
Beautiful works show the new atmosphere of Chinese literature and art

author:Bright Net

Author: Fan Yugang

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his speech at the opening ceremony of the Eleventh National Congress of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the Tenth National Congress of the China Writers Association (hereinafter referred to as the "Speech"): "Culture is the spiritual lifeblood of the nation, and literature and art are the clarion call of the times. The ancients said, 'The writer, the instrument of the path.' 'The new era and new journey are the historical orientation of contemporary Chinese literature and art. "An era has an era of literature and art, an era has an era of spirit, and literary and artistic classics have preserved and frozen the spirit of the times." Literature and art are the aesthetic expression of the spirit of the times and the weather of the times, and the times are the spiritual background of literary and artistic expression. In grasping the pulse of the times, literature and art and the times promote each other and complete each other, and display the new atmosphere of the times with beautiful works. With the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation entering an irreversible critical period, this magnificent era needs a peak of literature and art that stands tall in the sky, a majestic new era that needs the writing and carving of the new epic of the Chinese nation, and a series of beautiful literary and artistic classics that show the spirit of the times to help, matching the glory of literature and art in the new era with the epic practice of 1.4 billion people.

First, what kind of literary and artistic works do we need in the new era?

Since the 21st century, the status and role of culture have been continuously highlighted, culture has moved from the background of history to the foreground into the center of national policies, and the prosperity of culture has increasingly become an important symbol of national rise and national rejuvenation. With the historic leap of human civilization, the world has entered the era of culture, and culture has become a beacon leading the progress of human civilization. Culture not only becomes a key influencing factor in enhancing the country's discourse power, the structural changes of the international power body and even the changes in the world order, but also plays a unique role in consolidating people's hearts internally, enhancing social consensus and mass identity, the so-called "soul of the people, the culture is transformed; the god of the state, the text is cast", but the Fifth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China put forward the proposition of "promoting the unification of meeting the people's cultural needs and enhancing the people's spiritual strength". Internally, the enjoyment of literature and art has increasingly become an important content to meet the people's good life, the independent expression of literature and art and the literary and artistic innovation of everyone is an artist to promote the gradual improvement of the degree of social civilization, and the sense of literary and artistic acquisition has become prominent in the daily life of the masses; externally, with the cultural field increasingly becoming the field of competition between the world's strategic pattern reorganization and political, economic, scientific and technological forces, cultural competition and cultural value sharing have become an important force influencing the construction of the international order, and the cultural game on the world stage has increasingly appeared as a dispute over literary and artistic masterpieces. The victory of literary and artistic works in competition has become a symptom of national soft power. It can be seen that whether it is the enhancement of the sense of internal literary and artistic acquisition or the game of external soft power, literature and art are cultural forces that cannot be underestimated or even increasingly relied upon. Therefore, in the critical period of the historical process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the new historical orientation of China, which is becoming more and more a "world's China", what kind of dominant literary and artistic forms developed in the new era and what kind of mainstream literary and artistic values are particularly important for the new form of human civilization created by the construction of a strong cultural power in contemporary culture and the cause of socialism.

The so-called new era is not a simple concept of time and a historical judgment, but also a political judgment and value judgment. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in the report of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China: "This new era is an era of inheriting the past and opening up the future, and continuing to win the great victory of socialism with Chinese characteristics under new historical conditions, an era of decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and then comprehensively building a socialist modern power, an era of united struggle of the people of all ethnic groups throughout the country, constantly creating a better life, and gradually realizing the common prosperity of all the people, and an era in which all the sons and daughters of China are working together to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. It is an era when the continent is getting closer to the center of the world stage and constantly making greater contributions to mankind. "The new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics is a new historical orientation for the development of the mainland. It means that contemporary China has entered a new stage of development, not only to devote itself to the construction of a socialist modern power at home, but also to contribute the Chinese spirit, Chinese values and Chinese strength to the progress of human civilization with the world in mind. As an increasingly "China of the world", China's own development will set an example for the progress of the vast number of developing countries in the world and the improvement of human well-being, and the development of literature and art is an important field and focus of attention. Therefore, the development of literature and art in the new era should focus on highlighting the aesthetic interest of Chinese, abandon the deformed aesthetic tendency, nourish the people's aesthetic values with excellent works with profound thinking, freshness, simplicity, and robustness, so that the people can be enriched in their spiritual life, play an important role in realizing common prosperity, especially the prosperity of the spiritual life of the broad masses of the people, forming a high-spirited and uplifting mental state, and display the new atmosphere of Chinese literature and art with beautiful works. Literature and art is the lamp that ignites the national spirit, the fine works of literature and art with style, taste and ideal pursuit are advocated by the new era, singing the motherland and praising heroes has always been the eternal theme of literary and artistic creation, and it is also the most moving chapter in the garden of literature and art. In the final analysis, works are the foundation of the artist's standing, measuring the literary and artistic achievements of an era or works, only the literary and artistic masters continue to emerge, in order to make footnotes for the greatness of the times and the nation, splendid articles are the color of the country's strength. How to produce literary and artistic masterpieces? Only by going deep into life and taking root in the people to create literature and art worthy of the times can we promote the continuous emergence of literary and artistic masterpieces. The report of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out: "It is necessary to prosper literary and artistic creation, adhere to the unity of profound thinking, exquisite art, and excellent production, strengthen the creation of realistic themes, and continuously introduce fine works of Acura Party, Acura Motherland, Acura People, and Acura Heroes." "Throughout the ages, excellent literary and artistic works have been the product of the perfect unity of ideological content and art form. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his speech: "Only by injecting the value of beauty into the art of beauty can the work have a soul, the thought and art can complement each other, and the work can be passed on for a long time." "This is the literary and artistic work needed in the new era."

