
The fastest way to abolish a person by "night reading" is to let him be idle, idle, and idle all day

author:People's Daily


Someone said, "The heaviest burden in life is not work, but boredom." "A lot of times, being too idle is not a blessing.

One day two years ago, my friend Ah Cang suddenly told me that he had resigned. His job, though he's a bit busy, earns a good job and has a lot of room for promotion. I asked him why, and he said, "Every day when I walk into the office, I feel so hard and wronged, I don't want to do it, I just want to rest." ”

After resigning, he first went sightseeing and then began to collapse at home, either sleeping or playing games. At first he thought this feeling of freedom was too refreshing, but soon the problem arose: he did not work for more than half a year, he did not have much savings left, and his daily idleness also made him feel empty. He was ready to look for another job, but the long period of idleness made it impossible for him to pick up his spirits again. As soon as he starts thinking about work, he will be bored.

Now, he is still at home nibbling on the old age, and only eating, sleeping, and playing these three things every day is completely a state of self-abandonment.

Too idle life is really a disaster. Once people lose the goal of effort and have no motivation to move forward, they will begin to think wildly and eventually fall into a vicious circle of "doing nothing - self-denial - more painfully doing nothing".

Proper relaxation is necessary, but endless indulgence is absolutely harmful. Don't let yourself have nothing to do, rather be busy than waste time and waste your life.


A self-media person once told his experience of working in a large company.

When he first arrived at the company, he had little work experience, weak social skills, and had no better choice than to try to improve himself. He learned everything he could, did everything he could, and was often busy until late to return to the rental house.

He can get up in the middle of the night after receiving a phone call and turn on the computer to work, and he can also read all the relevant information repeatedly because of a mistake made during the day to ensure that there is no more mistake. He had worked several times harder than others to do one thing the best. He gritted his teeth and chewed down the most obscure professional books, and finally achieved the fastest growth in the shortest time. After the significant improvement of his work ability, his position and salary have taken a huge leap.

In the workplace, professionalism is the soul of work, but professionalism also means hitting a thing to the end. In the workplace, there is no shortcut to success, and success will not favor people who are confused.

No matter how energetic people are, if they are idle for too long, they will be depressed; those who have goals will lose their way if they do not work hard for a long time. If you choose to be idle at the age of struggle, you are giving up the possibility of greater success; if you want to live differently from others, you have to work ten times and a hundred times harder.


To judge whether a person is good or not, you can look at what he does when he is idle. Good people have one thing in common, that is, they can maintain self-discipline in their leisure time.

Some people choose a less hard job in the name of having plenty of free time to do what they want, but how many people actually use that time well? It's not like the usual holidays, watching TV, playing with mobile phones, and one night has passed. As for reading books to learn? Let's talk about it tomorrow.

There are also some people who want to be freelancers, but many people's "freelance" is only "free" and not "professional". Sleep late in the morning, start to get sleepy after lunch, make up for it in the afternoon, and do nothing at the end of the day. Freelancing is never a cover for escaping the workplace, because it requires greater self-discipline than ordinary work, and in the absence of others' constraints, all work is self-conscious, and a little slackness may lead to nothing.

All success is the result of long-term efforts, and the best people, without exception, live a self-disciplined life.

The ancients said: "If you don't work hard, your heart will become depressed day by day; if you don't check it, your heart will become more and more wanton." "Life always has to be a little rushed to be alive, and the days always have to be a little ups and downs to have a taste." Don't take "too idle" as a "gift", life is only a few decades, do not fight a fight, how to get up to this suffering of the world?

Get busy and let there always be something to do on hand. Don't live up to the time, don't waste your time.

Source: Reader (ID: duzheweixin) | Author: Mountain Wind | Anchor: Haruko

Submission email: [email protected]

<h1 toutiao-origin="h1" > Editors: Zhao Yajiao, Interns: Zhu Jingling, Hu Yueran</h1>

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