
Idle, idle, idle, will ruin a normal person

author:Bright Net
Idle, idle, idle, will ruin a normal person

Since ancient times, it has been recognized that idleness is a blessing.

Born as a human being, walking in the earthly world, running around all day long, not idle for a moment, idle, in order to let us carefully taste life and slowly enjoy life.

However, being too idle is not necessarily a blessing, but a disaster.

Idle for too long, you will know how terrible idleness is, idle panic, idle crazy, idle right and wrong, idle pain.

Too idle, there will be a lot of time to think wildly, to suffer from gains and losses, to calculate grievances, to idle right and wrong, to cut continuously, to rationalize chaos, to trap themselves in inexplicable emotions, nonsensical life, lost in self.

Idle, idle, idle, will ruin a normal person


Life is not that time is too pretentious, but that people's hearts are too contrived, because they are too idle.

Too idle, the mind will become more, the feelings will flood, there will be more things, and there will be emptiness and loneliness.

In fact, only when we are busy, what troubles, what pain, what entanglements, are all abandoned behind the mind by busyness, forgotten, because people's energy is limited, time is limited, really busy, there is no extra time to think wildly, suffer from gain and loss, and there is no extra energy to calculate the right and wrong.

We will face life with all our hearts and minds, and put all our energy on work and study, so that there will be no time emptiness, no time to worry about, no energy to think about those meaningless trivialities.

The most cruel trick to abolish a person is to let him be idle, life has always been more frustrated and courageous, more idle and more decadent, because there is nothing to do, nothing to do, nowhere to put your heart, unable to put your emotions.

Always feel that life is not smooth everywhere, everything is not satisfactory, then it is uncomfortable, the chicken and garlic are stored in the heart, and when it is free, take out a one-by-one analysis to make it clear, whose eyes despise you, whose words hurt you, whose expression despises you, who ignores you, who dislikes you, who deliberately opposes you...

If a person is too idle, he will be involved in boring right and wrong, nothing to do, nothing to make, and live a trivial and troublesome life; if a person is too idle, he will lose the goal of struggle, there is no motivation to move forward, there is no direction to move forward, and he will slowly become decadent.

Idle, idle, idle, will ruin a normal person


People can't be too idle, even if you have a lot of money, you have to find something to do for yourself, life lies in sports, living in busy, people are vivid to have meaning.

Busy people will be full of vitality and appear happy, while lazy people will always have a haggard, listless, sad face, a sick look, a decadent look.

A person who is idle for too long is to paint himself as a prison, live in a quiet and silent environment for a long time, will become more and more sensitive, more and more vulnerable, more and more lonely, and finally, even afraid of going out, let alone socializing, afraid of talking to others, disgusted with social too troublesome.

People, only busy, in the mental and physical labor, the negative energy of the heart is slowly consumed, and the bad emotions are slowly vented.

Fate does not favor anyone, and happiness never fails anyone.

At the age of struggle, do not choose ease, life is wonderful because of busyness, life exists because of busyness, life is only wonderful to come out, there is no glory to wait for.

Life, there is no road to go in vain, there is no book to read in vain, every step counts, every book is knowledge, so that your body and soul will grow.

Idle, idle, idle, will ruin a normal person


Move, get busy, in order to make yourself better.

Busyness is the root of all temperament.

It will keep us away from laziness and depravity, will not be confused in idleness, will no longer fall in emptiness and loneliness, find something to do, and have no extra time to worry about the so-called emotions.

Keep yourself busy every day, your body will become more energetic, your heart will become more relaxed, and your life will be comfortable.

Get busy, see the farther world, see the bigger world, broaden your horizons, you will not be unwilling to let go of the trivial things, and you will not lose your temper with people to turn over old accounts.

Everything has a degree, find a suitable point between busy and idle, let yourself be orderly and gradual, experience life in the alternation of leisure and busyness, and taste life.

A person, don't be too idle, idle, idle, idle, will ruin a normal you.

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