
Is the black box principle the same thing as the black box operation? Talk about those blacks in science

author:Scientific punk

Whenever black and dark appear in scientific descriptions, they are never defined casually.

Is the black box principle the same thing as the black box operation? Talk about those blacks in science

Darkness in scientific descriptions often represents something that cannot be observed, known, or understood.

For example, black holes, dark matter, dark energy~

Is the black box principle the same thing as the black box operation? Talk about those blacks in science

And the black box we're going to talk about today.

Is the black box principle the same thing as the black box operation? Talk about those blacks in science

What exactly is a black box?

The black box principle refers to the study of a specific system, does not involve the internal structure and interrelationship of the system, only understands the system laws with input and output characteristics, and draws an understanding of the system laws.

That is to say, when we cannot understand or do not need to understand the process of a system, we can still derive a perception of the system according to the laws of input and output.

The black box principle is widely used in our lives.

For example, a machine, throwing a pig in, out of the sausage, for us, the middle process is the black box.

Is the black box principle the same thing as the black box operation? Talk about those blacks in science
Is the black box principle the same thing as the black box operation? Talk about those blacks in science

For example, at this time, you type the black box on the public screen, you type, you can see on the screen, the code, database, etc. involved in the middle, for you do not need to know at all, this is also a black box.

When your boss tells you, I don't care what you do, I just want the results, now, this is also a black box.

In the last video, we talked about the electric bell, which is also a black box, we just need to know that the electricity is on, the electric bell will ring, and we don't need to know the inner workings of it.

Is the black box principle the same thing as the black box operation? Talk about those blacks in science

At this time, some people may ask, is Schrödinger's cat a black box? Isn't that in a black box that can't be observed?

Is the black box principle the same thing as the black box operation? Talk about those blacks in science

Let's recall the definition of a black box —

Know what is input and what is output, but for intermediate processes, it is impossible to recognize, observe, or understand.

In this thought experiment, we know that what was put in were radioactive atoms that could or might not decay, a bottle filled with poison gas, a small hammer that would break the bottle when detected to decay, and the most famous cat in history.

Is the black box principle the same thing as the black box operation? Talk about those blacks in science

But we don't know what the output is.

From this point of view, Schrödinger's cat is obviously not a black box.

Schrödinger's cat is based on the uncertainty principle, not the black box principle.

In this experiment, in fact, the cat is not the protagonist, the protagonist is in the decay and non-decay of the two superimposed forms of radioactive material, the cat seems to be able to remove, then this seemingly dispensable cat why is so famous?

Because it allows the microscopic uncertainty principle to act on the macroscopic world, this is the core meaning of this experiment.

On this topic, there is a chance to make a special video to explain to you.

Another friend asked, is the lottery box a black box?

Is the black box principle the same thing as the black box operation? Talk about those blacks in science

It doesn't count.

When you draw a lottery, you enter your hand and reach in, and you output a lottery ball, which is no problem, the problem is that - you know the process in between.

You hula hula with your hand inside, grab a ball and take it out.

Can you understand? The black box doesn't refer to places you can't see, it refers to incomprehensibility.

What about the "black box" in the black box operation?

Is the black box principle the same thing as the black box operation? Talk about those blacks in science

In fact, this black box is exactly the same as the black box In English, both are black boxes.

They are actually the same thing, but the black box principle derives two artificial products

Is the black box principle the same thing as the black box operation? Talk about those blacks in science

One of them is the black box service, which is what I said earlier about the electric bell, the bullet screen, and the TV, computer, mobile phone, etc. Designers put those complex processes in a black box, we can not understand the intermediate process, just need to express their own demands, input can get the output results.

The other is the black box operation, because we don't know what happens in the black box, so in this process it can be manipulated by humans and get the results after the operation. Because we only know what is input and what is output, and we know nothing about intermediate processes, we cannot tell whether there has been manual operation.

I don't need to list the examples of black box operations, I know that everyone has a lot of them in their minds, but it is likely that what you are thinking is not really a black box operation.

