
Recommend costume dramas worth watching

author:Pig AL Film OST recommended

1, in the snow in the knife line

The arrogant Northern Liang King Shizi Xu Fengnian, after suffering from the world's belly slander, awakened like a phoenix nirvana. Thousands of miles of experience, three in and three out, Xu Fengnian's inferior wine yellow horse walked in the unknown rivers and lakes, although the road is long and obstructive, ruthless killing machines are often accompanied by left and right, but he still perseveres in walking the whole journey. In the process of walking the rivers and lakes, Xu Fengnian robbed the rich and helped the poor, punished evil and promoted good, in addition to continuously improving his martial arts cultivation, he also befriended many chivalrous people in the rivers and lakes. Eventually became the greatest of a generation of martial arts heroes. At a time when the country was worried about internal and external troubles and rebellions were sprang up, Xu Fengnian, who had returned from walking the rivers and lakes, led xu family army to quell the rebellion, recover the lost land, and grew into a protector general who cherished the world and cherished the life of the people. Starring Zhang Ruoyun, Hu Jun and Li Gengxi, it has been updated.

Recommend costume dramas worth watching

2. The heart is like jade

During the Ming Dynasty, although the status of the concubine Luo Eleven niang was humble, she was extremely assertive, believing that the woman's vision should not be limited to the pattern of the inner house, and she hoped to rely on exquisite embroidery skills to strive for the free life she longed for. After accidentally marrying Xu Lingyi, a general of the Marquis of Yongping, she treated everyone around her with an optimistic and positive attitude, relied on her efforts to gain the trust of the Xu family, and regained control of Zhongfeng. Xu Lingyi was attracted by the various beautiful qualities of Eleven Niang, and then moved by it. The two have had several twists and turns, and they love each other after getting married first. With the support of her husband, Eleven Niang opened the xian aya pavilion and worked hard to inherit the embroidery skills. In order to maintain the tranquility of his home and country, improve people's livelihood, and vigorously support the opening of the sea ban, Xu Lingyi, the Marquis of Yongping, experienced many difficulties. When the Xu family was facing the terrible disaster of raiding the family and exterminating the clan, the husband and wife worked together to resolve the crisis, successfully protected the Xu clan, and finally promoted the opening of the sea ban, so that the maritime trade flourished and the coastal people lived and worked in peace and contentment. The husband and wife are in agreement, believe in each other, insist on what they love, face the storms of life together, and write their legendary life. Starring Tan Songyun and Zhong Hanliang, it has been updated.

Recommend costume dramas worth watching

3, the wind rises in Luoyang

The drama is adapted from the novel "Luoyang" written by Ma Boyong, which tells the story of a group of three people from different classes in luoyang, the capital of the gods at that time, who formed an alliance because of the common goal, investigated various unsolved cases in Luoyang, and finally smashed the conspiracy of the Spring and Autumn Road, and the story of the guardian god Du Taiping. Starring Huang Xuan, Wang Yibo and Song Qian, it has been updated.

Recommend costume dramas worth watching

4. Jun Jiuling

In the sixth year of Tianyou, Emperor Zhizong died, and the second princess Chu Jiuling questioned her uncle Ji Jun's usurpation of the throne. After experiencing a series of sudden changes such as the destruction of his family, Jiu Ling made up his mind to find out the secrets of Zezhou, expose the truth about the murder of his father, and protect his close relatives. Jiuling insisted on saving people in the world with the help of Zhu Zhan, the son of the Duke of Chengguo, and constantly fought against the harassment and attacks of the adulterers, and established the Jiuling Hall of the Medical Center to cure acne and protect the people. At the same time, Zhu Zhan, together with Ning Yunzhao, the noble prince of the Qing Dynasty, Lu Yunqi, his ex-husband Lu Yunqi, and Fang Chengyu, the only son of the Fang family, four people with different identities and complicated relationships, fell into the emotional vortex with Jiu Ling as the core. Who is the true son of the Ninth Age? The gears of destiny, running slowly. Starring Peng Xiaoran and Jin Han, it has been updated and completed.

Recommend costume dramas worth watching

5. Zhou Sheng is as it was

Zhou Shengchen (Ren Jialun), the young and famous young Nanchen King, was determined to be loyal to the country, and his rigorous style and humility were praised by the world. Cui Shiyi (Bai Lu), the only daughter of the famous Cui clan, was accused of marrying as a future crown princess at birth, and because she was a family friend with the royal palace, she was sent to the royal palace by her elders to learn art. Cui Shiyi's kind, lovely, lively and intelligent personality is deeply loved by everyone in the palace, and his learning and art are also very fast, which is the pistachio of the palace. In the process of getting along bit by bit, Cui Shiyi admired Zhou Shengchen's lofty ambitions and elegant character, and unconsciously fell in love with the general. Whether it is staying in the palace waiting for the good news, or fighting side by side with Zhou Shengchen, Cui Shiyi is Zhou Shengchen's strongest backing and warmest support. The feelings of the two quickly warmed up, but they were still affectionate. The border pass was once again in a hurry, and Zhou Shengchen was obliged to lead the army to battle, but Cui Shiyi had to take on the responsibility of the family's reputation and marry the prince. Zhou Shengchen, who fought bravely against the enemy, was accidentally seriously injured and died after leaving his last words to Cui Shiyi. Starring Ren Jialun and White Deer, it has been updated.

Recommend costume dramas worth watching