
Dao Fa Nine to | White Jade Toad Book, with the Transcendent Dao Realm, the tree reflects its own mirror, the full text of the notes


The Dao Fa Nine is from the White Jade Toad Book, and the Jade Toad Ancestor uses the transcendent Dao Fa realm, and the tree reflects its own mirror. Appendix IX below and its notes:

The Nine Essentials of the Tao Fa

  Three religions are different, and the source is the same.

  Note: The three religions of Taoism and Confucianism have the same root, and this root is the "Dao" also. Although the three religions are of the same origin, it is necessary not to say that the three religions are cultivated at the same time, and if it is said that those who cultivate the three religions and the two religions at the same time will never achieve success in their lives.

  The teachers of the Fu Lao clan, the tranquility is the true sect, and the eternal life is the dao. Enlightenment is before the Elephant Emperor, and reaches the beginning of the Chaoyuan, and it cannot be obtained and named, and the strong eye knows the Tao.

  Note: Lao Jun Li expounded the true meaning of the Dao, taking "qingjing" as the sect and "immortality" as the purpose, understanding the pre-fulfillment of vientiane and reaching the beginning of chaos. And the beginning of the chaos before the beginning of vientiane is this nameless and invisible place, so Lao Junqiang's name is "Tao".

  Self-incarnation, out of the Law to live people.

  Note: Out of nothing, there is a taiyi beginning, and the taiyi god is called "the beginning" with the spiritual name. The "DuRen Jing" says: "Once upon a time, in the first days of the Qing Dynasty, the Song of the Great Floating LiTu was influenced by the "Yuan Shi Du Ren Immeasurable Quality". Yuan Shi Tianzun should say that it is a sutra. "Since then, he has come out to the Dao Xuan Fa Ji Du Wan Ling.

Dao Fa Nine to | White Jade Toad Book, with the Transcendent Dao Realm, the tree reflects its own mirror, the full text of the notes

  The Fa also can steal the opportunity of heaven and earth, the principle of poor ghosts and gods, can help the country and the people, and save life and death.

  Note: The Dao Fa is originally derived from the immeasurable Xuan Xuan Dao also. It can steal the opportunity of heaven and earth to create a wonderful machine, can exhaust the reason for the ascension and degeneration of immortals, gods, ghosts and demons, can scientifically use the people's livelihood to defend the family and protect the country, and can help all sentient beings to transcend the mysterious book.

  The Tao cannot be separated from the Fa, the Fa cannot be separated from the Dao, and the Dao Fa can help the world. In recent times, those who have studied the Fa do not investigate the source of the Dao, but only participate in spells.

  Note: The Tao cannot be used in isolation from the Fa, and if the Tao cannot be applied, it is the path of "empty mouth delusion". The use of the Fa cannot be deviated from the Tao, and if the Fa deviates from the Dao, "there will be no spirit and no fulfillment." In modern times, those who study the Dao Fa do not study the roots of the Dao Fa all day long, chanting mantras, pinching tips, stepping gangs, worshiping stars, and fantasizing about the qi, how can this person be spiritual and have experience. (Bai Zu had this serious illness in the Song Dynasty until the founding of the Republic of China in modern times, which is really an ancient heart.) )

  I hereby have no choice but to outline the nine things and compile them into a "Nine Points", with the police learners to prove that they will enter the mysterious gate and not fall into a coma, and it is not beautiful for everyone to be enlightened!

Qiongshan Daoist White Jade Toad Sequence

  Note: Seeing the decline of the Dao Fa in this world, I had no choice but to do so, and compiled a volume of the Outline of the Nine Major Events of the Tao of Learning, known as the Nine Essentials. In this way, the Ninth Dao Fa will come to warn and train the people who have learned after the Xuanmen Gate of the Dao, and hope that they will be able to attain enlightenment into the Mysterious Gate, not fall into the path of coma and emptiness, and everyone will be able to attain the Path of Enlightenment one by one.

Dao Fa Nine to | White Jade Toad Book, with the Transcendent Dao Realm, the tree reflects its own mirror, the full text of the notes

Stand first

  Those who learn the Tao should be the first to stand up, and they should be ashamed of themselves and be born humane.

  Note: Those who learn the Tao must first be "virtuous and self-cultivating" and ashamed to be born "humane" in this life. Although the humanity of being born is not the flow of the evil path, but this path is not entangled and is not far from the evil path, so that we can know that the entanglement of one's own fate is not a wonderful result, but is born here and then as a human being, so we must always be ashamed and warn ourselves, and we must not be complacent and self-deprecating in the confusion of various situations.

