
Apple was charged with false publicity and fraud over the iPadmini6 jelly screen

According to The Play, according to MacRumors, last year's iPad Mini 6 had a large-scale "jelly screen" problem, and Apple argued that it was a normal phenomenon of LCD. Colorado users yesterday launched a class-action lawsuit alleging that Apple was selling knowing that the product was defective, failing to fix the defect or modifying its marketing materials to reflect the existence of the defect, violating market competition laws, false publicity and fraud.

The lawsuit seeks that consumers who buy a new sixth-generation iPad mini in the United States receive a certain amount of damages. The proposed class still needs to be certified before a class action lawsuit can be conducted.

Jelly screen refers to the inconsistency between the left and right sides of the screen refreshed under scrolling operations. Although they are all LCD screens, the iPad Air does not have such a serious flaw. Jelly issues with the iPad Mini 6 are more likely to be internal design flaws.

Apple was charged with false publicity and fraud over the iPadmini6 jelly screen

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