
just! Liaoning 2022 Erjian Exam Time Officially Determined! The June exam schedule is out

author:Latest information on The Second Level Builder

Liaoning Dalian Human Resources and Social Security Bureau has previously announced that the 2022 second construction examination time is June 11, 12, but the Liaoning Personnel Examination Network did not determine the examination time of the second construction, until yesterday it was officially announced the examination time, in the Liaoning Personnel Examination Network's June examination plan can see the examination arrangements of the second-level construction division, with the small editor to take a look at it!

just! Liaoning 2022 Erjian Exam Time Officially Determined! The June exam schedule is out
just! Liaoning 2022 Erjian Exam Time Officially Determined! The June exam schedule is out

According to the Liaoning 2022 examination work arrangement, we can see the examination time of the second-level construction division, showing that the examination date is June 11 and 12, which is also consistent with the examination time previously announced by Dalian. This also means that the time of the second construction examination in all regions of Liaoning Province is consistent.

Liaoning 2022 Erjian Application Conditions Check whether you are eligible to apply online

(The mini program has been added here, please go to today's headline client to view)

After talking about the examination time of Liaoning, let's take a look at the registration time, Liaoning 2021 Erjian registration time is from March 12 to 23, and this year is expected to start registration at the end of March. Before registering, you also need to find out whether you are eligible to apply, just look at the above picture:

At present, there have been 8 regions to determine the examination time of the second-level construction division, it is expected that the examination time throughout the country is on June 11 and 12, we can reasonably arrange the preparation according to this examination time, Xiaobian has prepared the second construction preparation materials for everyone, and specially made a mind map style for everyone, which is convenient for everyone to study directly:

2022 Second Building Exam Preparation Materials & Mind Map Style

just! Liaoning 2022 Erjian Exam Time Officially Determined! The June exam schedule is out

【Information Description】

High-frequency test center information: a list of key difficulties in each subject

Preparation study plan: Give study plan suggestions according to the difficulties of each subject (including study suggestions for each chapter)

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