
The most talked-about foreign player at the Beijing Winter Olympics: Yusheng Yushin

author:A snail traveling through time and space

If you ask which foreign player in this Winter Olympics has the most attention from the Chinese people, then it is not the Japanese player Yu Yusuke. Whether it is the official media or self-media, print media or video media, the topic of Yusheng knotting has never been broken. It can be said that among all the foreign competitors, no one can surpass its influence. Even for local Chinese players, there is not much more attention than it.

The most talked-about foreign player at the Beijing Winter Olympics: Yusheng Yushin

On closer examination, there are many reasons. But the following factors are undoubtedly the key.

The first is handsome and handsome. Although the education we received from childhood has told us to pursue spiritual beauty. But after all, most of us are just mortals who eat grains and grains, and it is really difficult to reach the height of the sages and philosophers, and it is impossible to avoid being seduced by external beauty. Therefore, Yu sheng's handsome appearance and elegant temperament make people can't help but feel good about it. This is even more difficult to save among the female wolves of the Appearance Society.

The most talked-about foreign player at the Beijing Winter Olympics: Yusheng Yushin

The second is strength. It is an immutable truth that powerful people are welcome there. Yusei Won the gold medal at the Sochi Winter Olympics at the age of 19, and was the first Asian athlete to win the Men's Singles Winter Olympics in figure skating, breaking the monopoly of European and American athletes on the event. At the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, Yusei successfully defended the title of champion of the project, becoming the first successful champion in 66 years. Breaking the spell of the Winter Olympics figure skating men's single skater since 1952 that no one can defend the title. Super strength is undoubtedly the main reason for its high popularity.

The most talked-about foreign player at the Beijing Winter Olympics: Yusheng Yushin

Third, infectious arena performances. Figure skating is a sport with a performative nature, which requires not only strength and skill, but also a high talent for performance. If there is only strength and skill, even if the action is very difficult, it is difficult to win the championship. On the contrary, if the performance of the contestants is infectious and can bring the emotions of the audience and the referee into it, it is undoubtedly a plus. In this regard, the Feather Knot String is undoubtedly outstanding. His performances always immerse people in it and immerse themselves in the scenes they show.

The most talked-about foreign player at the Beijing Winter Olympics: Yusheng Yushin

In addition, the humility and courtesy displayed by Yusei Yusuke outside the arena also makes it have a high affinity. The occasional naughty frankness has narrowed the distance between it and ordinary people. It is this series of factors that makes him a widely watched and popular Winter Olympic player.

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