
Health Tips for Disease Control (February 10, 2022)

author:Junlian released

From 0 to 24:00 on February 9, 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 29 new confirmed cases. Among them, there were 22 imported cases (9 cases in Guangdong, 8 cases in Shanghai, 2 cases in Jilin, 1 case in Zhejiang, 1 case in Fujian, and 1 case in Guangxi), including 2 cases from asymptomatic infected people to confirmed cases (1 case in Guangdong and 1 case in Guangxi).

●7 cases of local confirmed diseases: all in Baise City, Guangxi Province;

●1 case of local asymptomatic infection: in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province.

● Guangxi

Guangxi Baise "Xiaotangshan" officially opened: Baise "epidemic" emergency, in order to quickly cut off the epidemic, Guangxi Baise City Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters decided to use the Baidong Branch of the Affiliated Hospital of Youjiang Medical College for Nationalities that has not yet been opened to build Baise "Xiaotangshan" Hospital.

According to the requirements of the Baise City Epidemic Prevention and Control Command, the hospital was officially opened as a local "Xiaotangshan Hospital" to fight the epidemic and will soon receive confirmed patients for transfer. It is understood that the hospital gradually opened 5 wards, which can accommodate 1200 patients.

Some colleges and universities in Guangxi postponed their return to school and switched to online teaching.

● Yunnan

Since February 10, the market town area of Mengman Town, Mengla County, Xishuangbanna Prefecture, has been adjusted to a low-risk area.

In order to strictly implement the prevention and control requirements of "external prevention of import and internal prevention of rebound" and effectively control and reduce the risk of epidemic transmission, the CDC of Junlian County reminds you:

Come back policy tips


For people who have a history of living in medium- and high-risk areas, centralized isolation is implemented, and nucleic acid testing is carried out every 3 days during the period until 14 days after leaving the risk area.


For people who have a history of living in the township (street) where the medium and high-risk areas are located, implement home isolation (if the conditions for home isolation are not met, implement centralized isolation), conduct nucleic acid testing on the 1st, 3rd and 7th days, until the township (street) where the risk area is located is 7 days old, and double collection and double examination when the isolation is lifted.


For people who have a history of living in other townships (streets) in the county (city, district, banner) where the medium and high-risk area is located (excluding municipalities directly under the central government), implement home health monitoring, and conduct nucleic acid testing on the 1st, 3rd and 7th days until the county (city, district, banner) where the risk area is located is 7 days old.


For those who come to (return) to Sichuan with a history of living in other counties (cities, districts, banners) of the city where the medium- and high-risk areas are located, and other townships (streets) of the counties (districts) where the medium- and high-risk areas are located, they need to provide a 48-hour nucleic acid negative certificate, and then undergo a nucleic acid test within 24 hours after entering Sichuan. If you cannot provide a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours, you need to conduct nucleic acid testing twice in 3 days (24 hours apart) after entering Sichuan, and do not go out and gather before the nucleic acid test results are released.


For people who have a local infection but have not designated a history of living in counties (cities, districts, banners) in medium- and high-risk areas, they need to provide a negative nucleic acid certificate for 48 hours, and then undergo a nucleic acid test within 24 hours after entering Sichuan. If you cannot provide a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours, you need to perform nucleic acid testing twice every 3 days (24 hours apart) after entering Sichuan. After the local demarcation of medium- and high-risk areas, they will be included in the corresponding standardized management.

Focus tracks/regions

People who have taken the following means of transportation to and from (returning) to the first time to take the initiative to report the travel history to the community or the residential (village) committee, unit or hotel, and cooperate with the relevant prevention and control work.

Health Tips for Disease Control (February 10, 2022)

Tips on control measures to return to the jun

One-click understanding of risk areas

Health Tips for Disease Control (February 10, 2022)

Expert advice

Recently, he has focused on the epidemic situation in Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, Baise City in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Heihe City in Heilongjiang Province, Hangzhou City in Zhejiang Province, Fengtai District in Beijing, and Hebei District in Tianjin City. Do not travel to high- and medium-risk areas and areas where local outbreaks occur. If you have a recent history of living in an epidemic area, and you receive a reminder text message or health code that changes to a "yellow code", please immediately report your travel history to your village (community), unit or hotel, do nucleic acid testing as required, and cooperate with various epidemic prevention and control measures.