  Daily incense is burned to take refuge in the Three Jewels of Taishang Avenue.

  Note: Burn incense every day to pray for refuge in the Three Jewels of Taishang Avenue.

  The Three Treasures, the Taoist Classic of the Three Treasures have the Golden Book, which states that "Heavenly Treasure Jun, LingBao Jun, and Divine Treasure Jun, these three treasures are all the gods of the Three Treasures."

  "Tianbao Jun" is high above the Jade Qing Palace, and this Xuanmen Zun is the Yuan Shi Tianzun.

  "Lingbao Jun" resides in the Qing Dynasty Xuandu Yujing Seven Treasures Ziwei Palace, and this Xuanmen is honored as the Lingbao Heavenly Zun .

  The "Divine Treasure King" resides in the Taiji Palace of the Three Emperors Cave God Taiqing, and this Xuanmen is revered as the Daode Tianzun.

  Also known as Yuqing, Shangqing, and Taiqing, this is the origin of the common saying "three qing".

First of all, the sorrow of the past, pray for the blessing of self-renewal.

  Note: Thoroughly "repent" of the many non-Taoist deeds in the past, and pray that my three Pure Daoist ancestors will grant them the opportunity and protection of self-renewal.

  Read the classics and read the occult texts.

  Note: Widely read the classics of the Dao Xuanmen Qingjing Orthodox Sect, so that its spiritual performance is inspired by the words of the Xuanmen masters, real people, Zhiren, etc. of the Xuanmen Sect of the past, and the remarks between them and the Same Yu of the Dao can not fall into vulgar and contemptible words, and the quotations of scriptures between conversations with The Daomen believers can promote the quiet and free words of the Dao Xuanmen.

  Eliminate the heart of harming people and things, and do a good job of saving people's thoughts.

  Note: The inner person always cuts out the disgust of harmful objects in his own heart, and this disgust is destroyed by imitating the swiftness of thunder as soon as it is risen, and the Golden Light Divine Curse says: "There is a thunderbolt inside, and the name of the thunder god is hidden." That is, there is such a meaning. The outsider imitates the virtue of good life in the heavens, and the learning of self-denial can relieve all souls.

Diligently and kindly, seeking truth in everything, strict incense, filial piety to parents, respecting and respecting elders, moving and stopping modesty, and solemnizing.

  Note: Work tirelessly for good, do not be sloppy every day, teach the son to be strict, filial piety to parents, respect for teachers, words and deeds are dignified and vulgar, neat and simple, not luxurious.

Dao Fa Nine to | White Jade Toad Book, with the Transcendent Dao Realm, the tree reflects its own mirror, the full text of the notes

  Don't have evil and lustful delusions, don't wander the flowers and willows.

  Note: Those who want to learn the Tao should not let adulterous delusions overflow in their hearts, but their hearts are full of evil thoughts and how can they remain in their hearts. Don't let loose and frightened between fireworks and liquor stores, acting recklessly will inevitably be incompetent to self-discipline, how can incompetent self-discipline be able to firmly adhere to the Tao.

  Do not come to the scene of the slaughter, do not kiss the place of the dead.

  Note: Those who want to learn the Tao should not come to the place of torture and slaughter, but must know that the heavens have the virtue of good life and evil killing. Do not leave the place of corpses for a long time, when you know the way of eternal life to take its anger, the death of the grave destroyer should also avoid it.

  Calm your body and mind, and stay away from the evil party.

  Note: Those who want to learn the Tao should be quiet and physically and mentally far away from the non-Taoist friends.

  It is advisable to seek a teacher and ask the nobles, this is the first true man. Do as you please.

  Note: After Lide and self-cultivation have Dharma, they can start to visit the Four Directions of the Tao to find famous teachers to consult those who are highly cultivated, and this trip is the correct behavior of those who have just learned the Tao.

Dao Fa Nine to | White Jade Toad Book, with the Transcendent Dao Realm, the tree reflects its own mirror, the full text of the notes

Seek the teacher second

  A learner must meet a writer to understand the true Tao.

  Note: Those who wish to learn the Ultimate Path must seek to meet those who have practiced true learning in order to comprehend the true meaning of the Ultimate Path.

  Only when you meet a true teacher can you convert to preaching and receiving the Dhamma.

  Note: When you meet a teacher who has inherited the True Fa, his teacher can clearly point out the direction of refuge in the ancestral court and teach the method of transcending life and death and no longer wandering.

