
2022-02-10Bahnage Finance and Economics Evening Finance Knows

author:Finance of Shenzhen Radio and Television Bay Area

Quick overview of the main points

"Eyes of wealth" to see the Winter Olympics

1. China's Cai Xuetong won the fourth place in the women's U-shaped track skills of snowboarding at the Beijing Winter Olympics

2, the Winter Olympics ignited the ice and snow economy, domestic brands to grab the beach layout

Greater Bay Area Information

1. On February 9, there were no new cases in Shenzhen! One new confirmed case imported from abroad was added

2. This year, 178 kindergartens in primary and secondary schools were newly renovated and expanded, and Shenzhen set up a project to build 30 primary and secondary school education groups

3, "ice and snow five rings" broke the ice out of Shenzhen ultra-high-definition display enterprises shine in the Winter Olympics

4. Shenzhen issued two local standards for smart farmers' markets And 219 smart farmers' markets were built

5. The 2022 Macao International Environmental Co-operation And Development Forum and Exhibition will be held at the end of March

6. The training of newly hired civil servants in Hong Kong strengthens the understanding of national development

Domestic financial hotspots

1. The expectation of real estate recovery is clear The loan cycle of the reduction of mortgage interest rates in many places has been shortened

2. The Supreme People's Procuratorate decided to arrest Cai Esheng in accordance with law

3. Ministry of Commerce: Ice and snow consumption in the mainland rose rapidly during the Spring Festival

4. Starbucks stores were fined millions for using expired ingredients

International News

1, Musk's eponymous altcoin plummeted nearly 100% Investors suffered from the "carpet pull" scam

2. McDonald's filed a trademark application for the Meta-Universe "Virtual Restaurant"

The Eyes of The Colossus are watching the Winter Olympics

01 China's Cai Xuetong won the Beijing Winter Olympics

Women's U-Shaped Track Skills in Snowboarding ranked fourth

2022-02-10Bahnage Finance and Economics Evening Finance Knows
On the 10th, in the final of the women's U-shaped field skill of the Beijing Winter Olympics snowboarding in Zhangjiakou, the "Four Dynasties Elders" of the Winter Olympics and The Chinese player Cai Xuetong won the fourth place, and Liu Jiayu and Qiu Leng won the eighth and 12th places respectively.

02 The Winter Olympics ignite the ice and snow economy, and domestic brands grab the beach layout

2022-02-10Bahnage Finance and Economics Evening Finance Knows

According to recent data released by the National Bureau of Statistics, since the mainland successfully bid for the Winter Olympics in 2015, 346 million people have participated in ice and snow sports. As the country with the largest population in the world, China has carried out the practice of "driving 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports", which has greatly promoted the leapfrog development of ice and snow sports and made the development of China's ice and snow sports and ice and snow industries enter a golden period of development.

With the increasing popularity of the Beijing Winter Olympics and driven by consumer demand, Chinese enterprises actively explore the "sports +" economy, break through overseas monopolies with scientific and technological research and development, seize the opportunities of the Winter Olympics, and actively lay out the ice and snow economy.

01 On February 9, there were no new cases in Shenzhen!

One new confirmed case imported from abroad was added

2022-02-10Bahnage Finance and Economics Evening Finance Knows

At 0-24:00 on February 9, there were no new local cases in Shenzhen, and 1 new imported confirmed case was added.

One imported case was a Hong Kong national from China, who entered Hong Kong on February 7, was included in closed-loop management after arriving in Shenzhen, and was transferred to the Third People's Hospital of Shenzhen for isolation and treatment, and the situation was stable.

02 This year, 178 primary and secondary school kindergartens were newly renovated and expanded

Shenzhen has set up a project to build 30 primary and secondary school education groups

2022-02-10Bahnage Finance and Economics Evening Finance Knows

Bay Area Finance and Economics learned yesterday that the city will fully implement the plan for the construction of one million degrees, renovate and expand 178 primary and secondary schools and kindergartens, and add 200,000 basic education degrees; introduce the implementation plan for promoting the grouping of public primary and secondary schools, and set up projects to build 30 primary and secondary school education groups; accelerate the preparation of new colleges and universities, and start the construction of ocean universities, polytechnic universities, innovative and creative design colleges, and conservatories.

