
How to practice "the first person in the world's difficulty"? Qi Guangpu Yunding's silver picking relies on a heart that is not willing to give up

Written by Zhang Nan and Wang Yefeng

Editor/Li Xu Liang Lina

Visual/Wang Ye Wang Shuai

On the evening of February 10, the beijing 2022 Winter Olympics freestyle ski mixed group event was successfully carried out in Genting.

In the final jump of the second round of the game, Qi Guangpu landed steadily, and the veteran completed the final jump of the game. Walking back to the team, he and his teammates were close together, Xu Mengtao and Jia Zongyang looked at the screen of the arena, at this time they both guessed Qi Guangpu's score in the last jump. At that moment, time seemed to stand still, and the eyes of both of them revealed their desire for the gold medal. And Qi Guangpu, who was on the side, just looked down at something, thoughtfully. The perfect two-round jump, as if in Qi Guangpu's view, the color of the medal seems to be less important, because in this game he has already done what he should do.

How to practice "the first person in the world's difficulty"? Qi Guangpu Yunding's silver picking relies on a heart that is not willing to give up

"Just like the name of the freestyle ski aerial skills project, in the air, I enjoy the freedom brought by churning, and this freedom and excitement will make me love this project forever and work towards my dream of winning the gold medal." This is what Qi Guangpu said in an interview.

How to practice "the first person in the world's difficulty"? Qi Guangpu Yunding's silver picking relies on a heart that is not willing to give up

For more than a decade, Qi Guangpu, the first person in the world difficulty of the freestyle ski aerial skill project, has gathered the world championship, the World Cup champion and other honors, and the "Grand Slam Puzzle" has only one gap, that is, the dream of the winter Olympic gold medal in his mouth. In today's final, Qi Guangpu's two-round performance highlighted the true color of the veteran, although he failed to win the gold medal, but today's final seems to let us re-recognize the thoughtful veteran.

The father is the best teacher of the child, and the child is the best work of the father

"Because I was a firefighter in the first place, I was very physically fit, and I ran around the playground dozens of laps every day without any problems." In 1995, when Qi Guangpu was only 5 years old, I felt that his body was very thin, and I thought of having a strong body for my children when they grew up. I sent him to the Peixian Skill Team at that time to practice his skills with Teacher Liu Dezhen, and then I sent him to the cold northeast with a fierce heart, and we did not expect that Guangpu would practice such a big result today. This is the answer of Qi Guangpu's father when he was mentioned why he sent his children to practice aerial skills projects.

Hearing this, do you think this dad is a little selfish and a little strong. But the biggest beneficiary of this arrangement is Qi Guangpu. In the eyes of Qi Guangpu's father, the strength of his children is their achievement, just like a flower that has been cultivated, blooming gorgeously.

How to practice "the first person in the world's difficulty"? Qi Guangpu Yunding's silver picking relies on a heart that is not willing to give up

Qi Guangpu in training

Of course, under the influence of his son, Qi Juntao can be regarded as an expert in freestyle skiing aerial skills, because he will not miss his son's game, so he can say the name of a well-known freestyle skier, especially how to score the game site very clearly.

Qi Juntao watched the game very carefully, and reminded everyone not to make a sound from time to time, so as not to affect the judgment of the broadcast screen. Qi's father also holds A4 paper in his hand, on which he records the results of each contestant and the difficulty of completing the action.

One does not miss every opportunity to participate in the game, and one who is tired and busy will also take time to watch the game, and a good father and son soldier.

Losing the game made him more and more frustrated and courageous, and he achieved the reputation of the king of difficulty

The training ground is only a small "martial arts training field", if you want to make a breakthrough, you must constantly improve your technology, and you must not be a "frog at the bottom of the well". Therefore, the young Qi Guangpu did not miss any opportunity and participated in many competitions.

"In the summer of 2011, in Canada, the pool competition, the first contact with the PK system format, two or two duels, the winner entered the next round, the action can not be repeated, compared to the last round when there was no action, on the spot to try this difficult action, unfortunately did not succeed, but also missed the opportunity to win the championship." This is how Qi Guangpu felt after the final of the 2011 World Championships. The loss of this competition, Qi Guangpu was not depressed, but saw the future trend through the game, he warned himself that he must be prepared for difficult actions in order to complete a fatal blow in a key game.

How to practice "the first person in the world's difficulty"? Qi Guangpu Yunding's silver picking relies on a heart that is not willing to give up

Qi Guangpu, who challenges difficult moves in the competition

Since then, the three words of high difficulty have been deeply engraved in Qi Guangpu's mind. Starting in the summer of 2012, he officially began practicing this movement.

In the short few seconds of sliding into the sky, it is necessary to churn for three weeks and turn around 5 times, which is a difficult action that can be imagined. "Every link is not easy, first of all, we must do a good job of starting and jumping, and then the connection of air movements cannot be wrong, and the last week must be reserved in advance to land time." Qi Guangpu described the difficult action in his mind in this way.

In March 2013, at the Norwegian Freestyle Ski World Championships, Qi Guangpu finally became the world champion. In the 4-man final, he successfully staged a backward flip three-turn 1800 degrees, with a difficulty coefficient of 5.0, and is currently the world's first difficulty action. After successfully completing the world's highest difficulty move, ice and snow lovers around the world were conquered by his performance, and the media called him the "king of difficulty". Since then, Qi Guangpu has "become more and more courageous in the Vietnam War", repeatedly won gold medals, not only became a rising star of the Chinese team of freestyle skiing aerial skills, but also the speed of growth has also been praised by snow athletes around the world.

Oba in the eyes of Korean athletes

For a time, the king of difficulty, Qi Guangpu, circled countless fans. In China, Oba means handsome brother, in Korean it means "brother", and Oba is an honorific title in Korea, which is also a title for idols. Commonly found in Korean dramas, girls called Oba to boys. But did you know? Many Korean snow athletes idolize Mr. Qi. First of all, Chinese athletes are similar in size to Korean athletes, and the period when the two countries began to challenge the freestyle skiing aerial skills program is close, but the Chinese freestyle skiing aerial skills program has achieved rapid development. Secondly, Qi Guangpu has the courage to choose high difficulty in the freestyle skiing aerial skills competition, so his competition has great ornamentation.

In today's view, the "sky sports" of 5.0 is still the first difficulty of freestyle skiing aerial skills, and it is still one of the most ornamental actions in the freestyle skiing aerial skills competition.

How to practice "the first person in the world's difficulty"? Qi Guangpu Yunding's silver picking relies on a heart that is not willing to give up

But the difference is that in the freestyle skiing aerial skills mixed team final of this Winter Olympics, Qi Guangpu paid more attention to stable play, and the veteran did not choose the difficulty of 5.0. The difficulty factor for the use of actions in both rounds is 4.525. As the finale of the three members of the Chinese team, he withstood the pressure and landed perfectly, helping the Chinese team to get a valuable silver medal.

At this moment, Qi Guangpu does not need regrets, as long as the dream in his heart is still there, he will not give up lightly. As a banner of China's freestyle skiing aerial skills project, the veteran is still firm on the road...

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