
Magician Reborn! Cool Bird returned to the Premier League on loan to create 4 goals in 3 games, and Barca demanded a 40 million buyout fee

Barcelona, the super user of the Catalan Anti-Fraud Center APP, has recently been deceived again. In the 24th round of the Premier League against Leeds United in the 24th round of the Premier League, Barca loan midfielder Coutinho once again saved the team, contributing 1 goal and two assists in a single game to help the team win a key point, returning to 3 games has directly created 5 goals.

Magician Reborn! Cool Bird returned to the Premier League on loan to create 4 goals in 3 games, and Barca demanded a 40 million buyout fee

Just when we thought that Barcelona's historical champion was lost in camp Nou, his former friend Gerald extended an olive branch to Coutinho, inviting the Brazilian magician who had created countless classics in the Premier League to come to the technical poverty alleviation team, although it was only a loan + buyout to join, but the former Premier League superstar finally found himself on the stage he was most familiar with.

Magician Reborn! Cool Bird returned to the Premier League on loan to create 4 goals in 3 games, and Barca demanded a 40 million buyout fee

In the early hours of the morning match against Leeds United, Coutinho, who started the game, contributed 1 goal and 2 assists to help the team build a lead and was able to save a crucial point. Counting the goal Coutinho scored off the bench in his previous loan debut, Coutinho Aston Villa has directly created four goals in three games of his career, scoring 2 goals and giving 2 assists.

Magician Reborn! Cool Bird returned to the Premier League on loan to create 4 goals in 3 games, and Barca demanded a 40 million buyout fee

Why is Barcelona cheated again? Because during the Barcelona period, Coutinho was lost in his own world for a long time, and did not come up with his best level, and the players themselves were difficult to adapt to the rhythm of La Liga, and the most direct display was the personal data of the players. However, in addition to being lost, Coutinho spent the rest of his time in the injury squad, leaving Barcelona helpless.

Magician Reborn! Cool Bird returned to the Premier League on loan to create 4 goals in 3 games, and Barca demanded a 40 million buyout fee

It is worth mentioning that four goals in 3 games at Aston Villa have been more goals than Coutinho Barca have scored in the last 25 games of his career. In his most recent 25 appearances for Barcelona, Coutinho has scored just three goals, which is not enough for him, who is worth 135 million euros.

However, judging from the data of recent games and the state of the players, the little magician of Brazil seems to have regained his former self and officially completed his rebirth in the Premier League. However, it is not easy for Aston Villa to keep this talented player, because when the two sides negotiated the loan contract, Barcelona added a 40 million euros buyout clause, and perhaps in their hearts, they also firmly believe that Coutinho, who has created countless miracles in the Premier League, is still strong, just waiting to be reborn.

Magician Reborn! Cool Bird returned to the Premier League on loan to create 4 goals in 3 games, and Barca demanded a 40 million buyout fee

If this kind of play continues, it is also very likely that Gerrard will officially buy out Coutinho at the end of the season, after all, 40 million euros is not a fatal expense for the Premier League team.

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