03 The "Ice and Snow Five Rings" broke through the ice

Shenzhen ultra-high-definition display enterprises shine at the Winter Olympic Games

2022-02-10Bahnage Finance and Economics Evening Finance Knows

In Beijing Wukesong Ice Sports Center, nearly 300 square meters of Zhouming high-definition large screen, with the central LED multimedia direct broadcast system, as well as the Winter Olympics high-definition LED timing and scoring display system equipment, for the audience inside and outside the field to present the wonderful moments of the arena; in the Zhangjiakou area, Zhouming more than 100 square meters of various light display products, shining on the dam training base, athlete training center, indoor swimming pool and other places.

At the Beijing Winter Olympics, Shenzhen ultra-high-definition display companies such as Lehman Optoelectronics, Zhouming Technology, and Guangfeng Technology presented a beautiful visual feast, showing the advantages and leading role of Shenzhen's ultra-high-definition video display industry.

At the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, the crystal clear "Ice and Snow Five Rings" rose slowly from the crushed ice under the background of music, like brilliant stars in the night sky. Behind this stunning debut is the perfect integration of Lehman Optoelectronic LED technology and light and shadow art.

The relevant person in charge of Lehman Optoelectronics said that Lehman Optoelectronics and its subsidiary Kangshuo Exhibition participated in the opening ceremony of the design, development and manufacturing of special-shaped screens. The Olympic ice and snow rings undertaken by Lehman Kangshuo Exhibition are 19 meters long, 8.75 meters high, and only 35 centimeters thick, and the interior is composed of a 360° LED special-shaped screen without dead angles, which can realize the display of any picture and leave the maximum creative space for the opening ceremony director team. The outermost diffuser plate makes a "beauty" for the display, ensuring that the visual effect is clear and soft. At the same time, the dual-screen special-shaped splicing LED programmable display device, dual-broadcast control and dual power supply system without delay switching, millimeter-level precision control, to the world presented a bright Winter Olympic five rings.

Also at the opening ceremony, the tile screen in the center of the "Bird's Nest" was a romantic creation. Zhouming Technology and BOE, with thousands of square meters of LED floor tile screens and integrated solutions, with three-dimensional stage visual effects, create an immersive performance space, a colorful picture scroll slowly unfolded.

The relevant person in charge of Zhouming Technology said that this huge LED display that can be loaded into the Guinness Book of Records is composed of 46504 50 cm square unit boxes, with a total area of 11626 square meters, which is currently the world's largest LED ground stage. The screen as a whole can not only present a naked-eye 3D effect, but also has a motion capture interactive system, which can capture the actor's trajectory in real time, so as to realize the interaction between the actor and the ground screen.

In the Shenzhen hot performance at the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games, for the first time, laser flood lights that can write on clouds were used. Four dazzling laser pillars of light rushed into the sky, wrote four big characters of "One Family under the Sky" on the cloud, and typed the "Five Rings" logo in the cloud, which was very visually stunning.

The person in charge of Guangfeng Technology said that the laser flood light uses the ALPD laser display technology and ultra-long-distance projection technology independently developed by Guangfeng Technology.

At present, Shenzhen has formed a whole industry chain of ultra-high-definition video display with pioneering development advantages and leading roles, and the total scale of the industry in 2020 is about 280 billion yuan, ranking the forefront of the country.

04 Shenzhen issued two local standards for smart agricultural trade

219 smart farmers' markets were built

2022-02-10Bahnage Finance and Economics Evening Finance Knows

Bay Area Finance and Economics learned from the Shenzhen Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau that the two Shenzhen local standards led by the bureau - "Smart Farmers Market Construction and Management Specifications" and "Smart Farmers Market Management System Construction Specifications" were approved for promulgation and implementation.

As the first series of local standards for smart agricultural trade in China, this standard fills the gap of relevant standards in the field of smart agricultural trade in China, and is another major achievement in the construction of the "Shenzhen Standard" for the upgrading and transformation of the agricultural market, providing a standard guide for Shenzhen and even the whole country to carry out the construction of smart agricultural trade.

