
8 movie recommendations about "cows", the year of the cow should be like this

author:One one says movies

I. Bullfighting (2009)

Douban score: 8.1 points

Recommended reason: This is the adversity of an ordinary person in the War of Resistance Against Japan, with the story of Niu Er (Huang Bo) and Niu, showing not only a person's strong desire to survive, but also the endless life of our nation, a promise to keep a lifetime, and an indelible historical memory.

8 movie recommendations about "cows", the year of the cow should be like this

II. The Cow's Testimony (1992)

Douban score: 7.9 points

Reason for recommendation: This is a story about three generations of a family, forming a complete history, the cow is a symbol of totem worship in Spanish culture, and the film gives it a divine light and rich meaning.

8 movie recommendations about "cows", the year of the cow should be like this

III. Judge Zhang's Anecdotes of the Trial of Niu (2003)

Reason for recommendation: If one day we can treat the animals around us as family, it will be the harmony of everything on the earth. In this movie, the male protagonist regards a cow as his "girlfriend", the cow is stolen after the lawsuit is filed, but also to do a "paternity test" for the cow, behind the funny story, reflects a deep truth.

8 movie recommendations about "cows", the year of the cow should be like this

IV. The First Cow (2019)

Douban score: 7.6 points

Reason for recommendation: Have you ever seen a business partnership with a cow? A Western cook and immigrants from China come to the wild West, and the story begins.

8 movie recommendations about "cows", the year of the cow should be like this

V. Cows (2016)

Douban score: 7.4 points

Reason for recommendation: The protagonist of the story is a simple farmer, the most precious thing in his life, is the cow Jacquelinena, after receiving the invitation he led the cow to walk to Paris, along the way there are many stories, but also experienced various tests.

8 movie recommendations about "cows", the year of the cow should be like this

VI. Cattle Hunting (2019)

Douban score: 7.1 points

Recommended reason: This is an absurd drama of cattle hunting, the story takes place in a Tibetan village, only in the simple countryside can such a natural peasant story happen, see this cow I see the stubborn self.

8 movie recommendations about "cows", the year of the cow should be like this

VIII. Gollum Cow (2009)

Douban score: 7.3 points

Recommended reason: Here is the childlike kindness and wisdom, the kind little brown mouse, with wisdom to survive, not only joy but also wisdom.

8 movie recommendations about "cows", the year of the cow should be like this

VII. Cow Story (2004)

Douban score: 6.8 points

Why: What happens when cattle are worried about their livelihoods? This is the story of three cows fighting to save the farm, although they have experienced various tribulations, why not grow up?

8 movie recommendations about "cows", the year of the cow should be like this