
Card Note Writing: Teaches you how to turn ideas into talents

author:YangZi de Small Book House

For a learner and reader, you are not as profound as the following experiences:

Read a book, draw lines and circles in important places on the book, mark them with five-color pens, and write your experience in the blanks. As a result, after a while, the marked places were completely uncollected and forgotten, as if they had not read a book.

Even if you make a lecture note, carefully write it in the book, except for the review before the exam, after the exam, you don't remember anything, and all the lessons are returned to the teacher.

After reading a lot of writing tools and reporting a lot of writing courses, it is difficult to start completing various news information, work summaries, work reports, and papers, and it is difficult to drag on for a day.

When I really couldn't drag it out, when I decided to start writing, I was still at a loss and didn't know where to start.

So, how to take notes to remember and not forget? What are some ways to improve learning efficiency? Is there any way to improve your writing skills so that you are no longer afraid of writing in a variety of genres?

Today, I will recommend a method to you: card note writing, which is actually the title of this book. Why is the book Card Note Writing: How to Get From Reading to Writing highly recommended? Because after reading this book, it not only helps to enhance memory and learn not to forget, but also provides writing materials and inspiration to solve the problem of having nothing to write.

Card Note Writing: Teaches you how to turn ideas into talents

I had two copies of this book, bought one myself, and the publisher gave me one. When you look at it for the first time, the content will be a little difficult to understand, but when you read it two or three times again, and practice it, you will find it really useful, because it helps you solve a lot of difficulties in reading and writing.

I put these two books on my desk and at the head of the bed, and when I have time, I pick them up and look them up. Over time, the relationship between learning input and output has been reshaped with the learning method in the book.

The author of the book is Schenck Ahrens, a lecturer in the philosophy of education at the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany, who teaches students, scholars and professionals how to manage time, decision-making and personal growth, and who is also a long-time practitioner of the card box notes mentioned in the book.

The book is primarily a book written around the Luman card box. Luhmann was the most important German sociologist of the 20th century. Known for his academic prowess, Luhmann published 58 books and hundreds of articles (excluding translations) during his more than 30 years in the industry, many of which have become classics in the field.

Seeing this, you might think that Luhmann was a natural genius. In fact, luman was an ordinary person like us in the beginning. He started out as a civil servant and did the same nine-to-five work as we did. I like to read books after work, and when I take notes, I like to write notes in the blank space. But one day, he found that there was no point in taking notes like this.

So he wrote the notes on cardboard, numbered them, and put them all in a box. When he took out the notes again, he found that the seemingly unrelated notes were no longer independent individuals, and there was some connection between them. This connection is like a web that is independent and interdependent. Since then, he has embarked on the path of storing his notes in a card box, and his note box, as if by magic, has given him a steady stream of inspiration.

Luhmann left home halfway through, completed his doctoral dissertation in sociology in less than a year, and went from an ordinary civil servant to a professor at a German university, all thanks to a card note box.

Master the method, and you can also have a box with a magic cast.

1. What are Luhmann Card Box Notes?

Luhmann subdivides into four types of notes:

Flash notes: When you're chatting, watching a movie, doing housework, going to the supermarket... Any time, anytime, anywhere, you can quickly record the touching content you see, or the thoughts that suddenly appear in your mind. In notebooks, on mobile phones, or even on toilet paper, there is no limit to the content, format, or word count.

Literature Notes: As you read, write down what you think is important or you don't want to forget. Don't just copy, but understand it in your own language, a short and concise summary.

Permanent Notes: Study and think about flash notes and permanent notes to see if new ideas can be generated, and then illustrate the point in your own words, or cite famous sentences or examples. It should be noted that permanent notes should not be recorded with rough saliva words, but should be carefully written to ensure that they can be read at a glance at any time period.

Project notes: They are only related to a specific project, can be pictures, videos, news, etc., saved in a specific project folder. When the project is complete, it can be discarded or archived.

Card Note Writing: Teaches you how to turn ideas into talents

Here's an example: Some time ago, a Peking University professor complained about the video of his daughter tutoring homework on the Internet. The professor at Peking University said that he and his lover are both highly educated, and he has always felt that studying is a very easy thing. However, her daughter's study is not satisfactory, and there is still a big gap between her and the penultimate place in the class. This made the professor at Peking University very angry, and whenever he tutored his daughter with homework, he always couldn't help but get angry.

After this video, the comments that netizens leave the most messages are: no tutoring homework, fatherly and filial piety; tutoring homework, chicken flying dog jumping.

When we see this video, writing it down in language is a flash note; the idea that arises from seeing this video is a permanent note.