  It must be a few days ago to speculate about his teacher, entrust the source of the mysterious reason, and then get close. Accumulate day by day, respectfully and faithfully.

  Note: If a person with high merit wants to worship him as a teacher, he must observe in many ways whether his words and deeds are consistent, whether his explanation of the Dao Fa is coherent, whether it is in line with the purpose of tranquility, and if it is suitable, he can approach it. No matter how the years change, treat their teachers with respect and integrity.

  The second time it is advisable to take the shape of incense, to drink blood and drink Dan in the heavens, to teach the Secret Secret Method of the Taoist Book, and to practice it.

  Note: Secondly, qi prepared incense cases to set up the Altar of Dao, from the book Huang Jian and the Heaven and Earth Alliance Oath, worship under the Xuanmen and recognize the zu Tianzun master and disciple, from then on the ancestral fa can be inherited and connected, and then his teacher can teach the ming point "Daoshu Hidden Tips, Secret Law Xuanwen", and the Daoist people can get this Zhong'ao to practice the Fa.

  The blind binding force of the disciple who is not his teacher is to make the disciple take a poison oath and achieve blind binding force, that is, to make a vow of the protégé, to generate strength with his wish, so that no matter how many tribulations he faces in his life, he will not retreat from the Dao. And those who have made an oath with heaven and earth can grant the creation machine this mysterious act. And there is a common experience between heaven and earth, and if a Daoist learns the Dao Fa and abuses the poisonous beings, he will be punished by the heavens and the earth for destroying the soul in fragments.

  "Bloodshed" is not a bloody act such as cutting off a chicken's head and spilling dog blood, but a word that the master and disciple recognize each other as fathers and sons.

  "Drinking Dan" this is the Supreme Dao Xuanfa, and the newly worshippers who enter the Xuanmen are mentioned by their teachers to pour their spiritual yuan into their ancestors, so that their ancestors will inherit each other, so that there is xuanxuan for a reason that there is not much to say.

Although it cannot be abandoned when it is passed on, the constant attendants follow him around, and ask for the oral tips xuan ao shu without difficulty, and naturally have a good spirit.

  Note: Although the teachers have taught them with all their might, the Daoists have the ability to teach the scholars not to abandon the teachers. When the regular attendant is with the teacher, and there is no doubt or puzzle in the mouth, the occult, the Upanishads, etc., the lasting practice can naturally have a spiritual experience.

  The disciples of the Ancient Ancestors who had tasted the high ancient masters had converted to many of them, and the master had a heart in the hearts of the disciples.

  Note: It has been heard that in ancient times, the Xuanmen Sect Master was famous for his high moral standing, and there were thousands of people from all walks of life who threw in the beginners, and his teachers observed that the disciples had their own calculations in their hearts.

Dao Fa Nine to | White Jade Toad Book, with the Transcendent Dao Realm, the tree reflects its own mirror, the full text of the notes

  He who does not do what he does not do with him,

  Note: Those whose words and deeds are too extreme are not taught.

  The insincere do not go with it,

  Note: Those who learn the Tao without sincerity do not teach the Fa.

  The five rebels do not go with it,

  Note: Those who violate the Five Luns do not grant the Dharma.

  and the sick do not go with it,

  Note: Those who are born with incomplete five bodies do not teach the Fa.

  Neither do the jailers, nor do those who work hard and are always idle.

  Note: Those who serve in the punishment of killing, those who are diligent and slack, do not grant the law.

  If some disciples are in tune with the teacher's heart and smell the same random response, the one who has attained the degree should be ashamed of it.

  Note: If there are disciples who are in line with the master's heart, the teacher randomly applies the initiation of his disciples, and the disciples should be ashamed and should not say more and misunderstand.

When the master tempts the disciple, it is difficult to do anything difficult, or the disciple does not follow what he wants in the middle, and the disciple does not get angry privately. If you are resentful and blame the master, the yin and the yang will be rewarded without any loss. The divine generals in the Obtained Law are also not assisted. Don't you hear of Han Zhang's good deeds Huangshi Gong, the three into the bridge of the public to see sincerity, is the king of the master after the transmission of the book, if the teacher should be reasonable.

  Note: When a disciple is tempted to do anything about his Daoist heart, he will be blamed for something difficult or will be ignored in his corner, and the disciple will not be resentful at this time. There are words and hearts in the belly, jade is not a tool, do not panic in the face of tests. If the disciple has a grudge against him, he will not be assisted by the gods and officials in the mysterious methods taught by his teacher, so his disciples will certainly do it repeatedly and without testing. Huang shigong threw shoes under the bridge three times to try Zhang Liang, and the seeker should remember this historical example.

