
What is life

author:Silver and gold hands

What is life

1. What is life: What is life? How many kinds of life are there?

What is life? Life is joy and sorrow, life is love, family affection, friendship... Life is all-encompassing. No one says it clearly. I often hear friends lament that "living is too hard" is often not understood, and they are trapped in their own world. Now I would like to share with you those classic life hires. I believe that it will help you after reading it!

1. Man, either keep her innocent or promise her a future.

2. People who are not a lifetime should not say a lifetime.

3. A lot of people break into your life just to teach you a lesson and then turn around and leave.

4. Life is like an angry bird, when you fail, there are always a few pigs laughing.

5. Because there is a reason. So there's so. Now it's done. Why ask again.

6. As I become more polite to you, we may become strangers.

7. It is difficult to walk without money, and there is a group of dogs behind the rich

8. You lied to me, how can I not believe it.

9. It is best to talk about love only three times in a lifetime, once ignorant, once to the bone, once to the bone.

10. He was carrying her on his back, and she asked him, "Am I sinking?" He said: "The whole world is on its back, you say it is not sinking?" ”

11. I don't know who my future husband is in love with now.

12. "- Life, half memory, half continuation. ”

13. People who say goodnight and go to bed are often still in trouble half an hour later

14. The reason why SpongeBob is so happy is because Pai Daxing is willing to accompany him to two, there are always many people in this world who look at you two, and there are very few people who accompany you two.

15. Don't torture your present self with memories of the past.

16. People are sad, not because love is over, but because when everything is over, love is still there.

17. Single, nothing bad, just less to rely on.

18. The four basic principles of life: know how to choose, learn to give up, endure loneliness, and withstand temptation.

19. Feelings are like this, you hurt others, intentionally or unintentionally, there will always be someone to hurt you、、、

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