
Dalian Yinglang car purchase discount of 45,000 yuan, welcome to visit and appreciate

author:Dalian HaoboBek

Today to recommend a car to everyone: it is Yinglang, especially suitable for daily use, it is reported: Dalian Haobo store 02 February 10 - 02 10 limited time to give back to users, price reduction of 37.53%, friends interested in Yinglang may wish to experience it in person

Promotional hours

February 10, 2022 - February 10, 2022

Yinglang's latest offer

Models Manufacturer guidance price/subsidy price Preferential margins Dalian quote
Remodeling The exemplary 1.5L Auto Aggressive 119,900 yuan 45,000 yuan 74,900 yuan
Remodeled Model 1.5L Automatic Elite 125,900 yuan 80,900 yuan
Revamped to 1.3T Auto Hybrid Aggressive
Revised 1.3T Auto Hybrid Elite