
"Hacksaw Ridge" made a signature storm Hype?

author:Red Star News
"Hacksaw Ridge" made a signature storm Hype?

The famous Hollywood director Mel Gibson's "Hacksaw Ridge" is still popular in China, and the current box office has exceeded 300 million yuan, but it has recently triggered a storm of attribution rights in China. On the 26th, Qilin Pictures held a press conference to make various statements and documents on the issue that it should sign in "Hacksaw Ridge", and said that it would reserve the right to sue The Chinese regional subcontractor Xiyi Pictures. Xiyi Pictures responded that Qilin Pictures was suspected of speculation and suspected of infringing on its right to reputation.

Kirin Pictures was founded by Pang Hong, the producer of "Painted Skin", and after the release of "Hacksaw Ridge" on December 8, the company claimed that the end of the film was deleted. At a press conference held on the 26th, Shi Leiyong, CEO of Kirin America, said that in the past month, he has been fighting for public documents to prove that Kirin Pictures has the right to sign "Hacksaw Ridge". The documents released at the scene include the original English of the investment contract signed between the company and the producer and producer of "Hacksaw Ridge" and the American Cross Creek Company, and the content of the documents shows that Kirin Pictures has the right to sign the film screen on the contract provisions recognized by law, and this interest is agreed to appear in all versions of the global distribution. Although he did not disclose the specific amount, Pang Hong said that the proportion of Qilin's investment in "Hacksaw Ridge" was "double digits".

"Hacksaw Ridge" made a signature storm Hype?

In fact, in the version of Hacksaw Ridge released in North America, Kirin Pictures appeared as a "co-producer" at the end of the film, while in the Chinese version, the "co-producer" signed xiyi pictures, which is the subcontractor distributor of the film in China. Kirin Pictures questioned Xiyi Pictures' unauthorized deletion of the signature of the Chinese version of Kirin Pictures without the knowledge of the US producer and the global distribution package.

Xiyi Pictures issued a statement entitled "Statement on the Chinese Copyright of the Film < Hacksaw Ridge>", saying that it had not signed a contract with Kirin Pictures, and Kirin Pictures was hyping through the media. The Chengdu Business Daily reporter contacted Han Wei, CEO of Xiyi Pictures, who said: "Our company's legal counsel will respond, and we will not respond one by one. Just go through the normal legal process. Han Wei later said in the circle of friends: "The main producer of the movie "Hacksaw Ridge" is Mr. Bill Mechanic, in addition to the director, using all the main creative teams of the previous "Sun Moon Mermaid", the two are good works made with heart, but they have a completely different ending. It is important to make a film with whom to work, and the results are different depending on the partners. Kirin Pictures development conference cried that the Blood War Hacksaw Ridge in China was not signed, because as the earliest involved in the film and with all the copyright and distribution rights in China, we were completely unaware of their subsequent intervention, chasing after the Us investors to buy some shares and claim to be the copyright owner of the work? Do you still understand the law? Such a goodwill company actually sued the evil person first, we don't want to fight a media war, or go directly to the court to see it. ”

Chengdu Business Daily client reporter Zhang Shihao

Edited by Jing Lingyan

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