
A tear in Yi Qianxi's water gate bridge

author:Passers-by are known to be passers-by

This tear of Yi Qianxi witnessed his common growth with Wu Wanli, "Brother, do you know what is particularly good?" Wu Wanli's teardrops were on the tears of many people, and director Cheng Kaige and Wu Jing watched Qianxi's crying scene in front of the monitor. At this time, Qianxi had fully entered the role of Wu Wanli, the emotions in his heart burst out in an instant, his cheeks were still hanging with tear marks, and Wu Jing's emotions also fluctuated with his brother!

A tear in Yi Qianxi's water gate bridge

Qianxi's acting skills are really getting better and better, I, as his fans, have a very good feeling for him, humble and hardworking, self-motivated and down-to-earth, every one of his movies has been watched, Chosin Lake and Shuimen Bridge have taken their families to see, they all praise her for acting well, to be honest, crying drama is really easy to make people empathize, there is no frozen hero, there is no hero who can't die, only the glory of the soldier.

A tear in Yi Qianxi's water gate bridge

Wanli really grew up, know what is particularly good, especially good, is a thousand miles of special special thinking of you, Qianxi's brother's acting skills are indeed very good, so many years of visible continuous progress, many friends said that he is willing to go to see the movie, the boy cheers. What is a child really acting? Let people forget that he is Yi Qianxi, only remember every outstanding role.

A tear in Yi Qianxi's water gate bridge

Seven consecutive should be to 157 people to 1 person, this sentence to see how many big masters cry, crying is not OK, such a movie is too praised, I hope your acting skills are getting better and better, not arrogant, brave to face various challenges. I think it was particularly good that when the Seventh Company was the only one left, he saw that the bridge repair materials transported from Tokyo were that kind of desperate look, the Ninth Company and the Seventh Company had paid so much, and it took their efforts and lives to blow up the bridge, and they repaired it effortlessly, and that place was particularly touching.

A tear in Yi Qianxi's water gate bridge

Qianxi really grew up a lot in this movie, the sense of substitution really killed me, remember the three years when I was frozen into an ice sculpture? Really very good, there is a miracle of injuries in the glass there, instantly red eyes, but also let me break the defense, from the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, to a warrior who has experienced the real battlefield, feel that Qianxi's acting skills are fantastic, see the last reported there, The thin figure of Xizi, the entire seven companies left him alone, revealing his true feelings!

A tear in Yi Qianxi's water gate bridge

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