
Coach Su Yiming issued an open letter imploring the public not to criticize the referee, and the overall pattern was awe-inspiring

On February 10, Beijing time, the chief referee on duty who was responsible for awarding a fine for the snowboard slope obstacle course competition said publicly in an interview that he had not seen the Canadian athlete Max's grasp mistake because of the angle problem, and gave him three more points, which then let the gold medal of China's Su Yiming fall short, and could only be relegated to second place. Unfortunately, when the referee realized the mistake, the score had been submitted and could not be changed, and the Chinese team could only be dumb and eat Huang Lian, and there was no pain to say, hoping that Su Yiming's team could appeal in time after encountering this situation and protect their own interests.

Coach Su Yiming issued an open letter imploring the public not to criticize the referee, and the overall pattern was awe-inspiring

Although Su Yiming, his coach and family did not make too many accusations and generously expressed their attitude on social media, his fans and many sports spectators verbally attacked the referee, and all kinds of scolding on the Internet were overwhelming.

But friends who are familiar with ice and snow sports and other projects that rely on scoring understand that it is difficult to achieve 100% fairness in a game, because the referee is completely through the on-the-spot reaction to judge the completion of the action, and it is normal for the naked eye to make mistakes, so after realizing that the referee was subjected to online violence, Su Yiming's coach Yasuhiro Sato released an open letter.

Coach Su Yiming issued an open letter imploring the public not to criticize the referee, and the overall pattern was awe-inspiring

The letter said that after the final, he realized that there might be a problem with the scoring, but he thought that this was actually one of the processes of the game, so he wanted to show respect for the result of the penalty. And the result of this time may be the motivation for Su Yiming to train harder in the future, and most importantly, Su Yiming has gone all out and shown the best of himself, we have achieved the goal, so we are very satisfied.

Later, Yasuhiro Sato also wrote that he told the referee chief Shumatić that he was very grateful to all the referees today, and Su Yiming also expressed the same meaning directly to him. The skiing circle is full of people, and people sometimes make mistakes, which is a matter of course, nothing more. I kindly ask you to put an end to all criticism of the judges in the men's slope steeplechase finals of this snowboarding. And please express your warm congratulations to the gold medal winner max.

Coach Su Yiming issued an open letter imploring the public not to criticize the referee, and the overall pattern was awe-inspiring

As soon as this remark came out, many netizens also said that the pattern of Su Yiming and the coach was too big, which perfectly explained what is the Olympic spirit. It is really rare to be so generous and optimistic after suffering a wrong judgment, and to persuade netizens to stop criticizing the referee. In fact, if judged according to the different angles of the game screen that appeared after the game, all the players may get different scores, but from the picture mastered by the referee, it can be seen that max did not make mistakes when doing the action. On the other hand, even if the referee's angle is limited, they will always use this angle in order to ensure that each player is scored fairly.

Coach Su Yiming issued an open letter imploring the public not to criticize the referee, and the overall pattern was awe-inspiring

Since Su Yiming's team has not pursued the referee, everyone should stop criticizing the referee, as Yasuhiro Sato said, everyone is a circle of people, but people will make mistakes, not to mention this kind of project that scores subjectively. Now I can only hope that Su Yiming will not be affected in the next competition, continue to use the desperate fighting spirit to launch an impact on the gold medal, as his mother said, life is like this, to be a strong and brave, you have to look forward, cheers boy!

Coach Su Yiming issued an open letter imploring the public not to criticize the referee, and the overall pattern was awe-inspiring

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