  That being said, those who learn the Tao must remember that "the true teacher will not let his disciples violate the precepts and the laws of the land", and if a beginner encounters a false teacher who orders a disciple to act foolishly, he must not be foolish!

  "Learning the Tao before it fails, and going to jail before practicing the Fa" Is certainly not an act of discipleship by the Master, and there are countless scum that have held up the banner of the Daomen from ancient times to the present, and those who say yin and yang are evil and self-indulgent, and those who give wealth and accumulate virtue are used for private use.

  Taking "difficult things" as an example, if there is a young person with a lot of blood, he must stand on the pile for a few hours and not tired, but if he makes the person who sits on the seat must be as difficult as a needle in the needle (like a worm on his body), the enemy enters the Xuanmen when he is young and encounters this matter, in the past, the zumen often made the enemy close his eyes and sit down, and the ancestors protested to the zumen at that time why they could not stand and practice, and the zumen said: "This method is the main thing, where the heart is known?" If you don't sit down, you don't have to come back! Zumen said that the forest was completed, and the people obediently sat down at that time.

  Every time he recalled this matter, he felt ashamed and ridiculous, and Zumen's meaning at that time was already clear: "The god of the heart dwells in handsome, and the one who does not know the heart does not work." "I'm ashamed. It is ridiculous that I, young and ignorant, dared to protest to Zumen and make a fool of myself.

  The master of the Dao Fa is always the same in heart, the disciple is always the same, and the path is naturally demon-free. The so-called disciple seeks the teacher easily, the teacher seeks the disciple is difficult, and sincerity is also a word.

  Note: The mind of a teacher who teaches the Fa is always the same, and the same is true for the disciples, and the cultivation of the Dao is naturally difficult and lifeless. As the saying goes, "It is easy for a disciple to seek a teacher, but it is difficult for a teacher to seek a disciple." This statement is very true.

Dao Fa Nine to | White Jade Toad Book, with the Transcendent Dao Realm, the tree reflects its own mirror, the full text of the notes

Third in line with the score

  Between the world of life, food and clothing are naturally divided, and it is advisable to keep the eternal shame of not thinking of greed.

  Note: Those who are born between heaven and earth naturally have their own quota for the amount of food and clothing in their lives, so those who learn the Tao should sincerely keep their share, and in their hearts they must always be ashamed of the humane heart and should not have the delusion of coveting the external objects of the heart, and if the delusional life is overflowing, the Tao will not come to dwell, and those who are incapable of learning the Tao will not be able to learn the Tao. With the mind full of things outside the body, how can we sometimes learn the Tao?

  The rich are rich and the poor are poor, and they are all rooted in the world, and they must not be jealous.

  Note: The rich have their own cause of being rich, the poor have their own cause of poverty, this cause comes from the foundation of the past world, there is a reason for the strength of bearing and the number of qi, and the Taoist people should not be cynical.

  The only way to learn the Tao is enough to feed itself, and if it does not keep its promises, it will be a disaster. The so-called Yan Zi eats and drinks, and in the dark alley, people are overwhelmed by their worries, and they will not change their happiness. Yan Hui is also a sage.

  Note: Those who learn the Tao do not ask for much, but their food, clothing, and food are greatly satisfied, and if they do not abide by their identity, the false and unexpected seekers will inevitably suffer quickly, and they do not know that the three years of learning the Tao sell the Tao and ask for money, although there are many such people as carp across the river, but who is not embarrassed, and the light ones who are defeated and the heavy are firmly entangled. Gu Xianzhe Yanhui, a piece of food, a scoop of drink, in the dark alley, people can not bear their worries, back will not change their happiness. Therefore, because of his deeds, the name of the sage can stay for a thousand years.

  If a learner of the Tao takes what he asks for, he will be confused in the opposite way, and the Tao will not succeed and the Law should not be done. If you follow this practice, you will find it in it.

  Note: If a person who learns the Tao covets something that is not part of his body, he will suffer from the suffering of external things and will be tempted by his things, and such a person will learn the Tao without the ability to fulfill the law. If a Daoist can keep his own happiness and know his destiny, he can swim in the Dao and not leave his body.

Take the fourth vow

  He who practices the precepts of the tao and the precepts of the precepts is to be held. The square at the end of the word can be held. First learn to fast, and the gods will naturally assist.