It is understood that since 2019, the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Market Supervision has taken the lead in upgrading and transforming the farmers' market and fully promoted the construction of smart agricultural trade. By the end of December 2021, there were 308 farmers' markets in the city, and a total of 287 farmers' markets had been upgraded and transformed, and 219 smart farmers' markets had been built. The old appearance of the farmers' market has been renewed, and the "dirty and messy" market has been transformed into a "smart market" and "assured market", and the upgrading and transformation has achieved remarkable results.

In order to consolidate the achievements of the upgrading and transformation of the farmers' market and accelerate the construction of smart farmers' markets, the Shenzhen Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau formulated and issued the "Shenzhen Smart Farmers Market Construction Management Guidelines", "Shenzhen Smart Farmers Market Construction Technical Guidelines", "Shenzhen Districts Third-Party Smart Farmers Market Data Collection and Monitoring Technology Guidelines", "Shenzhen Districts Third-Party Smart Farmers Market Data Access Technical Guidelines" and "Shenzhen Districts Third-party Smart Farmers Market Management System Construction Guidelines" on February 8, 2021. On the basis of the above five guidelines, the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Market Supervision has further refined and integrated, and formulated two local standards, namely, the "Smart Farmers Market Construction and Management Specification" and the "Smart Farmers Market Management System Construction Specification".

The "Specification for the Construction of Smart Farmers Market Management System" stipulates the system software requirements, system security requirements, deployment environment requirements, hardware equipment requirements, etc. for the construction of the two-level smart farmers market management system in the urban area, and provides an evaluation basis from the three major items and 44 sub-items of system construction, system operation, operation and maintenance management.

Through the formulation of the "Smart Farmers Market Construction and Management Specifications" and the "Smart Farmers Market Management System Construction Specifications", it can provide a replicable and generalizable smart agricultural trade construction model, provide personalized, informatized and intelligent services for consumers, merchants, market managers and government regulatory departments, and lead the construction of smart agricultural trade in Shenzhen with standards.

05 Macao International Forum on Environmental Co-operation and Development 2022

And the exhibition will be held at the end of March

2022-02-10Bahnage Finance and Economics Evening Finance Knows

Bay Area Finance and Economics learned from the Information Bureau of the Macao SAR Government on the 9th that the "2022 Macao International Environmental Co-operation and Development Forum and Exhibition" will be held from March 31 to April 2, and the theme of this exhibition is "Huili Green Development Towards The Dual Carbon Target".

The exhibition will focus on topics such as carbon neutrality, green transportation, and innovative technology, and through the integration of online and offline, help experts, scholars and merchants around the world to grasp forward-looking environmental protection information and create green business opportunities.

This year's exhibition has a wealth of online elements, including online exhibition halls, cloud matching and live broadcast of forums, etc., to actively build a platform for exchanges and cooperation between the mainland and the international environmental protection industry, and jointly promote the green "Belt and Road" construction and the new pattern of "double cycle" development of green economy.

Offline, two major parts, "Green Forum" and "Green Exhibition", are set up. The Green Forum proposes to invite well-known speakers and others to express their insights. The "Green Exhibition" will continue to set up a "Green Transportation Exhibition Area" to display new energy vehicles and related supporting facilities, etc., and at the same time will display green innovative technologies and technologies in the fields of waste reduction and plastic reduction through the "Green Innovation Zone".

During the exhibition, a series of activities such as green matching, exchange activities, green business opportunity cooperation day, and green public day will be arranged to promote international environmental protection cooperation and exchanges and promote environmental protection messages to the society.

Organised by the Macao SAR Government, co-organised by the Pan-Pearl River Delta Provincial Governments, and organised by the Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Agency and the Environmental Protection Bureau, the fair aims to promote environmental exchanges and cooperation in various fields.

06 The training of newly recruited civil servants in Hong Kong strengthens the understanding of national development

2022-02-10Bahnage Finance and Economics Evening Finance Knows

Nie Dequan, secretary for civil service of the Hong Kong SAR government, said on the 9th that in order to implement the "one country, two systems", the main links of civil servant management will be strengthened, including recruitment, training, and selection and appointment of high-level positions. On the same day, he also pointed out in a radio program that in the future, new civil servants will be required to complete basic training courses to pass the three-year probationary period, which includes understanding of national development and understanding of the constitutional order of the SAR.