You can put the example of the black box operation you think of in the comment area, I will tell a case below, after the case analysis, you can judge for yourself whether you are thinking of a black box operation or not.

This case was shared by a friend in the science punk discussion group, who watched a foreign show on TV and secretly installed a camera in the back kitchen of the restaurant...

Is the black box principle the same thing as the black box operation? Talk about those blacks in science

Well, what was photographed, I will not describe, everyone made up their own brains, in short, the final conclusion, this friend no longer dares to let the restaurant staff take the dishes that have been on the table back to the kitchen and then process, she asked me if this is a black box operation.

This case is interesting.

For this friend, the back kitchen used to be a black box, and she only needed to order food to eat it. If the dish is cold, he asks for heating and gets a reprocessed hot dish.

Originally, no matter what happened in the back kitchen, she shouldn't have known, so everything that happened was a black box operation for her.

But later because of this show, those operations were known to him, and the original black box operations changed for him, becoming another box, called the horror box.

What is a Horror Box?

Is the black box principle the same thing as the black box operation? Talk about those blacks in science

It's that you don't know what's in the box, let you reach in and identify, and others tell you that there may be dangerous things inside, such as poisonous snakes, poisonous spiders.

You start to get nervous from the moment your hand reaches in, and even if you touch a plush toy, it will make you scream out.

Later, when he asked the restaurant staff to help him reprocess, he experienced the process of putting his hand into the horror box.

Black box operation refers to a series of human operations that we do not know in places where we cannot observe, and if one of the operations is understood by us, it is no longer a black box but a horror box.

Is the black box principle the same thing as the black box operation? Talk about those blacks in science

For example, gutter oil, once we did not know what this is, but some merchants have been using it, this is the black box operation.

Later, we all knew what gutter oil was, and whenever we ate out, whether the restaurant was useful or not, we inevitably felt awkward in our hearts, which was the horror box.

So probably most of the black box operations we think have become horror boxes, constantly bringing us all kinds of anxiety.

The best way to eliminate this anxiety is to be transparent and make the box transparent.

Black box principle, black box service, black box operation,

nuclear physics, nuclear power plants, nuclear weapons,

The knife is innocent, there is no right or wrong, there is no distinction between good and evil, just to see whether people use it to cut vegetables or hurt people.

The only people who have good and evil are those who hold knives.

Black box operations can easily bring to mind another word, shady.

Is the black box principle the same thing as the black box operation? Talk about those blacks in science

They all mean the same thing.

What does the shady curtain mean in the first place?

Its provenance is not found on the Internet, so I will tell you my guess.

In addition to a curtain that can be opened and closed, there will be a curtain, which separates the front desk and the backstage, generally black, or there are two layers, the outer layer is the color required for the stage, the inner layer is black, its role is completely opaque, and the audience outside must not know everything that happens behind the scenes.

I will say one more word and you will be able to understand it at once, and this black curtain inside is called the inside story.

All stages have insiders, so maybe all "stages" have this layer of shady screens.

Black screen and insider, in fact, are not originally pejorative terms, their focus is more on the unknown, unprovoked, just like the black box principle, we do not need to know what the actors on the stage are like backstage.

Is the black box principle the same thing as the black box operation? Talk about those blacks in science

How to put on makeup and remove makeup, how to wait for the field, do not your legs when resting, and do not buckle your nose.

Even in private there is no courtesy, doing not doing bad things.

But as long as it is opaque, it is often accompanied by more than mystery, and dark corners are more likely to stimulate the dark side of human nature.

So gradually, people began to think that there was something in that scene.

But in the final analysis, the curtain is also innocent, there is good and evil, just the people in front of the stage and behind the scenes.

Is the black box principle the same thing as the black box operation? Talk about those blacks in science

OK, the above is the whole content of this video, thank you for your attention and likes, here is scientific punk, I am a crying pupay.

Our next video, see you soon!

have a goodnight.

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