
Yu Jin of the Municipal Procuratorate was rated as "Advanced Individual in the Seventh Five-Year Plan of Shandong Province to Popularize the Law and Govern According to Law"

In order to promote the construction of the rule of law government in the province and the work of popularizing the rule of law and governing according to law, the Provincial Office of the Provincial Party Committee for Governing the Country According to Law, the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department, and the Provincial Department of Justice recently decided to give circulars and commendations to the advanced collectives and advanced individuals in the construction of the rule of law government in Shandong Province and the "Seventh Five-Year Plan" work of popularizing the law and governing according to law. Yu Jin, director of the Fourth Procuratorial Department of the Binzhou Municipal Procuratorate, was rated as an advanced individual in shandong province's "Seventh Five-Year Plan" work of popularizing the law and governing according to law.


Comrade Yu Jin of Binzhou Municipal Procuratorate deeds

Yu Jin, female, 42 years old, of Han ethnicity, is currently the director of the Fourth Procuratorial Department of the Binzhou Municipal People's Procuratorate. Comrade Yu Jin conscientiously implemented the main responsibility for popularizing the law, guided by the Law on the Protection of Minors and the Law on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency, based on the responsibility of juvenile delinquency prevention work, solidly and continuously carried out the work of popularizing the law among juveniles, and formed a multi-level rule of law publicity work model that combines general prevention and special prevention of minors, and combines social publicity, family education, and juvenile legal popularization education, with good results.

Yu Jin of the Municipal Procuratorate was rated as "Advanced Individual in the Seventh Five-Year Plan of Shandong Province to Popularize the Law and Govern According to Law"

Based on handling cases, popularize the law in law enforcement, through handling criminal, civil, public interest litigation and other cases involving minors, collect clues, integrate problems, and focus on prominent issues such as safety governance around campuses, prevention and control of bullying in schools, prevention and sexual assault prevention, and separately carry out multi-level legal popularization education for student groups, parent groups, teacher groups, social welfare volunteer groups, state organ groups, etc., and continuously improve the level of legalization of the protection of minors.

Yu Jin of the Municipal Procuratorate was rated as "Advanced Individual in the Seventh Five-Year Plan of Shandong Province to Popularize the Law and Govern According to Law"

The first is to continue to carry out the "vice president of the rule of law" into the campus activities. Comrade Yu Jin was hired as the vice principal of the rule of law by Beizhen Middle School and Boxing Experimental School in Binzhou City, conscientiously performed his duties, and regularly held lectures on the Law on the Protection of Minors in the school to improve the awareness of the rule of law and the level of understanding and use of the law among teachers and students in the school; he was hired by the Fuyuan Street Office of Zhanhua District as a rule of law counselor for teenagers in the street, and carried out various forms of "sending the law to the school" activities for rural schools under the jurisdiction of Fuyuan Street, sending legal knowledge and children's books to the children. In the beginning of the school season in September 2021, the city's procuratorial organs were organized to carry out the "first lesson of the opening of the school" rule of law publicity special activities, and 71 "vice presidents of the rule of law" of the city's two levels participated in the activities, and more than 90 rule of law classes were held.

The second is to establish an "observer system for the protection of the rights and interests of minors." Guide the Bincheng District Procuratorate to create an "Observer System for the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Minors", employ the vice principals and deputy principals of 36 primary and secondary schools and kindergartens in Bincheng District as observers, and integrate procuratorial legal education into daily teaching and life.

Yu Jin of the Municipal Procuratorate was rated as "Advanced Individual in the Seventh Five-Year Plan of Shandong Province to Popularize the Law and Govern According to Law"

The third is to jointly carry out publicity and education on the rule of law in multiple departments. Jointly carried out 3 juvenile delinquency prevention education activities with the Youth League Municipal Committee and Binzhou Hand-in-Hand Children's Service Center and other public welfare organizations; jointly carried out family education with the Municipal Women's Federation; and jointly carried out many rule of law publicity activities such as anti-drug and bullying prevention with public security organs.

The fourth is to innovate the working methods of rule of law education. Explored and implemented the work method of pre-class communication and research + after-class feedback collection, fully solicited the needs of the school before the lecture, brought the course feedback form into the classroom, and the teachers and students put forward feedback on the teaching theme, content, form, etc. At present, more than 300 feedback forms have been received, becoming a powerful helper for adjusting and optimizing the rule of law curriculum. For example, after discovering that a group fight between students occurred in a local school, a round of targeted school bullying prevention publicity activities was carried out, and the publicity audience was divided into student fields and teachers' fields, and through accurate law delivery activities, helped schools improve their ability to prevent and control bullying on campus. In order to meet the current needs of online education, the Municipal Education Bureau and the Bureau of Justice have jointly created 5 "Aerial Rule of Law Classes" with an audience of more than 30,000 people.

Yu Jin of the Municipal Procuratorate was rated as "Advanced Individual in the Seventh Five-Year Plan of Shandong Province to Popularize the Law and Govern According to Law"

Fifth, conscientiously do a good job in the prevention of special crimes. In conjunction with the Municipal Bureau of Justice, the Customs Work Committee, the Youth League Municipal Committee, and the Municipal Women's Federation, the Municipal Women's Federation issued the "Implementation Measures for the Investigation and Assistance and Education of Minors Who Are Conditionally Not Prosecuted", comprehensively introducing social forces in the handling of cases, and carrying out "point-to-point" help and education work for minors who are not prosecuted, improving the effect of accurate help and education, and no re-offending problems have occurred among the helped and educated personnel. Make sure that each case formulates and issues a "supervision and guardianship order", and the Municipal Women's Federation jointly carries out family education for the parents of juveniles involved in crimes and mistakes, so as to accurately guide the parents of juveniles involved in crimes and mistakes to change their concept of supervision and care, and improve their guardianship capabilities.

Yu Jin of the Municipal Procuratorate was rated as "Advanced Individual in the Seventh Five-Year Plan of Shandong Province to Popularize the Law and Govern According to Law"

Sixth, strengthen the publicity of "mandatory reporting". Participate in the interview program of the municipal television station, preside over the production of mandatory report publicity animations and brochures, and widely publicize the mandatory reporting system in the activities of "sending the law to the campus and sending the law into the community". Widely mobilize society to collect clues on crimes of sexual abuse of minors through a compulsory reporting system, and build protective barriers for minors.

Seventh, efforts should be made to cultivate judicial social workers. While cooperating with non-profit organizations to carry out conditional non-prosecution assistance and education, we will take the initiative to conduct legal popularization education for members of public interest organizations. At present, professional legal knowledge training such as the uninsured law, the civil code, and the criminal law has been carried out, and through the training mode of regularly organizing online training, the rule of law literacy of social workers has been significantly improved, and the healthy development of judicial assistance and education has been effectively promoted.

The eighth is to carry out cross-unit and cross-departmental training in the same classroom. Take the initiative to provide other units, organizations, and so forth with rule of law publicity activities such as interpreting uninsured laws and mandatory reporting systems. In September, he held a special lecture on the judicial protection of minors for the Municipal Public Security Bureau, in October he taught the "Marriage and Family Counseling Volunteer Training Class" of the Municipal Women's Federation, and in December he taught the "Young Pioneer Counselor Training Class" of the Youth League Municipal Committee, helping people from all walks of life involved in judicial protection work to improve their legal literacy, understand legal knowledge, and enhance their ability to comprehensively protect minors.