfer expenditure ranking in the past 10 years: Manchester United has spent 1.545 billion euros and only 470 million euros in revenue

Premier League net transfer expenditure ranking in the past 10 years: Manchester United has spent 1.545 billion euros and only 470 million euros in revenue

French media Onze Mondial counted the net transfer expenditure (transfer expenditure - transfer income) of various teams in the past 10 years, and Manchester United ranked first with 1.075 billion euros.

The specific rankings of the top five are as follows:

Manchester United 470 million euros (revenue) 1.545 billion euros (expenditure) 1.075 billion euros (net expenditure)

Manchester City 715 million euros (revenue) 1.699 billion euros (expenditure) 984 million euros (net expenditure)

Arsenal 446 million euros (revenue) 1,029 million euros (expenditure) 583 million euros (net expenditure)

Everton 482 million euros (revenue) 911 million euros (expenditure) 429 million euros (net expenditure)

Villa 277 million euros (revenue) 701 million euros (expenditure) 424 million euros (net expenditure)

(Mio Akiyama)

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