
How to show the cultural heritage of the city

author:New Classics Cultural Tourism

Cultural tourism night tour is a hot word that often appears on the Internet in recent years, with the introduction of the 14th Five-Year Plan policy for the strong support of cultural tourism night tour, the domestic cultural tourism night tour industry in the future, there will be a large number of diversified night tour projects, cultural tourism night tour project to creative content as a means of design and innovation, can well show a city's cultural heritage, which undoubtedly shows that the cultural tourism night tour industry has been recognized by the market.

How to show the cultural heritage of the city

Now the lighting has not been limited to the lighting function, lighting has existed since ancient times, especially in the Tang Dynasty, are a good interpretation of the role of light on the economy, lighting has been the main means of attracting people, nowadays, the role of lighting is greater, initiated by cities around the night economic planning project, of which, cultural tourism night tour project is the most popular in the market.

Nowadays, people's quality of life needs to a higher level, and the emergence of cultural tourism night tour for art, culture, science and technology and other aspects of the demand has also reached a new height, cultural tourism night tour project has also been put on the agenda of many cities, for people to improve the demand for night life, stimulate the rapid development of the night economy, become an important priority project in many cities, showing urban culture and technology, to the world to pass on a new business card.

When it comes to cultural tourism night tour, subconsciously think of the light show, successful light show project, can not be separated from the operation of IP, through IP characteristics let people remember the characteristics of the city, this is a successful night tour project the best business philosophy. Therefore, it can be seen through the data that the combination of lighting and landscape must be integrated into the urban culture, rationally use the characteristics of culture, maximize the excavation of cultural characteristics, and create a lasting project to attract tourists.

At present, the domestic people's awareness of cultural protection continues to improve, more and more cities in the night tour project into the culture, so that the cultural tourism night tour project continues to emerge, gradually towards prosperity, through the infiltration of various concepts, cultural tourism night tour project is very good to stimulate consumption upgrades, driving the domestic cultural boom, so that domestic culture to a new height.

Xinqidian Cultural Tourism Science and Technology Xiaobian believes that China, as the country with the longest cultural history in the world, each city has its own unique historical story and tradition, and it is precisely because the cultural characteristics of each place are different, when shaping ip, this cultural differentiation provides a strong support for the night tour project.

The design of cultural tourism night tours should not only be creative, but also need to be comprehensively considered from the aspects of aesthetics, optics, architecture, science and technology, capital, and culture. For a good night tour project, the first thing that needs to be done is to understand the local cultural heritage, historical stories, well-known buildings, etc., explore the core values of culture, and creatively design the theme of local culture, so that the cultural tourism night tour project can have a soul.

Successful night tour projects need to have a certain tourist flow base, only the crowd gathering area has an industrial chain foundation, and the ultimate goal of cultural tourism night tour is mainly people-oriented. According to the surrounding environment, through multimedia sound, light, and electrical technology, the immersive experience effect is achieved.

The economic benefits of the cultural tourism night tour project are closely related to the social development, not a simple one plus one, but in order to better publicize the Chinese culture, while stimulating the economy, improve national cohesion and self-confidence, so that the culture to the world, so in the design of the cultural tourism night tour project, must have a distinctive and representative cultural tourism works.

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