
Cyan feathers, a cute bird science

author:Nan Ge Zi Yin

At the beginning of the story, the brothers and sisters picked up a piece of blue feathers, who is this?

They decided to find the owner of this feather. With the help of the crows, they went all the way to the park, the city roadside, the neighborhood of the home, and saw all kinds of birds...

Finally, the children found the owner of the feathers by the river.

Do you know who dropped the cyan feathers?

Cyan feathers, a cute bird science

Who Dropped the Cyan Feather? "Is a bird observation picture book recommended by Li Yifan, an expert consultant of the "Let The Migratory Birds Fly" public welfare fund and a natural science popularization promoter, introducing 32 common species of birds around us: Mandarin ducks, egrets, crows, house swallows, green-headed ducks...

Cyan feathers, a cute bird science

The crow and the brother and sister said that the aimless search was ineffective, it said to observe from the bird's point of view, so they embarked on an adventure to find the owner of the blue feather...

Cyan feathers, a cute bird science

On the crow's back, the two brothers and sisters felt that their town was small

Cyan feathers, a cute bird science

When they got to the park, the crows and they said the birds had different habits. They may appear near residential areas, ponds, and rivers; and their names vary depending on the season. Flying in the spring, the summer migratory birds are called summer migratory birds; autumn flying, winter migratory birds are called winter migratory birds; they also have the habit of migration and will not stay in the same place.

Cyan feathers, a cute bird science

If we usually pay attention to observation, it is easy to find different birds staying in different seasons in parks, ponds, etc.

Cyan feathers, a cute bird science

They asked the starling with the green feathers and asked, "This is the feather you lost."

The gray starling laughed and said, "Have you ever seen the long blue feathers on my gray body?" ”

"Forgive me, we know very little." The brothers and sisters apologized twice and walked forward carrying the feathers.

Cyan feathers, a cute bird science

They bumped into the mallard and asked, "Do you know whose feathers belonged to them?" ”

The green-headed duck said coldly, "Anyway, it's not mine, I'm all brown, you keep it for yourself!" ”

Bidding farewell to the mallards, they carried their feathers and walked forward again.

Cyan feathers, a cute bird science

Although the owner of the feathers had not yet been found, the siblings saw many birds and headed to the next place.

Cyan feathers, a cute bird science

They came across a kingfisher whose feathers were as beautiful as emerald blue and appeared by the clear stream to prey on small fish.

They asked the kingfisher, "Is this your feather?" ”

The kingfisher tells them that the beautiful blue feathers are not actually the original color of its feathers, but that its feathers look cyan under the reflection of light.

Cyan feathers, a cute bird science

They walked happily toward the kingfisher and handed the feathers to the kingfisher.

As the sun went down, they also found the owner of the blue feathers.

Cyan feathers, a cute bird science

The book switches naturally and smoothly through the perspectives of boys, girls, crows, various birds, and children, but there is no sense of violation when looking at the illustrations, helping children to enter from the perspective of "I" when reading, and better empathize with the story.

The gentle and poetic text is complemented by childlike and cute pictures, lifelike birds, making people want to touch the realism with their hands, fascinating stories let children read with questions, and every page turned, they unlocked bird trivia. The final illustration gives the impression that the warmth of the animals' body temperature can be felt.

Cyan feathers, a cute bird science

"Who Dropped the Blue Feather", the whole book seems to embody a laid-back atmosphere, but also has a powerful power. This story may be about a day when the brother and sister need a blue feather owner, there are not many ups and downs, but when the children read, their hearts are rested and they learn about various birds.

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