
The Xinle Street community in Yungang District continued to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control

author:Yungang release

In order for the people of the jurisdiction to spend a stable and peaceful Spring Festival, the Xinle Street community in Yulong Street, Yungang District continued to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control during the Spring Festival. On the morning of February 9, Xinle Street community cadres actively carried out grid household visits to publicize the epidemic prevention and control work, and effectively implemented the practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses".

The Xinle Street community in Yungang District continued to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control
The Xinle Street community in Yungang District continued to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control

During the activity, community cadres wore red vests and wore armbands for epidemic prevention and control to patrol key areas and gathering places such as main arterial roads, residential quarters, and shops along the streets in the jurisdiction, while strengthening the patrol of security and personnel in communities with more floating populations and rental houses, reminding residents to always pay attention to self-protection.

The Xinle Street community in Yungang District continued to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control

During the patrol, the community officials found that the three-story water pipe of the 2nd unit of the residential building was broken and leaking, and the residents in the unit building were inconvenient to travel due to the cold weather and the ice of the stairs. The community secretary contacted the unit building chief in time to transfer materials, sprinkle salt to eliminate ice, disinfection and other work, which was unanimously praised by residents.

The Xinle Street community in Yungang District continued to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control

Through this action, the daily travel safety of residents in the jurisdiction was guaranteed and the people in the jurisdiction were more deeply aware of the importance of epidemic prevention and control work, and a strong atmosphere of everyone's participation in safety prevention and control and sharing of the results of prevention and control was created in the jurisdiction.

Author: Zhang Meiyun

Editor: Yang Yiping Chen Mengqi

Review: Liu Lifeng


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