  Note: What is the "practice" of a learned person? Practitioners, who practice the Pure Path, hold on to the precepts of the Forbidden Path. It is necessary to thoroughly understand the original meaning of the two words in order to be able to hold and test, the Taoist first learns to take the fast, and the gods will naturally assist their people.

  Practitioners, who practice the Method of Tranquility, will not originate from the Tao, and those who do not practice the Path will not originate from the Tao, and if they lose the source of the Path, they will waste their lives.

  Holders, hold the precepts of the Word of Prohibition.

  The Taoist is quiet, and the non-guan is forbidden.

  The Taoist is naturally also, and the anti-nature is forbidden.

  The Tao is heavenly reason, and the precepts of those who have no heavenly principle can be combined.

  The Tao is born of virtue, and the virtue of the unborn is forbidden.

  The Taoist is benevolent, and the unkind is forbidden.

  The Taoist is righteous, and the walker without righteous qi is forbidden.

  The Taoist is also a ritual, and the incivility is forbidden.

  The Tao is also law-abiding, and the lawbreakers are forbidden.

  The Taoist is always the same, and the one who violates the morality is forbidden.

Dao Fa Nine to | White Jade Toad Book, with the Transcendent Dao Realm, the tree reflects its own mirror, the full text of the notes

  Sajin Cloud:

The Dao Fa is idle in the body, and it is cold to think about the precepts.

It is easy for a thousand iron trees to blossom, and it is difficult to be born once they enter the scent.

  Have you not heard of the real people burning the temple, and their gods are secretly following around, and after twelve years, the real people have not tried to break the precepts, and their gods have been converted to auxiliary generals. If a true man breaks the vows, his gods will take revenge, and how can this man not keep the vows?

  Note: Zhenren Sa Shou Jian in the past from the power of heavenly thunder to destroy the temple of obscenity, its main god returned to the temple and saw that the descendants of the temple were killed by the Sa Zhen Lei, so his main god was angry and indisting, so he returned to the Heavenly Court to punish him, and the Heavenly Emperor gave his main god a staff to "strike the god steel whip", and the Heavenly Emperor ordered that if the true person had violated the precepts, he could be punished, and his main god secretly followed the Sa Zhen for twelve years without a crime, because Sazu's strict observance of the precepts and virtues were awe-inspiring, and his main god appeared before Sazu and asked himself to surrender to the Sazu Protector. His main god was later enthroned as "Wang Lingguan", commonly known as "Wang Tianjun", and is now one of the guardian gods of Xuanmen.

  Those who learn the Tao should be the ones who have done the same day, and if the True People of The Path have violated the precepts, they will be punished, so how can the learners of the Tao today do it without thinking of taking the vows.

  More importantly, be kind and benevolent, help the poor and help the poor. Xu Zhenjun of Xijingyang, a troubled person, his family hugged and threw himself at jun, and the cause of the illness that jun smelled was only poor and undesirable. Zhenjun sealed it with money and blessed it: This charm pays the patient to open it. When he returned home, the patient was given money to make a fuss about it, and his illness was cured.

  Note: Those who learn the Tao must be more generous and benevolent to the poor. In ancient times, Xu Zhenjun once encountered a seriously ill person, and his family complained to Zhenjun, who heard that the cause of his illness was because his family was poor for a while. The true king sealed it in the rune with money, and said to his family that this charm could only be prescribed to the patient, and when he returned home, the patient prescribed his charm to get his money to meet the urgent needs, and his illness caused by depression was cured suddenly.

Giving alms to the poor accumulates yin virtue, and those who practice the rituals make meritorious deeds, all out of indifference. It is not a matter of doing so, but if the achievements are fully promoted, it can be expected.

  Note: Helping the poor and giving alms can accumulate yin virtue, and practicing spells to help others can build Dao gong. However, all of the above are out of unintentional deeds, and we should not pay attention to the appearance of merit, and if we have no merit to speak of, if the merit of the learner satisfies the day of enlightenment, it will not be far away.

Dao Fa Nine to | White Jade Toad Book, with the Transcendent Dao Realm, the tree reflects its own mirror, the full text of the notes

Mingdao fifth

  Fu Dao, into the Holy Extraordinary Blessing Nine Ancestors, the land of leisure and no obstacles, the realm of happiness and xuan, the formation and dispersion of the gathering is the wind, the three Qing Dynasty discuss the Jade Emperor together, not belongs to the five elements and beyond the three realms, this is the wonderful way of proof of nothingness.