In contemporary China, the country and mountains are magnificent, and literary and artistic creations should enthusiastically depict the magnificent atmosphere of the great practice of the 1.4 billion people in the new era and new journey. In his speech, General Secretary Xi Jinping also pointed out: "Now, the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process, and we are closer, more confident and capable of achieving the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation than at any time in history, and we must also be prepared to make more arduous and arduous efforts." "The new era needs literature and art to strengthen the spirit, need literature and art to play a role in cohesion, need literature and art to develop the voice of the times, and draw the future of the times." Therefore, the new era requires the development of literature and art to help human civilization move to a new realm with the continuous emergence of literary and artistic masterpieces in the process of shouzheng innovation, and to become the writer and praiser of the new form of human civilization created by Chinese-style modernization.

Second, strengthen the mission of socialist literature and art in the people's nature of exalting literature and art

The Communist Party of China is a modern political party with a high degree of cultural consciousness, and since its founding, the Communist Party of China has taken the building of a national, scientific, and popular new culture of the Chinese nation as its mission, and has actively promoted cultural construction and the prosperity and development of literature and art. Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the development of literature and art has more consciously listened to the call of the times, and served the great cause of national rise and national rejuvenation while adhering to the "people-centered creative orientation", forming a pattern of prosperous development of socialist literature and art. "Writer, instrument of the path also." In the new era and new orientation, it is necessary to strengthen the mission of socialist literature and art in profoundly grasping the logic of history, and clarify what literature and art in the new era are. Specifically, it is to promote the development of literature and art in the new era to show new responsibilities in Bacon's soul casting, and to glow a new style on Matilda Xiu.

Historically, China was a country that paid great attention to cultural identity and the indoctrination of culture and morality. China has an uninterrupted civilization tradition for 5,000 years, one of which is the idea of benevolence, which educates the public to move towards a society in which everyone can become a gentleman, and poetry and etiquette play an important role in it, thus forming the tradition of Governing the country with virtue in China. Confucianism pursues the pursuit of righteousness and sincerity, the unity of the family to govern the country and the world, and the pursuit of the ideal of home-country isomorphism, and what kind of person to become is not only related to the individual and the family, but also has a practical relationship with the operation of the country. Zi Yue: "For the government to be virtuous, such as the North Star, dwell in its place and all the stars are together." "Governing the country inspires the world with virtue, just like the North Star. The benevolent government pursued by Confucius is "the way of virtue, the unity of etiquette, shame and dignity", to educate the people with virtue, to form a norm with etiquette, the people will have a sense of shame in their hearts and sincerity, and the role of literature and art in punishing evil and promoting good and persuading the world to play a role in saving the hearts of the world with morality. It can be said that in the continuation of Chinese civilization, there has always been a inheritance of cultural idealism, and the broad and profound Chinese culture has always paid attention to the indoctrination of culture and morality. In the history of Chinese art, the tradition of literature and taoism has a long history, and it has always been a mainstream view of literature and art. Even in modern times, highlighting the political dimension of literature and art and the self-discipline of pursuing artistic aesthetics are not contradictory, often honing the texture of art in the tension structure of politics and aesthetics, and even internalizing it into the core of art classics. However, contemporary art creation and aesthetic pursuit not only need to take root in the fertile soil of excellent traditional culture, activate the vitality of Chinese culture with cultural creative innovation and artistic imagination, but also consciously carry forward and disseminate the core values of socialism, so that socialist literature and art can become the mainstream spiritual food that meets the needs of contemporary Chinese and a better life, and lead the social trend with strong empathy of literature and art.

For more than a hundred years, the development of China's new literature and art has always been closely related to the "new people, the founding people, and the new people", unswervingly writing, carving, depicting and singing songs for the awakening of people and the modernization of people, and in the liberation of human nature and ideological enlightenment, the cultural movement is linked to the national fortune, and the cultural context is connected with the national context. The banner of "national soul" covering Lu Xun's coffin has long been condensed in the basic character of China's new literature and art, inspiring artists to intertwine the pursuit of life and artistic life with the future of the country, the destiny of the nation, and the will of the people, and to take the emergence of countless literary and artistic masterpieces as a portrait of the times. Over the past hundred years, the development of literature and art has always resonated with the same frequency as national rejuvenation, and in the pursuit of artistic excellence, it has achieved great righteousness in its heart, integrated the life and death of the nation, the people's feelings of home and country, and the responsibility of the century-old party into the pen, blended the generation of literary and artistic values with the accumulation of aesthetic connotations and the personal emotional catharsis from the heart, warmed the hearts of the public with beautiful works, made it give birth to empathy ability that stirs with the mainstream values of the times, and showed the powerful value guiding force of art in the hearts of people with beauty. The cultivation of new socialist people is practiced in the vigorous development of literary and artistic undertakings.