After coming (returning) to Sichuan, all personnel continue to pay attention to the health status, the color of the health code, and whether there are new outbreaks in travel-related areas. If there is fever, dry cough, fatigue, decreased sense of smell (taste), diarrhea, sore throat and other symptoms, please go to the fever clinic in time; if the health code appears red or yellow, or there is an epidemic situation in the relevant areas of travel, it is necessary to immediately report to the village (community), unit or hotel, and cooperate with various prevention and control measures.

When returning to work after the holiday, all kinds of enterprises and institutions should earnestly fulfill their responsibilities for epidemic prevention and control. Continue to check whether the people have a history of residence in medium- and high-risk areas and a history of close contact with those who have tested positive for nucleic acid. Implement prevention and control measures such as temperature measurement, bright codes, and code scanning, strengthen the cleaning and disinfection of public facilities such as elevators and central air conditioners, and strengthen the cleaning and ventilation of public areas such as canteens, conference rooms, and toilets.

In order to facilitate the masses, during the Spring Festival, nucleic acid testing institutions are not closed! Individuals who need to be tested can consult and make an appointment through WeChat and telephone, choose the corresponding institution for testing nearby, or inquire through the "Sichuan Tianfu Health Pass" mini program - popular service - medical and epidemic prevention institutions. Nucleic acid test results can be queried in "Sichuan Tianfu Health Pass" - popular service - nucleic acid and antibody test results.

Public concern

Q Which positions require nucleic acid testing when returning to work? How many times?

Answer high-risk positions: Customs, border inspection, port front-line staff, aviation service personnel, imported cold chain food related staff, centralized isolation sites, medical institution staff and other high-risk positions should provide a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours when returning to work, and then conduct a nucleic acid test within 24 hours after returning to work; if you cannot provide a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours, you need to conduct nucleic acid testing twice in 3 days (24 hours apart) after returning to work.

Key positions: Party and government organ staff, front-line staff of the market supervision system, staff of disease control agencies, employees of agricultural (bazaar) markets and supermarkets (excluding employees of imported cold chain food), employees of takeaway, postal, express delivery and other service industries, domestic transportation industry personnel, grass-roots epidemic prevention and control co-investigators, service personnel of tourist scenic spots and song and dance entertainment and entertainment venues, etc. Should provide a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours If the negative nucleic acid test certificate cannot be provided within 48 hours, a nucleic acid test must be carried out within 24 hours after returning to work.

Returning personnel: If the faculty and students of institutions of higher learning (including vocational and technical colleges), primary and secondary schools, and kindergarten institutions returning to school should provide a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours; if they cannot provide a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours, they need to undergo a nucleic acid test within 24 hours after returning to school.

Others: Advocate for a nucleic acid test for all other returnees.

Q These days are the peak of the return journey, what are the specific regulations for traveling between low-risk areas and epidemic-related areas?

A On February 8, the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council pointed out at a press conference that the current global epidemic situation is still at a high level, and there are still sporadic clusters of epidemics in some parts of the country, and when the peak of the return journey of the Spring Festival is coming, the return trip should still adhere to safety and order, and try to stagger the peak travel.

First, strict restrictions on travel. Where the epidemic occurs, the personnel of counties (cities, districts, banners) where medium and high risk are located strictly restrict travel, and those who perform specific official duties, those who need to travel to ensure production, life and transportation, etc., are approved by the local joint prevention and control mechanism, hold a 48-hour nucleic acid negative certificate, do a good job of personal travel protection, and implement the epidemic prevention and control regulations of the destination.

The second is not to travel unnecessarily. Other non-epidemic county (city, district, flag) personnel in the city where the medium and high-risk areas are located do not have to travel, and those who really need to travel must hold a 48-hour nucleic acid negative certificate, do a good job of personal travel protection, and comply with the epidemic prevention and control regulations at the destination.

Third, it is not necessary to go. Travel to medium- and high-risk areas is strictly restricted, and medium- and high-risk counties (cities, districts, banners) with epidemics do not have to go unless necessary, and those who have arrived must comply with local epidemic prevention and control requirements.

Before returning to the trip, the general public should pay attention to the epidemic prevention and control regulations of the destination, make preparations such as nucleic acid testing in advance, and do a good job of personal protection during the journey. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen personal health monitoring, if there is a fever, cough and other cold symptoms, the return trip or travel plan should be temporarily suspended to avoid aggravation of symptoms caused by travel fatigue, and timely medical treatment, and then arrange travel after recovery.

Risk areas

As of 10:00 a.m. on February 10, there were 58 risk areas in the country. There are 5 high-risk areas and 53 medium-risk areas. See ↓↓↓

Health Tips for Disease Control (February 10, 2022)

Source: CDC of Junlian County