Nie Tak-kuen made an opening speech at the Policy Briefing of the Legislative Council's Civil Service and Staff Affairs Committee of Funded Agencies on the same day. He pointed out that the annex to the 2021 Policy Address proposes four new measures for the training of civil servants, with the aim of strengthening civil servants' understanding of national development and the constitutional order of the SAR. The Civil Service Bureau will increase the breadth and depth of training, establish a more systematic training framework and prescribe training courses in which personnel at all levels must participate.

He also said that in order to ensure that newly recruited civil servants have a basic understanding of the Hong Kong Basic Law and the Hong Kong National Security Law, the Civil Service Bureau is reviewing and updating the assessment content of the Hong Kong Basic Law test, and will include the Hong Kong National Security Law in the scope of assessment, so that the test is more in line with the requirements of the relevant civil service positions, and it is expected that the new assessment can be applied from the "Hong Kong Basic Law and Hong Kong National Security Law" test in the middle of this year.

In terms of understanding the national conditions, Nie Tak-kuen pointed out that the Civil Service Bureau will arrange for more middle and senior civil servants to attend national affairs study courses or special study missions in the Mainland when they are promoted to different stages, and will also expand the "Civil Servant Exchange Scheme" to include mainland cities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, so that Hong Kong civil servants have the opportunity to experience the development of the cities in the Greater Bay Area in depth, so as to promote them to play a positive role in the development of the Greater Bay Area in different areas of their work.

He also said that the Civil Service Bureau will strengthen cooperation with the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong, increase the training of civil servants in understanding the country's foreign affairs, and deepen their understanding of the international situation and the positioning of the country, so as to better cooperate with the country's foreign policy when handling the work in relevant fields. In addition, the Bureau and Peking University will jointly design and launch a master's programme in public administration, with senior civil servants to attend, and the first course is expected to start in September this year.

01 Real estate recovery expectations are clear

The loan cycle of the mortgage interest rate reduction in many places is shortened

2022-02-10Bahnage Finance and Economics Evening Finance Knows

On February 8, the two ministries and commissions of Chinese Min min bank and the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission jointly issued the Notice on The Exclusion of Loans Related to Affordable Rental Housing from the Management of Real Estate Loan Concentration (hereinafter referred to as the Notice). Experts believe that the policy mainly affects the bank's lending tendency to housing enterprises, which will indirectly spread to residents' housing purchase choices, but it does not mean that the affordable rental housing market can sit back and relax.

The Notice mainly involves two policies: one is affordable housing; the other is the centralized management system for real estate loans.

Affordable housing is mainly available to local individuals with housing difficulties and is very competitive in terms of price. Taking Shanghai as an example, in principle, the area standard for housing difficulties is determined according to the per capita housing floor area of the family in a certain area of the city is less than 15 square meters. In terms of price, projects for social supply should be priced at less than 10% of the rent of rental housing in the same area and quality market. In addition, at the time of collection, the rent of affordable rental housing is charged on a monthly or quarterly basis, but may not be paid in advance for more than one quarter;

The centralized management system for real estate loans refers to the Notice on Establishing a Management System for the Concentration of Real Estate Loans of Banking Financial Institutions issued by Chinese Min bank and the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission on December 28, 2020. The circular divides banking financial institutions into five grades: large Chinese banks, Chinese-funded medium-sized banks, Chinese-funded small banks and non-county agricultural cooperative institutions, county agricultural cooperative institutions, and village and township banks, and stipulates the upper limit of the proportion of real estate loans and the upper limit of personal housing loans of these five institutions, respectively, the five grades are 40%, 32.5%, 27.5%, 20%, 22.5%, 17.5%, 17.5%, 12.5%, 7.5%, three, four, The fifth gear can fluctuate up and down by 2.5 percentage points according to the actual situation.

02 The Supreme People's Procuratorate decided to arrest Cai Esheng in accordance with law

2022-02-10Bahnage Finance and Economics Evening Finance Knows

Bay Area Finance and Economics learned from the Supreme People's Procuratorate that Cai Esheng, a former member of the party committee and vice chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, was suspected of accepting bribes, using influence to accept bribes, and abusing his power, and the State Supervision Commission concluded its investigation and transferred it to the procuratorate for review and prosecution. A few days ago, the Supreme People's Procuratorate made a decision to arrest Cai Esheng on suspicion of accepting bribes, using influence to accept bribes, and abusing his power in accordance with the law. The case is under further processing.