  Note: Enlightened people can transcend the Nine Ancestors of the Holy Super, can escape from the land of no obstacles, can travel in the realm of immortality, form and scatter the wind, when the golden rank is subject to the theory of the Three Qing, when entering the Purple Court to hear the words of the Jade Emperor, this Dharma body can transcend the Three Realms and is not in the Five Elements, and those who have this merit are the wonderful path that has been proved to be pure and void.

  If you want to ascend to this path, first cultivate humanity, remove the delusions and destroy the six consciousnesses, and establish the foundation of the Xuanmu, you must divide the yin and yang fire, like a chicken holding an egg, going in and out.

  Note: If you want to ascend this mysterious path of tranquility and nothingness, you must first start with the humanity of cultivating yourself, and then remove the shackles of delusion to destroy the six senses, and the foundation of the Ming Li Xuanmu has pierced the mystery of the Xuanguan, and it must be divided into yin and yang fire to return to the true face of the divine qi, and the divine qi embraces like a chicken holding an egg, and after a long time, it can go in and out, and this is not a guan shentong, but uses the word qin.

The deeds are full of body and body. The elixir is self-inflicted, the jade room golden building is self-incarnated at will, the wind and rain sit on the ghost god, the boo can cure the disease, the stone can be gold, not the same as the mortal, the heavenly commandment, the true immortal.

  Note: The words of this real person are immeasurable.

Dao Fa Nine to | White Jade Toad Book, with the Transcendent Dao Realm, the tree reflects its own mirror, the full text of the notes

Sixth Practice

  The Dharma, the Creation of Yin and Yang, the Mingda Ghost God Organ, the Wind Summoning Thunder and Praying for The Rain, performing spells and water to cure diseases and drive away evil spirits. Accumulate merit and become holy with the Tao. We must first know the reason, and we must know clearly that we are not suspicious.

  Note: Those who want to practice the Dao Fa must first understand the principle of yin and yang creation, the station of the Mingda Ghost Divine Department Division, call the wind and call the thunder to pray for the sun and the rain, and perform spells and water to cure diseases and drive away evil spirits. These can accumulate merit, and those who are satisfied are sanctified with the Tao. And before this, we must be clear in our hearts, clear and clear, and there is no suspicious point, so that we can use it freely.

  If you want to pray for rain and drought, first choose the Longtan River and Sea, the abyss of the blue valley, the place where the cloud dragon is infested, and throw it in accordance with the law. If you should not move the Thor of the Ministry of Law, choose a time limit to go to the altar for use.

  Note: This is the method of praying for rain.

  Praying for the sun cares about sincere meditation, exercising the yang god, summoning the god of Feng Yifengbu, sweeping away the clouds and mist, easily apologizing for the abundance to save the people's suffering, and if the heart of the heavens should be at hand.

  Note: This is the recipe for praying for the sun.

  The way to drive away evil spirits is to first establish a righteous heart, not to have delusions, and to examine the truth and falsity.

  Note: The way to expel evil spirits must first be to correct one's own heart at all times, and not to have delusions in one's heart, and when you know that evil spirits and spirits have to listen to the voice of the heart, and the law of delusional life is unsuitable, at this time the evil spirits are excited and fearless of the Daoist people. And before the altar comes, it is necessary to know the truth and falsity, and to examine whether there is any evil spirit of death and evil, or whether the human heart is guilty of evil, or whether it is a false play between people and evil. Before the altar, it must not be known and observed, and this is the kung fu of the Daoist people's daily cultivation.

  Gu Yun: "If you want to bring down the devil, first bring down your own evil." "Summoning the general with sincerity and driving him away, if the people do not hear of the law to avoid sin and escape, send the thunder god to tour and drive it."

  Note: Gu Yun: "If you want to bring down the devil, first bring down your own evil." "When summoning the ancestral gate headquarters gods with a sincere heart, they will drive them away, and if the evil spirit hears the fa and escapes, he should launch a patrol of the fabu thunder god and split it."

  If you send it, you must not send it, there is no fear of being involved, and you should be cautious.

  Note: If the evil spirits are captured, they must not be sent to the Yin Division, and the God of The Divine Spirit will be sent to the Arctic Exorcism Temple for examination and release by Emperor Xuan, and if it is handed over to the Yin Division for retrial, it may be a disaster of slander and involvement, and the Daoist must be cautious in this matter.

Dao Fa Nine to | White Jade Toad Book, with the Transcendent Dao Realm, the tree reflects its own mirror, the full text of the notes

  If the cure is the cure, it is advisable to carefully examine the evidence of the disease, and it should be treated with water. Gairen's qi is lucky between the three jiao and five internal organs, and if it is smooth, it will become a disease.

