
Thumbs up! He insisted on picking up garbage every day, and he turned out to be the deputy director of the Jieshou Municipal Health Commission

author:Anhui net

Xin'an Evening News Anhui Network Dawan News Nearly 600 square meters of office yard, a broom, a garbage clip, a man in his 50s walked around the ground in a circle, picked up cigarette butts and confetti and put a small pile into the garbage can... This is the most common scene in the compound of the Jieshou Municipal Health Commission in Anhui Province every morning, and this man is Liu Xiancai, a member of the party group and deputy director of the Jieshou Municipal Health Commission. Recently, Liu Xiancai has been frequently sent to the circle of friends for his heart-warming behavior day after year, causing everyone to like.

Thumbs up! He insisted on picking up garbage every day, and he turned out to be the deputy director of the Jieshou Municipal Health Commission

Day after day, every day before going to work, I go to the office building to pick up garbage

"In the past few years, he has insisted on picking up cigarette butts and confetti before going to work every day, setting a good example for everyone!" Wang Rui, a member of the Anhui Writers Association and vice chairman of the Fuyang Writers Association, was quite touched by Liu Xiancai's warm-hearted behavior, since moving to the Jieshou Municipal Health Commission building, every morning at seven o'clock, Wang Rui can see a man bending around the courtyard of the office building to pick up garbage, "I later learned that it is the deputy director of our Municipal Health Commission, for several years, every day before going to work, I feel solemn and respectful." "Wang Rui said that although picking up garbage is a trivial matter, day after day, year after year, it affects others by words and deeds, and has a subtle impact on the entire office building personnel." There are more than 50 office workers throughout the office building, and now there is almost no case of random garbage being thrown away. ”

In 2018, Jieshou City launched the "Four Cities Co-creation" activity (that is, the creation of a provincial-level civilized demonstration city, a provincial-level sanitary city, a provincial-level garden city, and a national greening model city), of which the creation of a provincial-level sanitary city was led by the Jieshou Municipal Health Commission. In order to promote the in-depth development of the "four cities co-creation" work, so that civilized etiquette, hygiene habits deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, since the beginning of the fight, Liu Xiancai every day before going to work will pick up cigarette butts, confetti and other garbage, "is to start from myself, do a little within my ability, take a leading role, can influence other people to have a good habit of course better." Liu Xiancai told reporters with a smile.

Thumbs up! He insisted on picking up garbage every day, and he turned out to be the deputy director of the Jieshou Municipal Health Commission

Take your little granddaughter to pick up garbage and cultivate a sense of civilization and health from an early age

Although there are cleaners in the office building who clean daily, there are still some cleaning dead ends and new garbage brought by outsiders cannot be removed in time. Seeing this, Liu Xiancai began to pick up every day, and this pick-up is 4 years, "Before many people did not have a sense of hygiene, there were cigarette butts thrown from upstairs, and garbage was thrown into flower pots and dead ends, and now this situation is almost gone." ”

In addition to picking up garbage in the courtyard of the office building before going to work, Liu Xiancai, who returned home, was not idle. This side stopped the battery car, and the other side picked up the garbage clip and began to pick up the garbage in front of the building. Every weekend, Liu Xiancai also takes his 6-year-old granddaughter to expand the scope of picking up and "action" around the community, "I want to let the child develop a good habit of not littering from an early age, and cultivate her awareness of civilization and health." ”

Liu Xiancai revealed that the Jieshou Municipal Health Commission, as the lead unit, is currently planning a national-level sanitary city creation plan, and the next step is to strive for the early and successful creation of a national-level sanitary city. "We are now making 'health promotion' the first business card in the world, integrating health into all policies, ensuring people's health in an all-round and full-cycle manner, making health ubiquitous, making health fair and accessible, and striving to achieve the goal of jointly building the first health industry and sharing a healthy life." Liu Xiancai said.

Xin'an Evening News Anhui Network Dawan News reporter Xu Qiqi

Edited by Peng Ling

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