03 Ministry of Commerce: Ice and snow consumption in the mainland rose rapidly during the Spring Festival

2022-02-10Bahnage Finance and Economics Evening Finance Knows

Gao Feng, spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce, said that during the Spring Festival this year, the mainland consumer market ran smoothly and improved quality steadily. First, the sales of quality goods are strong. Smart goods, flowers and green plants, organic food and other health categories, quality upgrade products have become the first choice for New Year goods. Second, catering consumption is gradually picking up. The sales volume of prepared dishes on some takeaway platforms increased by more than 3 times year-on-year, and the catering transaction volume of some large e-commerce platforms increased by nearly 10% year-on-year. Third, ice and snow consumption has heated up rapidly. The Beijing Winter Olympics have stimulated a boom in ice and snow consumption, the passenger flow of ice rinks, snow parks and ice and snow theme parks around the world has increased significantly, indoor ice hockey, skating, skiing and other sports have flourished, and niche activities such as ice climbing and snow rafting have gradually emerged. Fourth, leisure consumption is favored. During the Spring Festival, outings, city tours, folk customs, and exhibitions have become hot spots for consumption.

04 Starbucks stores were fined millions for using expired ingredients

2022-02-10Bahnage Finance and Economics Evening Finance Knows

According to the Tianyancha App, recently, the Wuxi Zhenze Road store and wuxi Changxing Building store of Shanghai Starbucks Coffee Operation Co., Ltd. were confiscated by the Wuxi Xinwu District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau and fined more than 690,000 yuan and 670,000 yuan respectively for using expired food raw materials and operating expired food by tampering, replacing and tearing up the shelf life labels of the prepared food raw materials; and wiping the towels on the food contact surface failed to achieve special use.

Previously, media reporters went undercover in the above two stores to investigate, exposing their expired ingredients to change labels privately, overnight cakes on the shelves and other behaviors, People's Daily once commented: Provide expired products, the brand is no longer large and can not be fresh for a long time.

01 Musk's eponymous altcoin plunged nearly 100%

Investors suffer from a "carpet pull" scam

2022-02-10Bahnage Finance and Economics Evening Finance Knows

The price of an altcoin containing Tesla CEO Musk's name plummeted nearly 100 percent on Wednesday, and investors were clearly in the face of yet another "carpet-pulling" scam.

The altcoin, called Baby Musk Coin (coded 'BABYMUSK'), was just launched at the end of January and raised $2 million through an "initial coin offering" (ICO), but it has also raised questions from some.

The first to warn was twitter users NOSHITCoin_io, who pointed out multiple red flags just days after the cryptocurrency was launched, including a large number of BABYMUSKs in the hands of developers and the fact that users could not sell. As a result, the user called it a "honeypot scheme." They also accused CoinMarketCap of listing data from BABYMUSK — which the project noted in a press release to "prove" its legitimacy.

Now, the project is falling apart. The project's developers appear to have erased all signs of BABYMUSK's existence, the project's website and Twitter accounts have disappeared, and the self-described "video of Baby Musk dancing on the Internet" released by the company to promote the project has disappeared.

However, the "Baby Musk Coin" page on coinMarketCap's website has not disappeared, showing that the token is experiencing a nearly 100% plunge.

02 McDonald's filed a trademark application for Meta-Universe "Virtual Restaurant"

2022-02-10Bahnage Finance and Economics Evening Finance Knows

McDonald's, the largest fast-food chain in the United States, recently filed a trademark application for a virtual restaurant based on the metacosm, becoming the latest company to apply for trademark registration for virtual goods and services in the metacosmic world.

Josh Gerben, a trademark attorney whose firm tracks new trademark applications on a daily basis, first tweeted Wednesday that McDonald's has filed 10 related applications.

McDonald's filed the applications on Feb. 4, which included "operating a virtual restaurant featuring real and virtual goods" and "operating an online virtual restaurant that offers home delivery."

The company also plans to register trademarks in its virtual McCafe for "online real and virtual concerts" and other entertainment services.

2022-02-10Bahnage Finance and Economics Evening Finance Knows

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Source: Bay Area Financial Comprehensive Report

2022-02-10Bahnage Finance and Economics Evening Finance Knows
2022-02-10Bahnage Finance and Economics Evening Finance Knows