
After the "Spring Festival", we should be vigilant against the recurrence of "electric fraud"

author:Bright Net

Early warning notification

From January 31, 2022 to February 9, 2022, the Tai'an Municipal Public Security Bureau's New Crime Research and Operation Center received and processed a total of 16,967 early warning messages related to fraud. Among them, there were 5724 pig killing frauds, 5458 loan and agency credit card frauds, 4314 single rebate frauds, 1232 fraudulent logistics customer service frauds of charging chargers, 37 fraudulent credit frauds, 25 false shopping and service frauds, 15 frauds impersonating leaders and acquaintances, 9 fraudulent transaction frauds of online game products, 9 frauds impersonating public prosecutors and government agencies, and 144 other types of fraud.

After the "Spring Festival", we should be vigilant against the recurrence of "electric fraud"

Among the 16,967 warning messages, 5,154 people received fraudulent calls or text messages, and 11,813 people logged on to fraudulent websites or apps.

Tai'an police reminded the general public that during the Spring Festival, the early warning information of pig killing, loans, and credit card fraud on behalf of the agent showed an upward trend. The broad masses of the people are invited to heighten their vigilance, be sure to download the "National Anti-Fraud Center" APP, conscientiously study the knowledge of deception, earnestly improve the ability to recognize deception, and prevent being deceived.

Tai'an Municipal Public Security Bureau

New Crime Research Operations Center

February 10, 2022

Successful early warning typical cases

● The New Crime Research and Operation Center of the Municipal Public Security Bureau received early warning information: Mr. Qian, a citizen, logged on to a false gambling website and asked him to fill in his bank card number and password, and after receiving the warning, the police immediately dialed Mr. Qian's phone to dissuade him, informing him that the website was a fraudulent website, avoiding Mr. Qian's economic losses.

● The New Crime Research and Operation Center of the Municipal Public Security Bureau received an early warning message: Mr. Zhou, a citizen, received a text message from the loan app platform that can eliminate the bank's overdue record function, so he registered the information according to the requirements and filled in the SMS verification code. After receiving the early warning, the police immediately contacted Mr. Zhou to dissuade him, informing him that this app was a fraud software and avoiding Mr. Zhou's economic losses.

After the Spring Festival

Telecommunications network fraud crime

It will enter the active period again

Various criminal methods

There is no shortage of tricks to renovate

The general public is invited to polish their eyes and pay attention to screening

Tai'an police

Will go all out to protect the "money bags" of citizens


Case 1: Xiao Liu, a citizen of a certain city, received a "online loan" sales call. On the phone, the other party claimed to be an online platform specializing in unsecured loans, "safe and trustworthy." Xiao Liu just needed capital turnover, so he and the man exchanged WeChat. Subsequently, the man sent a WeChat QR code to Xiao Liu, asking Xiao Liu to scan and enter the online loan page. Xiao Liu did so. The page shows that Xiao Liu's "loanable amount" is 20,000 yuan, but in order to finally successfully borrow money, you must first pay a certain handling fee. Seeing that Xiao Liu had doubts, the man said that their online lending platform cooperated with well-known e-commerce companies and had a very high reputation. Xiao Liu believed that it was true, and according to the payment two-dimensional code sent by the other party, he transferred more than 3700 yuan to the man in four times. After the successful transfer, Xiao Liu waited with joy for the "unsecured low-interest loan" loan, but was quickly "blocked" by the other party, and the other party then "disappeared". After realizing that he had been deceived, Xiao Liu called the police.

Case two: Ms. Zhang, who is doing business in a city, temporarily has a shortage of funds, just when she was at a loss, she received a strange accompanying URL text message at home, the information shows that the loan interest is low, the procedures are simple, the lending speed is fast, and there is a credit limit of 89,000 yuan, because Ms. Zhang was in urgent need of capital turnover, she downloaded a certain APP according to the SMS website, registered the personal identity and bank card information through the registered false APP, submitted a loan application of 30,000 yuan, and after 30 minutes, the loan application was passed. Because Ms. Zhang's bank card did not receive the loan, it contacted the platform customer service, the customer service told Ms. Zhang that the bank card number was entered incorrectly, resulting in the loan money being frozen by the bank, and Ms. Zhang needed to transfer 9,000 yuan to the bank card provided by Ms. Zhang, which was used to correct the bank card number, and after the unfreezing, it was transferred to Ms. Zhang's account together with the loan money, and after Ms. Zhang made the payment, she withdrew according to the customer service prompts, and the result showed that the loan was frozen again according to the 1:2 ratio of funds for loan authentication and the lack of flow of Ms. Zhang's bank card. Ms. Zhang was tricked into borrowing money from a friend and transferring more than 160,000 yuan several times.

Case studies

Charging money before lending is the most common trick of unsecured loans, and nine times out of ten of the victims of loan fraud are caught in this pit. Scammers catch the psychology of borrowers rushing to success while common sense lacks.

The first step is to gain trust, claiming that you only need to provide information such as "ID card" to get the loan;

The second step is to weave various reasons, collect the borrower's fee in advance, and usually use material fees, security deposits, etc. to fool the borrower from the head;

In the third step, when the borrower punches the money into the other party's account, the scammer completes a round of scams and disappears.

Police prompt

Fraudulent "methods" of online loans have been more frequent in recent times. Criminal suspects often seize people's eagerness to use money, and defraud money on the grounds of collecting fees and then lending money. Regardless of which financial platform you are on to apply for a loan, all regular units will not charge any fees in advance before lending, and keeping this in mind, 90% of scams can be avoided.

Finally, Xiaobian reminds everyone

Forwarding makes family and friends around them vigilant

Such as unfortunately encountering fraud

Be sure to call the police 110 at the first time

And as far as possible to preserve the relevant evidence

"National Anti-Fraud Center" APP download! Installation! enroll!

Turn on alerts! Do not uninstall! Not one step less!

【National Anti-Fraud Center APP installation specific process】Scan the QR code→ fill in the mobile phone number, name→ point download→ point other ways to download directly→ complete the installation → registration → real-name authentication → open the call warning.

【Registration area selection】Shandong Province - Tai'an City - xx District (select the corresponding county and municipality where you are registered). Be sure to click "Other Download Methods" to download (otherwise there will be an app treasure download to download the National Anti-Fraud Center APP)!

Source: Tai'an Police