
Just tonight! Chinese men's ice hockey ushered in the debut of the Winter Olympics, and the "City of Ice Hockey" 2 people were listed

author:Bright Net


Hockey Men's Group A Usa vs China

Tonight at 21:10, the Chinese men's ice hockey team is about to usher in its winter Olympic debut, the first game against the United States team, the Chinese team has 2 athletes from the "ice hockey city" Qiqihar, they are Han Pengfei, Yan Ruinan.

Just tonight! Chinese men's ice hockey ushered in the debut of the Winter Olympics, and the "City of Ice Hockey" 2 people were listed

Han Pengfei

Just tonight! Chinese men's ice hockey ushered in the debut of the Winter Olympics, and the "City of Ice Hockey" 2 people were listed

Dressed in a blue jersey for Yan Ruinan

It is reported that the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics is the debut of the Chinese men's ice hockey team in the Olympic Games. In the previous women's ice hockey tournament, the Chinese team rose to the challenge and fought hard, winning two hard-won victories, especially in the shooting match against the world's sixth-ranked Japanese team, which brought a lot of surprises to fans across the country, and men's ice hockey will be equally worth looking forward to.

As the only local goalkeeper on the Chinese men's ice hockey team, Han Pengfei is preparing for the game in Beijing, saying: "I know that every game is hard and important, as a goalkeeper I will definitely block the opponent's shot with a steel body. We have confidence and commitment, are prepared for difficulties and difficulties, strive for the dream, fight tenaciously, unite as one, and will fight until the last second of each game to create the history of Chinese ice hockey. ”

Stay tuned for this event tonight, CCTV, CCTV, Migu video, etc. will be broadcast live

Source: Heilongjiang Radio and Television Station