
The organization is more rigorous, the foundation is more powerful -- three theories to study and implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee of the Communist Youth League

author:China Youth Network

General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out that the strength of the party comes from the organization. The party's overall leadership and all the party's work must be realized by relying on the party's strong organizational system. In the fight against the new crown pneumonia epidemic, party organizations at all levels, under the unified deployment of the party Central Committee, have moved at the behest of orders and commanded, especially the vast number of grass-roots party organizations have played the role of a fighting fortress at the forefront, fully interpreting the extreme importance of an organizational system with extensive coverage and effective mobilization for a political party and an organization, and making a vivid example for the strict strengthening of the organizational construction of the Communist Youth League in the new era.

For the Communist Youth League, organizational construction is of paramount importance. All the achievements of the Communist Youth League are mainly due to the strong support of millions of grass-roots League organizations; without grass-roots organizations as a foundation, the Communist Youth League will become a water without a source and a wood without roots, and it will inevitably be alienated from the close ties with the vast number of young people. Under the leadership of the party, the whole regiment has made long-term and arduous efforts to strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations. Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has always attached great importance to the organization and construction of the league, and has repeatedly personally pointed out the direction, pulsed, taught methods, and put forward a series of important requirements. We must implement the important requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping to the letter, adhere to the principle that "where the youth are, the league organization will be built; what the youth need, the league organization must carry out targeted work", adhere to the eyes downward, face the grass-roots level, establish a clear orientation of grasping the grass-roots level, promote reform measures to the grass-roots level, enrich the strength and resources to the grass-roots level, make the grass-roots really strong, and strive to make the league organization a strong fortress for connecting and serving the youth.

Strengthening the organization and building of the regiment is a systematic project, and it is necessary not only to have a strict attitude and a more realistic spirit, but also to have conscientious planning and pragmatic measures. It is necessary to closely follow the basic goal of enhancing political and social functions, let the league organizations firmly take root among the broad masses of young people, and through organized education and guidance, constantly enhance the trust of the league members and young people in the party and their confidence in socialism, more consciously and firmly listen to the party's words, follow the party, and continuously send fresh blood to the party; let the league organizations better meet the needs of young people and society, strive to achieve the organic unity of serving the youth and serving the overall situation, and constantly enhance the sense of gain of young people and the sense of existence of league organizations. It is necessary to adhere to the clear orientation of vigorously grasping the grass-roots units, show the soberness of "those who walk a hundred miles and half ninety" and the determination of "not collecting troops if they do not reach the goal", take the consolidation of the foundation and the improvement of vitality as the orientation, continue to vigorously grasp the implementation of the work, and ensure that the set goal of "the weak situation at the grass-roots level of the regiment has been basically reversed and the organizational strength of the regiment has been markedly enhanced" when the 100 th anniversary of the founding of the regiment is achieved on schedule and with high quality. It is necessary to focus on the important implication of improving organizational efficiency, face up to such conspicuous problems as rigid work thinking and outdated means, boldly break the old shackles and old routines that restrict the modernization and transformation of the Communist Youth League organization, and through specific measures such as projectization, flattening, and socialization, drive the leading organs of the whole league, especially the leagues at all levels, to innovate their thinking concepts, and strive to achieve scientific, rational, efficient, and smooth decision-making, mobilization, implementation, supervision, and evaluation. It is necessary to pay attention to making overall plans to do a good job in the building of the organizational system of the youth and young people in the League, take the comprehensive and strict management of the league as the leading role, implement the general tone and general requirements of strictness in all aspects of the work and construction of the All-China Youth Federation, the Student Union of the All-China Federation, and the Young Pioneers, so that the broad representation of the All-China Youth Federation organizations will be more prominent, the overall image of the members of the All-China Youth Federation will be further enhanced, the organizational positioning of the student union in serving its classmates will be clearer and more perceptible, the utilitarian and vulgar bureaucratic atmosphere will be eradicated, and the sense of glory and organizational belonging of the Young Pioneers will be continuously enhanced. The political attributes of the Young Pioneers' counselors have become more prominent, making the party's youth organizations more vibrant and stronger.

Commentator of this newspaper Source: China Youth Daily

Source: China Youth Daily

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