
【New Beauty Education】Victory Egg / A special birthday gift

【New Beauty Education】Victory Egg / A special birthday gift

"Winter Olympics Refueling" Baoji Experimental Primary School

Three (1) class Guo Xinyan

Victory's egg


○ Affiliated Experimental School of Donghua University, Shanghai

Class Six (1) Chen Kexin

Eggshells that fell to the ground, egg liquid that came out, refrigerator doors that opened, various spices scattered on the stove, salt, sugar, soy sauce... The hood made a humming noise, the pot was black and dark, and there was a bad smell. Looking at this mess, I sighed deeply.

It all started with me half an hour ago. Today is the weekend, and I suddenly want to make my own scrambled eggs on a whim. Before that, I had never cooked before, but I had only seen my parents cook. Dad asked me, "Scrambled eggs aren't as simple as you think, will you?" I snorted dismissively, "Isn't it just scrambled eggs?" So simple, I can definitely, I want to try it myself! ”

So, I followed the example of my parents, opened the refrigerator door, took out an egg, beat the egg in a bowl, and stirred it well with chopsticks. Watching chopsticks dance in circles in egg liquid, making a rattling rhythmic sound while dancing, it is very fun. I didn't stop until the yolk and egg white were fully fused together. I followed the example of my parents, tiptoed to turn on the hood, unscrewed the gas switch, poured oil into the pot, and when the oil was hot, I poured the egg liquid into it. Haha, I looked at the fluttering eggs and my heart blossomed.

I flipped it twice, the phone rang, and I ran into the living room. Suddenly I heard my dad shouting at me, "Come on, your eggs are burning!" I hurriedly came and suddenly slapped my head: "Oh my God, I took a call and completely forgot about the eggs in the pot!" "The shiny egg liquid before has long disappeared, and the black egg seems to blame me with a straight face." The kitchen was in a mess, and Dad looked at me angrily and amusedly: "Coco, you try again, this time you can't be a little confused!" ”

"Mission accomplished!" I patted my chest and answered confidently. It seems that I am very confident, but in fact, the deer in my heart is already bumping, and my heart is fluttering and jumping, how I hope that this time I can succeed. I followed the previous method, not half-heartedly, but like my parents cooking, I kept turning over the eggs in the scrambled pot. I saw that the egg liquid gradually solidified and became a scrambled egg. The color of the egg is very bright, it is golden and yellow, and people can't help but drool when they look at it.

I added three spoonfuls of salt and a little sugar and couldn't wait to taste it. Oh my God, it's so salty! The eggs were so salty that they were a little bitter and couldn't be eaten. Dad smiled helplessly, "Okay, well, it's just three, you try again." Pay attention to a little salt and sugar, not enough flavor can be added, but do not add a lot of salt at once! ”

I looked at the chaotic battlefield in front of me, my heart was a little panicked, and I silently prayed: This time it must be successful, don't roll over again... I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and kept thinking about the experience of previous failures in my mind, playing it in my mind like a movie. After a while, I calmed down, learned the lessons from before, followed the correct steps, concentrated on each step, and when I finally seasoned, I was extra careful, starting with a little taste to achieve a satisfactory taste.

I put the scrambled eggs on beautiful plates and the whole kitchen was filled with a seductive fragrance. The color of the scrambled eggs is also very full, like gold, and the brilliant yellow is like a fire in summer. Take a bite, Q bounce smooth, delicious fill the entire mouth, silky feeling along the tip of the tongue into the throat, very much under the meal. As I ate the scrambled eggs I made, the little man in my heart became happy, and it seemed that all around me was filled with rainbows, and the sun was shining, and my heart was as sweet as honey.

Although this plate of scrambled eggs has been painstakingly obtained and has experienced repeated defeats, as long as it persists, it will always reach the other side of victory. It was a plate of "winning eggs", and the eggs on the plate seemed to give me a thumbs up, and I believed that I would definitely complete more victorious challenges in the future.

【New Beauty Education】Victory Egg / A special birthday gift

"Welcome to the Winter Olympics" Baoji Experimental Primary School

Three (1) class Li Chenyu

A special birthday gift


○ Xi'an high-tech a small

Class Five (17) Shi Xiaoyang

On my tenth birthday, I got a special gift. For this special birthday gift, Mom and Dad have been preparing for ten years. From the year I was born, my parents would go to the post office every year to buy a copy of the year's stamp book, and then quietly put it in the office to keep it, until the day of my tenth birthday, they handed over ten stamp books to me neatly. Seeing this heavy gift, I also felt the deep love of my parents for me.

I remember the first time I saw the stamps, it was in the display case of Xinhua Bookstore. Mom said that in the past, people used to write letters, write their thoughts into long pieces of paper, paste stamps, throw them into the mailbox, and carry the words they wanted to say to relatives and friends far away. At that time, I didn't understand the meaning of stamps, but I just thought they were green and very interesting.

This time I got ten stamp albums, and my heart was not only surprised, but also more curious. I couldn't wait to open the stamp booklets, and Mom and Dad sat next to me and took me with them to enjoy.

Dad said: "The stamp annual album issued by the state every year will select the best, most beautiful, most representative or commemorative things, and carefully design them to be displayed on the stamps." We started collecting stamps after you were born because we wanted to leave you a souvenir of the changes that have taken place in our country over the years. "Yes, with my father's guidance, I saw the stamps for the 60th anniversary of the peaceful liberation of Tibet in 2011, the 100th anniversary of the founding of Tsinghua University, the stamps for the 30th anniversary of China's polar scientific expedition in 2014, and the commemorative stamps of China's first "Farmers' Harvest Festival" in 2018.

Among them, the most impressive thing for me is the special stamp of "Fighting the Epidemic with One Mind" in 2020, looking at the images of police, doctors, the People's Liberation Army, and volunteers on it, my heart is surging and my thoughts suddenly return to the days when our country fought against the new crown epidemic, which is the most important and unforgettable day I have experienced since I understood things. My mother patted me and continued, "There are some special stamps that show the crystallization of Chinese civilization and the treasures of culture." As she spoke, she pulled out a stamp album and turned a page, which was a special stamp of Chinese ceramics. The book in Dad's hand had a set of special stamps unearthed with jade, a jade bi, a jade piece, exquisitely carved, engraved with incomprehensible hieroglyphs.

Turning to the next page, there are three stamps about the "History of Ru Lin": the big miserly ghost Yan Jiansheng pointed to the oil lamp with two wicks, as if condemning his sons: "That oil lamp has two wicks, go and snuff out one!" ”

I couldn't help but sigh, "This is the best gift I've ever received!" These are the albums that I must keep well. "My mother told me that the next annual stamp album would allow me to buy it myself with pocket money. I nodded solemnly, and I would stick to the habit of collecting stamps. This is not only a cultural inheritance, but also a kind of trust, a kind of love inheritance.

This article is from the A05 edition of Culture and Art Newspaper on February 9, 2022

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【New Beauty Education】Victory Egg / A special birthday gift
【New Beauty Education】Victory Egg / A special birthday gift

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