
World of Warcraft: Shadowlands version 9.1 is coming soon, so join your buddies in Sylvanas


On July 1st, the new 9.1 version of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, Chain of Dominion, will be released soon. Previously, Blizzard officials have released a lot of forward-looking content, including the unlock schedule of the quest, new achievements and loot, and the new opponents that players will face as the story progresses.

On June 25, game director Ion Hazzikostas accepted a group interview with the domestic game media and shared a lot of information about the new version.

<h3>New plot</h3>

Sylvanas Windwalker has always made players love and hate her. In the new team quest "Sanctuary of Dominion", she will finally confront the player as the final boss, becoming a fierce rival between the player and the warden.

Some players who love Sylvanas fear that she will retire after the boss war, but things don't seem to be that simple. Ion said he couldn't spoil the plot of the battle, but was sure "she wouldn't be defeated so easily." Moreover, players still have a long way to go after defeating Sylvanas, and the Warden will most likely be the final boss of the entire major version.

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands version 9.1 is coming soon, so join your buddies in Sylvanas

Sylvanas will appear as the final boss of the new regiment

In the new version, there will be more plots about Tyrand Voice, who has always hoped to get revenge on Sylvanas, and players will learn more about the power of the Moon and Night God of War.

In addition, many players have speculated that the Queen of Winter and Ellen may be sisters based on the previous story, and in the new version, everyone will get more information about the relationship between the two. The developers confirmed that there must be some kind of connection between them, and they are looking forward to the reaction of the player community after the story is revealed.

After defeating Sylvanas, the player will receive her bow, another piece of legendary equipment. This time, the bow-paired quiver that many hunters miss is about to return, and the appearance will be similar to that of Sylvanas that he usually carries. The developers believe that this bow will satisfy players with both special effects and features.

<h3>New equipment</h3>

Speaking of legendary equipment, there were some orange suits that could be used across versions, but Blizzard was not sure whether the orange suit in version 9.1 could be extended to the next version of the wasteland, "it is too early to discuss this at present." They understand how much the player values the props in the game, and the player wants to use these weapons that have invested a lot of energy as long as possible, but the new upgrades and new content of the props are also worth looking forward to.

World of Warcraft made several changes to the value of the orange suit in version 9.0. Optimizations to weapon balance will continue in the new version. In response to the current situation where some orange outfits are not popular among players, Ion explained that developers hope that different orange outfits can adapt to different situations, such as some may be suitable for PvP, and some may be suitable for a specialized profession. Players have more options, so they go back and collect enough material to make multiple orange suits.

During the version update process, most of the mechanics were well received by players, but some were controversial. For example, in the Public Beta Server (PTR) area, the bomb mechanic of the "Wither" in the quest "Death of the Withers" has been removed, and many players have used them to blow up some of the more difficult mobs on the top level.

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands version 9.1 is coming soon, so join your buddies in Sylvanas

Some players often use the Diamond Wither's explosive feature to help clear some troublesome mobs in "Death of The Wither"

Ion explained that this was to avoid abuse of the mechanics by players. If you don't remove this function of blowing up and blowing up, there may be players who don't need the regular gameplay at all when they play this later, and directly use monsters to blow up bosses, and everyone will be bad if they play like this. In addition, they tweaked boss Haka in the OtherWorld quest. Overall, they tried to adjust the difficulty of the quest from a macro perspective and ensure the player's gaming experience.

The Kersugad special effect two-handed sword is a very special weapon in the 9.1 version, which caused a great response as soon as it was announced. Many players find the design of this sword to devour other weapons on the one hand very cool, and on the other hand, they worry that it will consume too much of the material they have previously stored, especially some precious two-handed weapons.

Ion said that the Kirsugaard special effects two-handed sword is indeed very special, and the designers are very happy when designing it: "This sword is equivalent to having its own thoughts." In the new version, players may encounter weapons that they don't need, and it will be happy to help you swallow them. If you feel that this sword may be a little too strong when you use it, that is the effect we want to show. "The developers want players to get a glimpse of the mad power of the warden through this sword.

<h3>New experience</h3>

In terms of overall gaming experience, version 9.1 is different from before. One of the notable changes is that the version introduces a flight mechanic in advance. Players no longer need to spend too much effort to brush the Fame Level, as long as they complete certain missions and plots to unlock this feature. The developers did this not only because maps like Ravendez had a big difference in height, but also because they got some feedback from the community and decided not to let players play something they didn't want to play in order to unlock the flight.

The catch-up mechanism in Chain of Dominion will also be more perfect, and the developers have accelerated the increase in the reputation of the first 40 levels of the previous version, which is convenient for players with trumpets, players who want to change covenants, or players who have only joined in the new version. At the same time, soul ashes can now be brushed repeatedly when climbing the tower. These measures allow players at different paces to experience the latest content with friends as soon as possible.

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands version 9.1 is coming soon, so join your buddies in Sylvanas

Players will have the opportunity to get more new mounts and appearance rewards

The 9.1 version of Time Travel will also feature out-of-print drawings, including class recipes and illusions, which is great news for players who have missed these things before. Ion also confirmed that more similar out-of-print items will appear in new versions in the future.

Version 9.1 will also add a very long side quest outside the main line, as in the previous version, and after completing the mission, the player will be rewarded with collectibles such as illusion. This type of mission is mostly found in the Covenant in Shadowland. At the same time, the player can also spend hearts in exchange for mounts or illusions. In the future, the developers also hope to redesign some epic mission lines similar to the past to reward players who are very patient and persistent.

All in all, Chain of Dominion will further advance players' adventures in many ways, and the developers sincerely hope that the changes or additions made in the game will bring you a good experience.

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