
Bittersweet life three breaths

author:Hong Kong Hua Ge 2

Since the mother was born in October, she cried three times, and she will be blessed for a lifetime. There are good and evil in the human body. If there are no three cries, the mother may cry and worry, afraid of the baby's auspiciousness. Three voices also indicate that he/she has come into this world. Since then, parents have borne the baby bit by bit. Until adulthood. The world's parents' hearts have grown up the greatest in ancient and modern times, and he/she does not care to go to the ends of the earth. Parents silently protect and wish them smooth and peaceful in their hearts, and remember them in their hearts. As an adult, he stepped into society, and his parents let go of their first breath.

Then again, from three-voice babies to kindergarten and six years to elementary school. This period of parenthood is very difficult. Always be careful, to the middle and tall ten years of cold window bitterness. Parents ask for large sums of money. The hard work of parents for their children is really remarkable, and it is not calculated, hoping that the son will become a dragon and the daughter will become a phoenix. As children, many people do not think about it carefully, nor do they give their parents a happy look. Talking nonsense, this and that, the top of the heart and lungs, the use of knives, it is difficult to say a word. After graduation, into the society, the world has red, yellow, blue, white and black to recognize, parents are afraid of their children's mistakes, greed for glory and vanity, fighting and doing evil, more worries, to guide them, to do good to society, love me China.

Regardless of all walks of life, there must be responsibilities, dreams and responsibilities. It is also the parents who are struggling to get to the multiple choice questions: 1. Career 2. Money 3. Family. Select the right intention, circle the center point, and carry out fists and feet. All of the above is under the wings of the parents. To truly engage in society to talk about marriage, marriage, marriage and children; parents can let go of the second breath. At this time, the parents have entered the old age, and after many tribulations, it is the turn of the children to return and release the third breath together. Parents in the last years, children filial piety, depending on how much energy the parents and children are blessed. Raising children to prevent old age, savings to prevent hunger, Chinese tradition.

1.Career 2.Money 3.Family

Choice 1. Career alienates family affection and family; choice 2. Money as the center, easy to fall into the wrong way; choice 3. Family final harmony is the most ideal, will reduce selfish distractions, improper behavior restraint unnecessary gatherings and some who is right and wrong. Create for family happiness and diversity. Man! I feel lonely wherever I wander. Whether rich or poor, the songs are sung, and they often go home to see. There are six relatives in the family, brothers and sisters, parents on top, whether they are married, wives, husbands and children, they long for the same warmth. We must not forget that there are still some hard-working people in other countries. Always remember where the ancestors are, and there is a great and strong motherland, China and the people as a thick shield, like the hearts of parents care and protection. Do not let other countries bully and discriminate against all Chinese people. Faithfully wish the 72nd anniversary of the founding of the motherland. Long live the People's Republic of China

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