In the new era and new orientation, it is necessary to strengthen the mission of literature and art to educate people with beauty and educate people's hearts in the people's nature of exalting literature and art. The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the rise of China's civilization are inseparable from the strong value guidance and spiritual driving force of literature and art in the new era, and the uniqueness of literature and art lies in quietly becoming a weathered person, leading the social trend, and shaping people's values in the night with the wind. "If you are high, you will be pure, if you are ambitious, you will be wise, and if you are ambitious, you will be eternal." Artists and teachers are regarded as engineers of the human soul, educating people with beauty and making beauty an important dimension of personality soundness. He who cultivates virtue will first establish himself; he who casts the soul of Bacon will first cast himself. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his speech: "Literature and art should be popular, but it must not be vulgar, vulgar and kitsch. Literature and art must live, but they must not become the makers, followers, and advocates of unhealthy trends. Literature and art must be innovative, but we must not engage in strange and absurd things. Literature and art must be effective, but they must not be contaminated with the smell of copper and become slaves to the market. "Exalting the people's nature of literature and art, literature and art in the new era must bear in mind the "great power of the country", and in the classicization of contemporary literature and art, it contains a broad realm and a lofty spiritual pursuit, which can be described as "the tide is flat on both sides of the strait, and the wind is hanging on the sails", summoning up the sails of the spirit of 1.4 billion people, and lifting the Chinese nation to stand heroically at the head of the tide of creating a new form of human civilization!

Third, literature and art in the new era should develop the ability to lead the direction of the development of world literature and art

At present, China is becoming more and more the "China of the world", and the literature and art of the new era should set its sights on the world and to mankind, and make contributions to Chinese culture to the leap of human civilization. In line with the trend of the times, China's new literature and art not only drums and shouts for the times, but also puts the people in the center of the historical stage, the people are the "drama people", literary and artistic connoisseurs and judges of literary and artistic development, in the independent expression of culture, everyone becomes an artist in the new era, promotes the new improvement of the degree of social civilization, and thus flies high on the world stage the banner of socialist literature and art of people's nature. In the great changes that have not occurred in the past century of changes in the world order, socialist China is "unique in its scenery", and the development of literature and art is becoming more and more prosperous. Correspondingly, literature and art in the new era should accompany the improvement of China's status and discourse power in the global governance system, continuously enhance the courage and world vision of the world, develop the ability to lead the development direction of world literature and art in the process of mutual learning among civilizations, and provide directional enlightenment for the orderly development of the "World Literary Republic" with the enhancement of China's literary and artistic strength.

At present, human civilization is hovering at a new crossroads seeking some kind of breakthrough, which needs a strong guidance of a new cultural view, civilization view and values. The countercurrent and turning back of globalization, the recurrence of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the conflict of local geopolitics, the intensification of competition between China and the United States, especially the clamor of the "Thucydides Trap" of some American politicians, have made the leap of human civilization face great uncertainty, the development of the world calls for Chinese wisdom, Chinese solutions, and Chinese literature and art in the new era must have a conscious sense of responsibility. As China moves closer and closer to the center of the world stage, it is necessary for literature and art to display and disseminate a credible, lovely and respectable image of China on the world stage, and it is necessary for literature and art in the new era to create more artistic masterpieces that highlight China's aesthetic pursuits, disseminate contemporary Chinese mainstream cultural values, and reflect the common values of all mankind, and consciously undertake the mission of telling Chinese stories well. With art, you can walk into the heart; with cultural people, it is easy to condense the heart, in the sharing of cultural values can truly realize the people-to-people connection. In the face of the dilemma of the development of human civilization, it is necessary to make a breakthrough in the concept of cultural outlook and civilization values, Chinese literature and art should spread the concept of "the scenery is unique" to all corners of the world, artistically express the great practice of the Chinese nation facing the dilemma of civilization, cast a new atmosphere of Chinese literature and art with Chinese wisdom, and contribute China's unique colors and sounds to the new chapter of building a "community with a shared future for mankind".

In the new journey of the second centenary goal, looking back at the future of history, the shengtang meteorology is only the depth of China's history, and the rising Chinese nation is creating a "Chinese era" in world history. China has increasingly become a cultural highland that attracts the world's attention, China's modernization has created a new form of human civilization, and literature and art in the new era should enhance their conscious awareness and provide a source of power and support for Chinese culture from a contributor to the development of world culture to a leader.

(The author is a Distinguished Professor of the Center for Literary and Art Aesthetics of Shandong University)

Source: China Art News

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