
Over the Past 40 Years of Reform and Opening Up, what tremendous changes have taken place in the rural areas?

author:Uninhibited photographic memory
Over the Past 40 Years of Reform and Opening Up, what tremendous changes have taken place in the rural areas?

High-speed rail

The Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China is like a spring thunder awakening the land of Shenzhou, and in the more than 40 years of rural reform and opening up, as a person who has personally experienced it, I will talk about the earth-shaking changes that have taken place in the countryside today.

Over the Past 40 Years of Reform and Opening Up, what tremendous changes have taken place in the rural areas?


Popularizing nine-year compulsory education and popularizing cultural knowledge is the best means to improve the quality of the people. For children from rural families with poor economic conditions, reading is the only way to change their destiny. Going to junior high school, high school, and college entrance examination is no longer a distant dream, but a door that can be seen and touched, and compulsory education has allowed countless rural children to "carp jump the dragon gate", jump out of the mountains, march into the city, go abroad, and change their life destiny since then.

Over the Past 40 Years of Reform and Opening Up, what tremendous changes have taken place in the rural areas?


The change in the concept of "if you want to be rich, first build roads". People living in rural areas know that roads are dusty on sunny days and muddy on rainy days. Muddy on rainy days and gray on sunny days. This is an indelible memory in the impression of many rural people. Land contracting solves the problem of food and clothing for farmers and brings benefits. However, many harvests of grain, fruits and agricultural products cannot be shipped out, which not only causes waste, but also causes significant losses to the country. With state support, many rural areas have begun to rebuild roads. "Villages and villages are connected to every household", roads, finances, and people's hearts are connected, and the connection between rural areas and cities is closer. Roads have made rural life change with each passing day, and they have bid farewell to the years when people were carrying horses. Nowadays, cars or electric vehicles have become a necessary means of transportation for people to travel, and the elderly over 70 years old can also take the bus for free.

Over the Past 40 Years of Reform and Opening Up, what tremendous changes have taken place in the rural areas?


Communication has brought great changes to the daily lives of rural people. With a mobile phone in hand, you can shop online, and you can buy train tickets, plane tickets and coach tickets for migrant workers in advance. Learned to pay online, such as buying vegetables, paying utility bills, all through the network. The mythical legends of "clairvoyance" and "tailwind ears" have now become a reality, and the era when communication was basically based on roaring is gone.

Over the Past 40 Years of Reform and Opening Up, what tremendous changes have taken place in the rural areas?

Farmhouse Bookstore

The toilet revolution has changed the appearance of the village. "One pit and two boards", people living in the countryside will never forget. Most rural areas can be described by the three words "dirty and messy". Chickens and ducks are free-range, pig and sheep manure is everywhere, and the smell is stinky. Excreta is a serious water source, causing many diseases such as the intestine. In 2017, China's "toilet revolution" to solve the problem of rural governance, the rural areas fully implemented toilet transformation, and environmental remediation, the river channel is spacious, and the water is cleaner. With the in-depth promotion of rural revitalization, the improvement of rural human settlement environment has achieved remarkable results, and the level of village appearance has been effectively improved. At present, some villages have also built small parks, installed fitness equipment, and some village houses are uniform. Running water has also been installed in the countryside, and there are special cleaning and sanitation personnel in the village to clean up garbage.

Over the Past 40 Years of Reform and Opening Up, what tremendous changes have taken place in the rural areas?

Fitness dancing

The public security situation has improved significantly, and a new wind of civilization has blown into thousands of households. In the past, vicious habits such as fighting, gathering crowds to gamble, stealing chickens and dogs, feudal superstitions, and so on were not uncommon. Now with the progress of social civilization and a series of policy publicity, sending warmth and love, healthy free clinics, sending dramas to the countryside, caring for the vulnerable masses and other volunteer service activities, the previous bad habits have been greatly improved. Some villages have set up rural bookstores and set up cultural dance teams, where farmers can read books and dance at night, and people's cultural and entertainment life is more healthy and positive. The new wind of rural civilization has blown into every household, and the new countryside full of vitality, harmony and order has been renewed.

Over the Past 40 Years of Reform and Opening Up, what tremendous changes have taken place in the rural areas?

Send the drama to the countryside

In the past, in the countryside, I often heard people say that traffic basically relies on walking, communication basically relies on roaring, public security basically relies on dogs, heating basically relies on trembling, and entertainment basically does not have.

Over the Past 40 Years of Reform and Opening Up, what tremendous changes have taken place in the rural areas?

Socialist core values

In general, over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, the rural areas have been constantly making progress and developing. Whether it is the economy, ideology, environment, and civilization, it has been greatly improved. With the further implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, we believe that the rural environment will be more beautiful, life will be richer, and the society will be more civilized.

Over the Past 40 Years of Reform and Opening Up, what tremendous changes have taken place in the rural areas?

Rural scenes in the 70s and 80s

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