
Those fond memories of my youth

author:Dreams are a thousand dreams

Grandpa C is optimistic, has a strong sense of happiness, and can sleep until he wakes up naturally. Rigo is sincere and generous to people. The two of them made me feel the bold and righteous character of the northerners, and privately the two of them also got along very well. Although this game is childish, the main thing to play the game is to see what kind of heart you hold. The two of them went all the way, married, and frothed with each other, and finally even I volunteered to join. The Great God Peak could not do it, he had played many games, such as Qiannu, Soul Slaying, Hero Killing, etc. In the beginning, out of curiosity, he always liked to try to play first, and in the end he almost did not have the perseverance to stick to it all the time, even dota was intermittent.

Speaking of Dale Dou, every holiday, Grandpa C helps me and Regco log in to Dale Dou every day. If it's a good idea to do this for a day or two, then being able to last for several holidays should be a very reliable righteousness, even if it's just a game. We can also think about it, in real life, who is willing to take care of or help a small thing sort out for a long time?

Grandpa C is a hard-nosed northern man, and what he promises others will do his best to complete. He loves basketball and plays single-player soccer on the computer all day, and used to play Crossfire with Rigo and take me to play Girls. With him, I think the fraternal type of person is really loving, he does not pursue fame and fortune, attaches importance to feelings, knows how to take care of people, just like a big brother next door. On weekdays, he seems casual, listening to him tell the story of his first love, which is that there is only one more person on the bicycle seat when riding every day. College love was even stranger, and I barely knew about it until we ate and discussed it together. Then we broke up, that is, a few of us went out for a few beers, and I seemed to drink too much that day, but I vaguely remember him talking about the relationship when he just sighed and said why.

For feelings, especially love, none of us have experienced it, counting C Grandpa, all four are **. I don't know what kind of two hearts can stay together for a lifetime, and I don't know if I really have a feeling of death, I just think that if I can't find someone who deserves my own care, then I'd rather work alone in the future. How to comfort a person who has lost love, I will not do at all, all I can do is to pick up the wine glass with you and drink the wine into your stomach.

When it comes to the future, I think that In the future, Daishinfeng should meet a girl who is as good as him, and both of them are or celebrities as dazzling as the sun in the sky. Grandpa C should meet a good girl who is considerate in the future, and the two families live a happy and happy life. Rui Ge knows how to take care of people, and the future object should be a virtuous and intelligent object, after all, how many girls in reality can have a unique vision? Rico is not very eloquent, has a shy personality, and does not know how to please others. But with a broad heart, sincerity, and steadfastness, he is definitely a competent husband after starting a family.

Those fond memories of my youth

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