Such as: Why can't children learn? What is the reason why you can't learn? Is it a lack of interest or simply incomprehension? Are there any good ways to help children improve their interest in learning? These ideas are permanent notes, and the purpose of taking permanent notes is mainly to derive ideas, arguments, and discussions.

The trick with Luhmann's notes was that instead of organizing his notes by theme, he put numbers on them, which had no meaning, just a sign. For example, if a note is numbered 20, if a comment, correction or addition is added, the new note can be numbered 21, or 20A. We can also combine numbers and letters, or even add some symbols, depending on our preferences.

With numbering, they are no longer individual notes, but a complex network of ideas. When countless notes meet together, they become a vast network of thoughts. These networks are the source of new ideas and insights. And these new ideas and insights are the basis for an ordinary person to turn into a genius. And this provides the material for writing, making his writing look "effortless".

2. How to really apply the Luman card note-taking method to learning and writing

The book makes the idea that card box notes can continuously spark new ideas and help build a body of knowledge on topics.

01 Break with traditional thinking: Writing is a multi-tasking cyclical process, not a linear process that starts with a blank piece of paper.

Remember when you were a child, writing essays was like this: after choosing a theme, making an outline, then looking for materials, and finally starting to write. But because I usually read less books, I didn't pay attention to observing life, didn't record, didn't reflect, so every time I came to writing, I felt that my mind was empty, and there was nothing to write.

Most students are usually not prepared, and temporarily have to complete an essay in a limited time, of course, they can only use a linear way: plan, set the theme, outline the idea, read the literature to find materials and write.

Breaking the traditional thinking is that writing is a cyclical process composed of multiple links, not a linear process from a blank piece of paper to a final draft.

The authors say: No one writes completely from scratch. What can we write? What are you interested in? They are all based on our past knowledge reserves and experience accumulation, based on the problems found in past study and work, and form certain ideas and opinions.

In order to verify the point of view, go to the data, carry out research, generate new ideas in the process of research, change ideas, and do further study and exploration. Record the process of reading, understanding, thinking, and generating ideas, make notes, organize your notes, write articles to explain your point of view, and publish them publicly for everyone to communicate. That's the whole process of doing research.

Similarly, when we write a thesis, our traditional thinking is to first find the topic, then find the information, and then organize, conceive, and write. However, when I finished looking for information to write, I found that the information I was looking for deviated from the topic I wanted to write.

Breaking the traditional thinking is to collect information and finally write according to the data. When collecting information, we collect information of interest as much as possible, and when the amount of information reaches a certain amount, new arguments will be derived from this information. In this way, when writing a paper, there will be no problem of not knowing what to write and not being able to write.

You can compare it with the process of your actual learning and writing to see what the main reason why you have nothing to write.

Card Note Writing: Teaches you how to turn ideas into talents

Is it reading less and watching too many plays? Or do you read the book and understand it half-heartedly, only know the literal meaning, and don't explore the principle behind it? Or do you just read as a pastime and laugh at it? Have you documented the thought process and sorted it out in a timely manner?

Many students may have missing in all aspects of learning, and the Luman card box can help us start from taking notes and drive the whole process of learning.

After reading, write notes on the cards, trigger us to think, summarize and summarize the views of the reading text, and then dock with the existing notes, find out the similarities and differences between the related notes, trigger a new round of thinking and learning, and constantly cycle, the more card notes accumulated, the more ideas and materials generated, providing a steady stream of nutrients for writing.

For example, the following writer, she usually reads and notes like this:

Card Note Writing: Teaches you how to turn ideas into talents

She saw "The Courage to Be Hated" talk about dealing with relationship troubles and argued that "we don't live to meet the expectations of others." Seeing this, she thought of the topic "self" that she was recently studying, and wrote down this note:

"To establish self-awareness, we must first respect our own feelings, make decisions autonomously, and not be affected by the evaluation of others. See Courage to Be Hated".

From "respecting your feelings", she also thought of the topic of "emotional management", how can we increase happiness? What should I do when I have negative emotions?

In "The Elephant and the Elephant Rider", it is said that we should let go of the judgment of right and wrong, and not be so attached to the unhappiness of life. She wrote down this note: "Don't think about others, all right and wrong judgments are because of different perspectives." See Elephants and Elephant Riders".

Next, write down a second related note, answering "Why?" "When reading like this, being a thoughtful person, associating the ideas in the book with the topics that interest you, will trigger a series of ideas, do in-depth exploration, the topics and materials are constantly accumulated, and you will worry that there is nothing to write?

02 Use card box notes for information processing, and establish a learning detection and feedback system

In the field of memory research, there is a theory of processing level. The simpler the process of writing information to the brain, and the less effort is made in processing information, the more difficult it is to extract the information, and the less likely it is to recall. Conversely, the more homework you do when the information is written, the greater the effort, the easier it is to extract it, and the smoother the recall.