  Note: The method of curing the disease must carefully observe the symptoms of the disease, apply the water to cure it, the blood and qi of the human body are transported between the three scorches and five internal organs, and the qi and blood are smooth and healthy and inverse.

  Although this law must be feasible, the modern national law no longer applies spells to the Taoists to cure diseases, so the self-use of this law should not be applied lightly to the outside world, because the Law and Discipline of the Taoists are also forbidden, and the precepts of those who violate the law and discipline are forbidden.

  Or lust is out of control, or the mind is insufficient and evil. Therefore, when the evil qi invades, it becomes a disease, and with my true qi, I purify the evil of the other, and I use the true yang of the enemy against the yin of the other.

  Note: Those who have lost their lust or who are sick with scattered minds are all diseases caused by the violation of evil qi, so they wash away the unhealthy qi of other people with my pure righteous qi, and withdraw the yin and sick qi with my true yang qi.

  If the patient is obsessed with the evil way, it can be cured by the water of convenience.

  Note: If the person who comes is nameless and evil, he can use the water to facilitate it and retreat.

  Saving people is full of merit and the immortal level, and for the mysterious fruit!

  Note: The consummation of countless meritorious deeds to save people can directly prove the Immortal Order, which is the fruit of the mysterious dao.

Shou one seventh

  What is the reason for the close-minded practitioners, or those who do not call for failure?

  Note: Why is this why there may be people who are not spiritually summoned to surrender among the practitioners of the Close-looking Dao Fa?

  Those who have practiced the Fa in the first place have been tired, but the Guangdong scholars are not as good as it is, and this illegal should not be also, and the Yuanyang cannot be purely scattered, and the gods do not return to the law when they ascend to the altar.

  Note: People who are new to the Tao of the Fa often practice and test it, but it is difficult for those who have learned a lot to respond, and this is not the Dao Fa, but there is no spiritual response, only because the Daoist people are knowledgeable and wide-ranging and learn the Fa of multiple doors, so that the use of the gong cannot be pure and the Yuanyang is scattered, and when the Altar Sacrifice is made, the mind is not unified, so the Dao Fa has no spiritual response.

  Don't you hear Lao Tzu Yun: The heavens must be clear, the earth will be peaceful, and the people will be one with the spirit. Those who aspire to do so now must abide by one law and naturally penetrate the heavens and the earth. I don't know that Shou Xuan hugged one as the best effort, but I couldn't be pure in my studies.

  Note: Don't you hear Lao Tzu Yun here: "The heavens will be clear, the earth will be peaceful, and the people will be one with the spirit." "Those who are determined to practice the Dao today must practice the Fa so that they can skillfully penetrate through this and naturally go through heaven and earth. If you don't know that Shou Xuan hugs one as the highest level of kung fu, erudite and good smell can not be pure and self-mistaken.

Dao Fa Nine to | White Jade Toad Book, with the Transcendent Dao Realm, the tree reflects its own mirror, the full text of the notes

  Cover the ancient ancestors, although there is a box full of spiritual books, left to guide all fools to develop and learn later. I don't know that the teacher's heart has its own magic, it does not teach people to see and hear, and the ghosts and gods do not know its opportunity, but it is easy to use it.

  Note: Although the ancestors of the Ancient Xuanmen have the Spirit Book Xuanwen full of boxes, those are reserved for the future generations to be used for guidance due to the difference in root qi, and they do not know that their teachers have their own magic use of a method of universality, which is not visible to people in the body, and although the spirit of the ghost god does not know its magic, but the pure one is silent and sensible, and there should be nothing to hinder.

  Moreover, the French seal is also rare, and the one seal of the main heart, the rule of one division, and the special one will still set up an altar. Morning and evening incense is revered, in and out of the prestige of the movement and stop respectful, integrity and natural response.

  Note: And the Fa seal is also rare, concentrate on one seal, one division, and summon one god general, and then you can set up a Taoist altar and a quiet room. Morning and evening incense offerings come and go with a respectful attitude, worship the gods and ancestors as if in front of the eyes, and those who are in line with the integrity are naturally in line with the spirit. (Modern Fayin Jing rooms can be seen everywhere, and people do not know that Fayin tokens must be sacrificed from time to time.) How to print multiple cards can be effective. )

  Do not doubt whether there is ignorance of the spiritual platform. It must first be fulfilled with sincerity and respect, and the way of keeping one must be fulfilled.

  Note: Between actions and perseverance, the Taoist must not have a doubtful mind, but must use it to keep it with a sincere and devout heart, and what he does will be spiritually realized.

