
"It's a real Olympic moment!" (Online Winter Olympics)

Source: People's Daily Overseas Edition

HelloWorld: "It's a real Olympic moment!" Gu Ailing and another girl comfort Tess of the French team. ”

USA Today reporter Rachel Axen: "I was impressed by Gu Ailing's last jump in the game. 1620 degree rotation in the air, oh my god. ”

Canadian netizen Chris Phillips: "When Gu Ailing landed on the final jump of the big jumping final, her pure joy was the true meaning of the Olympic Games. Seeing these athletes achieve their goals brought me to tears. ”

Japanese netizens between the clouds: "The Chinese players are really fantastic! Winning is great, very powerful. ”

Pakistani netizen basit khan: "Congratulations to our good brother, you guys did a good job!" ”

Sarah, an American netizen: "Chinese athletes have shown the world the spirit of hard work. ”

American netizen Violet: "The ice pier is so cute, I want one too." The name means sincere, strong, and lovely. ”

Russian netizen Seva: "Ice pier, the mascot of the Beijing Winter Olympics." It has a variety of sports styles, holding transparent skis, ice hockey clubs, etc., and the idea is very successful. ”

Taziana, kindergarten teacher in The city of Dalinelechensk, Russia: "The ice piers are so cute, all the ice piers are great. ”

(Overseas network Liu Qiang, Zhang Ni, Yang Jia, Zhang Min, Wang Xiaoyu, Wu Qian finishing)

People's Daily Overseas Edition ( 2022-02-10 Edition 06)

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