
Once again, the PS5 controller adds a lot of color to the Uncharted 4 collection

author:You Research Club
Once again, the PS5 controller adds a lot of color to the Uncharted 4 collection

On the eve of the Lunar New Year, the Uncharted SeaStolen Heritage Collection was registered on the PS5 platform. It is a collection version of Uncharted 4 Andromeda lost, optimized and upgraded for the hardware performance of the PS5, and enhanced the game loading speed and graphics.

I spent about twenty hours on the Shenhai Collection during the Spring Festival holiday, before which I had only cleared "Uncharted 2", and for various reasons I had not played the sequel, which coincided with the decision to take the opportunity to open it up when the remake was released.

In terms of actual play experience, PS5 Enhanced Edition does give Shenhai the experience of next-generation games. Combined with The DualSense's unique precision grip vibration, it makes shooting and climbing even more fun. What is even more surprising to me is that even in 2022, shenhai 4 can still feel the technical power and scripting volume, and the smooth performance and narrative experience it can provide is still very rare in today's game market.

Once again, the PS5 controller adds a lot of color to the Uncharted 4 collection

Uncharted Legacy collection received an average media score of 88 points, but it has not been recognized by players since the news of the game's login to PS5. In terms of content, although the Shenhai Collection is a collection of two versions, it not only has no original multiplayer mode, but also has no other content increment, but the price has reached 398 Hong Kong dollars, which is similar to the price of the new game, and it is difficult for players to buy it.

Although players can upgrade the original game to PS5 Plus by paying $10 (HK$80), it is not applicable to Shenhai, which is claimed through PS+ members. That said, only for those who own Uncharted 4 Thieves End or Uncharted Lost Legacy, the enhanced $10 can be considered worth spending on one more game.

Once again, the PS5 controller adds a lot of color to the Uncharted 4 collection

If you can accept its price, or if you just haven't tried it yet like me, I'll share with you what new experiences it will have on the PS5.

For the PS5 version of the game, how the DualSense controller fits determines the upper limit of the game's immersion, which is also reflected in the Shenhai Collection. DualSense features can be based on the game content, such as shooting arrows, to give more accurate vibration feedback and feel improvement, in the Shenhai gun battle, the left trigger will add a thick layer of damping, the right trigger will give a strong sense of feel feedback when shooting bullets. Different guns, damping and paragraph feel are different, and the recoil after each shot will also be different.

This is what most players can feel as soon as they get started, and it is also the most obvious improvement in the immersion of the game, the hand is no longer a light and fluttering gun, and the weight and feel of the gun will be more subtly restored to the player's hands.

Once again, the PS5 controller adds a lot of color to the Uncharted 4 collection

In addition to the shootout, the game also made vibration feedback in other places that were less easy to find, making the climbing parkour part of the game also three-dimensional. In addition to the vibration of big actions such as jumping and climbing, Drake's suspension on the rope and rocking back and forth to the wall will also make a slight vibration feedback in the specific direction of the handle, and when the player hangs on the wall and the left and right hands alternately climb laterally, the different positions in the center of the handle will also alternately send a slight vibration.

Once again, the PS5 controller adds a lot of color to the Uncharted 4 collection

Players who have played Shenhai 4 should remember that there is a very wonderful driving bridge in the middle and back part of the game, Drake took his wife on the gravel road to the top of the mountain new Devon, after a bumpy road, finally drove on this flat and pleasant road, the game sound effects are all hidden, leaving only the melodious background music. The essence is that after dozens of hours of vibration, the controller removes the vibration feedback along with the game sound effects at this time, but the beauty of "silence is better than sound" is particularly obvious.

Once again, the PS5 controller adds a lot of color to the Uncharted 4 collection

But in other ways, the optimization of the PS5 collection is not obvious, but relies on the function to "plainly" increase the resolution and frame count. Shumao Society has released PS4, PS4 pro and PS5 version of the screen comparison, it is difficult to see what is the difference between the picture and the original in the video, in the actual experience is the same, even after the update, the game still failed to support 4K under 60 frames, some pity. Fortunately, Shenhai 4 was already a highly technical product at that time, and the game screen at that time would not feel outdated even if it was played now.

The game's screen performance will be limited by peripherals, and the player's experience will vary from person to person, but with the blessing of PS5 performance, the loading speed of the game is greatly shortened compared to the PS4 version, which is still relatively easy to feel. The interval between each death re-read is only two or three seconds, which is about double the speed, followed by a good compression of the game size, in the original PS4 version, the size of the collection is 104GB, PS4 Pro 107GB, after PS5 optimization, this time only occupies 68GB of hard disk capacity, the game file is reduced by 40%.

As Sony's first-party work, Naughty Dog has always been saddled with the responsibility of "showing function". As early as the "Uncharted Sea 2" period, shangri-La was used to squeeze out the function of the PS3, and in 2016, Shenhai 4 was even more prominent in terms of graphics expression and picture accuracy to let players first explore the situation of the next generation of that year, known as the details of the devil. This kind of detail is still outdated in 2022, just a little less amazing. And its script performance is still ahead of its time, after so many years, only naughty dogs can beat naughty dogs.

In short, if you've already mastered Shenhai and experienced its wonderful camera language and excellent rhythm control, then the PS5 Enhanced Edition will not bring you too much extra fun. But if you haven't played Shenhai 4 yet, or are waiting for an opportunity to keep playing, then try the PS5 collection now, you will still get a good gaming experience.

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