Jidu eighth

  The learner of the Tao is discerning, does not enjoy luxury, does not feel poor, does not dwell in the dusty land, does not float in the river of love, and is idyllic and natural, without hindering the world and the same.

  Note: The learned person tai ding has the reason to be able to understand the yuan god, not happy to live in luxury and glory, not to hate the poverty and lowly situation, not to care about this land of earthly dust, not to drown in the river of love, the day of tranquility is natural and elegant, and the light and dust are not shocking.

  First of all, do the deeds to heal the sick, and benefit the people. This can be redeemed for Shen to fall out of the underworld, first of all the ancestors and the five paths.

  Note: Those who have learned the Tao can first use the spells but cure evil diseases to benefit the people of the world. Although this skill can be surpassed by the secret origin, it is necessary to first pass through the ancestral lineage of this life, and then popularize the five realms of sentient beings.

Dao Fa Nine to | White Jade Toad Book, with the Transcendent Dao Realm, the tree reflects its own mirror, the full text of the notes

  With my clarity of the other's stagnation, with my true transformation of the other's delusions, with my yang refining the other's yin, with my fullness of the other's hunger, beyond the ascension from the Pudu infinity as a means of abundance.

  Note: With my awareness of the stagnation of the other, with my true transformation of the other's delusions, with my yang refining the other's yin, with my filling of the other's hunger, these four tips must be the key words of the transcendent pudu.

Succeeding the ninth

  Those who learn the Tao must meet the Master to teach the secret method, cultivate it in the world, respect it in heaven, and take refuge in the end is not a trivial matter, when he knows the grace of the yin and yang of heaven and earth, the virtue of the king's parents' hard work, and the benefit of the master's preaching of the Dharma, then the heavens and the earth, the king, the parents, and the teachers and friends must not be disrespectful, and if they violate it slightly, the true path will not be a god or a blessing.

  Note: Those who learn the Tao must meet the Master to teach the secret method, cultivate it in the world, and those who have this reality are respected by heaven and heaven, and after learning to take refuge in xuanmen, it is not a trivial matter, and the learner should know the kindness of heaven and earth, kings, parents, and teachers and friends, this must not be disrespectful, if he neglects and neglects and does not respect, the true path will not become a god and no bless.

  Since the Dao Fa is obtained in the body, the Dao Fa should be chosen and paid for, and the Dao pulse should not be cut off. It must be a daily grind, and those who can pay it will pay it. Neither the other nor the other shall be passed on lightly, and the sin shall be returned.

  Note: The humane Fa of learning the Tao is in the body, and after the Dao is completed, it should be chosen and paid for, and the Dao pulse should not be cut off. Those who are born with virtue and a moral heart must be examined and enlightened. If those who do not pass on the True Fa of their hearts lightly, it will be difficult for them to transgress the Tao.

  If it is taught by others, but according to the source of the ancestors, it is not allowed to increase or lose the word skills. The hearts of loyalty and filial piety are in harmony, and do not give birth to the hearts of others.

  Note: If it is taught by the True Master, but according to the lineage of the ancestors, the True Writing Technique must not add or lose words. According to the heart of loyalty and filial piety, the Xuanmen bloodline inherits, do not give birth to the heart of the difference between people and my race and do not pass it on.

  If a disciple is a master, the gods of heaven and earth will clearly discern and be without any mistakes. Teachers and disciples are no different.

  Note: If a disciple slanders the ancestors and rebels against the master, he will inevitably learn from heaven and earth, and there will be no difference in returning to the Beitai Iron Book in the future. If the disciple given by the false teacher is also a false person.

  If no one can afford it, the stone box is hidden in the famous mountain blessed land and the island dragon palace, and the robbery epidemic naturally comes out.

  Note: If there is no one to pay, the secret of the magic recipe should be placed in a stone box hidden in the famous mountain blessed land, or placed in the Dragon Palace of the Immortal Island, and when the robbery and transportation flow, the machine will be transported to the magic secret naturally, and the virtuous person can continue the Dao pulse after the luck is transferred.

Dao Fa Nine to | White Jade Toad Book, with the Transcendent Dao Realm, the tree reflects its own mirror, the full text of the notes

  Give the grace of the parents of heaven and earth, and the virtue of the teachers to preach and teach, and give them what they have gained. If you cultivate yourself and accumulate merit, you will be able to benefit the characters of the upper body and the heavenly heart, and the path of action will become truly extraordinary and holy. Looking at xian xi to see.

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