If we want to improve the memory of learning materials, we can't only process the materials superficially when learning, read repeatedly, draw lines, mark key words, and write a few sentences of experience.

It is necessary to work harder, do deep processing of the material, understand the connotation and structure of the article, summarize and summarize in your own words, explain the causes and consequences clearly, and think about its application in other scenarios.

Card Note Writing: Teaches you how to turn ideas into talents

The early study of the learning material is thorough, and the association with other knowledge is established from multiple angles, so that the "detailed explanation" mentioned in the book will hardly be forgotten, and once triggered by the correct clue, it can be steadily extracted.

We can use the card note method for information processing and establish a learning detection and feedback system. Two methods of measuring the effects of memory are mentioned: storage intensity and extraction intensity.

Traditional note-taking methods, such as underlining important words and sentences, repeating reading and memorizing, silently writing excerpts, etc., similar to our understanding of "rote memorization", are to strengthen the storage strength of information, and carve the material into the brain through multiple repetitions. This type of learning strategy ignores the connection between information, memorizes in isolation, has an impression at the time, and then forgets it later, and the memory effect is poor.

Just like before the exam, we will memorize a lot of the key points that the teacher has drawn for us and the notes we have taken, and when the exam is over, we will not be able to remember anything. In fact, this is also to cope with the short-term memory of the exam. Therefore, the temporary holding of the Buddha's feet and the surprise memory before the exam are very poor. Because there is no understanding, the date is swallowed.

Contrary to the traditional note-taking method, which focuses on "storage strength", card box notes focus on the "extraction strength" of information, because the meaning of learning is not simply to memorize, but to establish meaningful connections between information.

When we need to find a memory in the brain, the first thing to do is to extract the clues, that is, the stimuli that can be used when searching for a particular memory.

For example, when you can't find something, recall where it was last seen; think about the fixed position of such a thing.

The clues we can use to recall information in our learning are context, background knowledge, relevant cases and ideas.

The notes in Luhmann's card box are interconnected clues, and seeing the notes on a card can recall other notes on the same topic, and the card box notes constitute an interconnected knowledge network.

Again, the beneficiary of the card notes below, she did just that:

When she saw the card: "Thinking about yourself: taking the general rules of society to restrain yourself." See "The Great Me", and think of another card that introduces the term for this act: "Introspection - kidnapped by social rules, doing things against the heart, unhappy." See Intrinsic Motivation".

The card reads: "The thoughts in relationships: it's all your fault, you shouldn't do this to me." See "The Amazing Me", to change this mode of thinking, look at the adjacent card: "Subject separation: do what you can control, do not interfere in the affairs of others, do not evaluate others." See Courage to Be Hated".

As your cards accumulate, the network of knowledge continues to expand, and the richer the associations, the more insights are generated. In this way, the knowledge is connected, examined from multiple angles, and the understanding is more profound, of course, it is well remembered and not easy to forget. This is the power of the Luhmann card box system.

The detection of learning effect is to see the speed and quality of extracted information, and to see whether more related information and views can be elaborated around a certain knowledge point.

In the Luhmann card box system, learners express what they read in their own language, write it on the card, which is a deep processing of the material and can detect what we have learned. Because only when you understand, can you not read the book and state the original point of view in your own words. If you don't understand, you can't say it clearly.

Card Note Writing: Teaches you how to turn ideas into talents

In class, if the teacher reads the script, as a student, he is not interested and cannot listen, then he has not learned the knowledge. And if the teacher can expound the ideas in the book in his own language and assist with relevant cases and opinions, the students will admire the teacher and concentrate on the class.

Therefore, only by extracting information from the brain and writing it down, we know what we have learned and learned not. In the storage and extraction of information in both the two links are in place, back and forth, the knowledge is firmly locked, rooted in the brain.

3. How to write an article with a card box?

The book "Card Note Writing Method" shows how to write a paper in a card box, the process is as follows.

(1) Read and write flash notes/literature notes

(2) Organize the notes of (1) into permanent notes

(3) Archive permanent notes to the card box, find relationships, and add link numbers

(4) Develop the theme from the bottom up to see where an idea group/note chain has been formed

(5) Save enough ideas to determine a topic

(6) Turn notes into first drafts

(7) Edit and proofread the manuscript

"Your topic is based on the material you have, not on the unknown ideas that the literature you are about to read may have to offer."

Luhmann said: "If you don't write, you can't think." "Ideas that are not written out are actually wasted talents." A good writing process will produce a multiplier effect with half the effort. The "Card Note Writing Method" has given a concise enough writing process, if you are still worried about reading and writing, you can try the card note writing method. Learn the card note writing method and obtain cognitive compound interest for lifelong growth.

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