
Hands on the back, waist back easily! 6 waist protectors, do it anytime, anywhere! | Aishen live warm heart spring

author:Shanghai Xuhui
Hands on the back, waist back easily! 6 waist protectors, do it anytime, anywhere! | Aishen live warm heart spring

Sedentary wounds, sitting for a long time can easily cause imbalance in the function of lumbar intervertebral discs, small joints, muscles and ligaments, followed by various low back pain such as lumbar muscle strain and lumbar disc herniation.

How to prevent low back pain? Here we recommend 6 casual waist protection tricks that combine movement and static, and you may wish to do it more times every day.

Stand up and speak

Engaged in intense and selfless work, sometimes it is difficult to have a moment to stand a stand, if you encounter communication with others, answer the phone, you can stand up and speak, which can make the tight waist muscles relax for a while, but also conducive to blood circulation, improve muscle function.

Clench your fists and rub your waist and eyes

When leaning on the back of the chair to recuperate, the waist is often empty, and at this moment, the two hands are clenched into empty fists, against the waist and eyes, so that the waist has a support and slows down the muscle tension.

Hands on the back, waist back easily! 6 waist protectors, do it anytime, anywhere! | Aishen live warm heart spring

On the other hand, by gently pressing and kneading the acupuncture points that can stimulate the waist and eye - kidney Yu, it is located in the kidney area, that is, on both sides of the upper lumbar vertebrae, about one and a half fingers of thumb width, and there are two adjacent acupuncture points lumbar Yang Guan and large intestine Yu below it, which can play a role in activating blood circulation and strengthening the waist and strengthening the kidneys by stimulating the relevant meridian acupuncture points.

Stretch out more

Sitting for a long time, the waist is easy to bend forward, resulting in tension and fatigue of the lower back muscles. Usually stretching a few more lazy waists can increase the intervertebral space, help muscle contraction, reduce muscle burden, play a role in reducing swelling, relieving pain, and promoting lymphatic reflux and blood circulation.

Hands on the back, waist back easily! 6 waist protectors, do it anytime, anywhere! | Aishen live warm heart spring

Knock on the lumbar spine a few times

The low back acupuncture points are rich, and there are many acupuncture points distributed in the veins of the foot and sun bladder, and the waist spine is continuously tapped up and down with one hand or both hands in an empty fist, which can stimulate the acupuncture points, smooth the qi and blood, and prevent low back pain. This movement can be done either sitting or standing.

Sit still and turn your waist

Resting on the armrests on both sides of the seat with both elbows or holding the seat with both hands, repeatedly doing more than ten left and right waist movements, so that the lumbar joints and intervertebral discs balance movements, prevent muscle stiffness and fatigue damage, and make the force more balanced. Of course, it is better to stand up and do this action.

Massage the popliteal socket often

The depression behind the knee joint is called the popliteal fossa, and there is an acupuncture point called the center of which is the confluence point of the sun bladder of the lumbar back foot through two branches in the popliteal fossa.

Hands on the back, waist back easily! 6 waist protectors, do it anytime, anywhere! | Aishen live warm heart spring

Chinese medicine has the saying of "low back commission", gently leaning down and rubbing the middle point of the committee 15 to 20 times, not only can relieve pain and treat low back pain, but also adjust the qi and blood of the local meridians and meridians of the lower back, dredge the meridians, and promote the metabolism of soft tissues of the waist muscles.

Synthesized from: Health Care China

The image comes from the Internet

Edit: Mao Wenlu

Proofreader: Siyi Chen

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